Best distortion pedals for synthesizers

Anyone used the Old Blood Noise Endeavors Fault in this capacity? I like the look of the eq possibilities.

Similarly, anyone know if the Civilian Issue version of the Geiger Counter compares well to the classic version?

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I got one of these when they first came out and itā€™s awesome, few months ago I plugged into the DT for a laughā€¦ itā€™s sounded absolutely bonkers

Also Skinny Puppy approved :metal:

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I tried to search here on the forum but canā€™t really find. Maybe using the wrong terms. Do people here use DI boxes for fx pedals like fuzz/drive? Or are they called re-amp boxes? Or just straight in from synth / mixer send to pedal?

Depends on the pedal really.

Iā€™ve had some that take a line level signal no problem and others that worked if you just turn your gear down but I have had a couple that needed a reamp box. I think fuzz pedals are particularly fussy with line level signals.

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Funnily itā€™s fuzz that - purely as a sound I know from guitar / bass guitar - interests me most. I see that searching ā€œReampā€ instead of ā€œDIā€ already gives me better results here on the forum, so Iā€™m gonna look into it :ok_hand:

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I use a Palmer Daccappo for my reamp, works a treat.

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Iā€™ll chuck a couple companies up that Def deserve a mention, all of their work is gnarly and will fuck your shit up

Colossus audio:

Animal factory Amps:


Was the one I seemed to have landed on too; good to get confirmed. Ta

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  • Nobels Overdrive Special (1990s, that one with the EQ, ODR-S, - just realized they have become insanely expensive lately, I mean, it is really good - but 500 to 800? I donā€™t know. Will keep mine despite)
  • Boss Blues Driver

How come nobody is taking about analog heat in this thread?
(Sorry for being a dist-n00b)

not really a pedal, but whatever.

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I use this. Rather pricey but worth every penny for me.

I donā€™t think anyone has mentioned Boss SD-1 yet so Iā€™ll throw that in. I have the Waza version and the custom settingā€™s fuller range is quite welcome.


At that price range, thereā€™s also the Eventide MixingLink.

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Iā€™ve got a pair of these in 500 series, and they get used on every mix. Being able to integrate stomp boxes into the mixer is soooo useful, especially with the wet/dry blend

I really love amp in a box type pedals for distortion. Iā€™ve got the Ground Fx Burning Sunn, Kuro T120, Orange Bass Butler and Catalinbread SFT. Otherwise I have the trifecta of classic drives (rat clone with extras from Ground FX, tube screamer clone from JHS, big box EHX big muff)

I would recommend a EHX POG or HOG before your distortion pedal(s). It makes things absolutely colossal. I once (as a guitarist) got a round of applause from the other bands during sound check just for my ridiculous wall of sound of a HOG into an English Muffinā€™ (which isnā€™t even that distorted)


Well la de da.


Ah, pitch/harmonising pedals: making me sound half-decent/experimental despite being a horrible guitar player.

Quite like the look of that wee range of EHX pedals with tubes: English Muffā€™n, Tube Zipper, Black Finger etc

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Iā€™ve put line level through guitar stomp boxes a bunch of times. I just lower the level of the synthā€¦ All this reamp talk is making me wonder if Iā€™m risking ruining the pedal. Could it damage it, or is it a sound quality thing?

Also, Iā€™m a big fan of pedals that let you specify line level, like Meris, for example.