Best Elektron to pair with AR

Looking at all these offers, I am tempted to buy my 2nd Elektron gear. Even though I am very new to Elektron, I am loving it so much that I want to invest (both money and time) more in the ecosystem. What in your opinion would pair well with Analog RYTM.



Its siblings , the Analog 4 (same form factor) or the Digitone or the Syntakt. I would go for a Synth.


If you like playing with the dual vcos on the Rytm, then you’ll like the A4. It’s a satisfying pair for me.


Something melodic like MnM, A4, DN, or Cycles. Not ST unless the Cycles turns you off, since you already have the drum section. OT could be an interesting choice if you want to work with a lot of long samples or stems as texture behind your AR beats, or if you’re not melodically inclined.


it depends on what sound you like. if you like the thin harsh digital sound, then digitone. If you prefer a warm analog sound, then A4.

it’s best to wait until the end of the year, maybe there will be another surprise. who knows.


The A4 has cv outs and the AR has cv ins so in that sense it’s a great combo.
I think the OT is the most versatile and awesome pair for any Elektron device really.


While digitone is capable of this it is absolutely not limited to it. It is extremely versatile and very capable of “warm” as well. It would be at or near the top of my list to pair with AR.

Any of the Elektron boxes will pair well with AR. Choose the one that appeals to you most.


Thanks for quick replies ya’ll! I am convinced of buying a synth instrument.
Quick question on that- How would you rate the synthesis capabilities and ease of sound design on Syntakt Vs. Digitone Vs. A4. My main use would be to produce Progressive/ Melodic House music (and offcourse play the f’ around :smile:)Again, please pardon me if I am asking any dumb questions here.

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DN and A4 are both great synths. A4 is deeper IMO but takes a bit of work (at least it did for me) to get something incredible out from it, and the DN is just brilliant, fun, immediate and sounds awesome, but I’d say it’s more limited in some areas.

Price aside I’d choose the A4 any day, especially if I’d have the AR.


A4 for sure. Octatrack if you want to use samples.


oh, elektron is just so beautiful. Actually, all of the devices are great. this sequencer and all the possibilities of making it just a dream instrument.

but i personally prefer the rytm and the four together and of course with other analogue gear. At some point I said to myself never to buy a digital synthesizer again, you can do that in the box too. where the iridium would be a wish.

I used to have the digitone, but somehow I didn’t like the sound with the analogue ones anymore. but the drums from the digitone without the analog together are really nice. often thought about doing a drum track with only the digitone, they sound really strong out of the machine. but strangely then not together with the analog.

I think the digitone fits together really well with the syntakt. and since i have the rytm and the four, i personally know that this is a dream duo.

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Def recommend OT


From easiest to hardest :

  • Syntakt
  • Digitone
  • A4

Invert the list for synthesis capabilities.


Analog 4 pairs well with the Rytm.

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Yeah I wouldn’t DN’s sound as digital and harsh. To my ear it is smooth, airy, and crystalline. Cycles (my favorite Elektron ever) takes the prize for going easily into digital and harsh.

I wouldn’t describe A4’s sound as warm either. It runs the gamut - it’s sweet and versatile. AR, OTOH, is definitely warm (and rough) in its character.

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If I was looking for something to pair with the AR, another elektron wouldn’t be my first choice I think. The AR has all of the elektron sequencer goodness you can get, and drums, mono samples and monosynths for days. I’d pair it with a good poly and maybe a sp404 for more fx and stereo samples.

If I had to pair it with another elektron, I’d choose the OT I guess.

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The answer is always the OT :star_struck:


I consider the A4 and DN in their own category of more “synth focused” than the rest of their lineup that is more “drum machine focused”. They have polyphony and chord features that the others don’t. Might be critical to your Melodic House endeavors, might not. The chord machine on ST can help fill the polyphony gap and works well for House IMO.


If you like darker house music, A4 is great. I think they sound great together, they exist in a similar sonic field imo.

DN sounds great, and you’ll have an easier time making it sound like an A4 than the other way around. I found it a bit hard to tame, but it was my first synth which I’ve traded for an A4, so that might be unfounded.

I felt it was difficult to create and understand synthesis on the DN, FM can be hard for a first synth even though the DN is simplified.

In the long run, what makes me decide on whether to keep something is if I can create my own sounds on it. With the A4, I can sit down, take some time to sound design and come up with something that often sounds good, I’ll save and use later. With DN I didn’t, but again it’s very subjective. But I think most will agree subtractive is easier to wrap your head around for a first synth.

OT is my next endeavor so you’ll have to listen to others, though I feel I can come pretty far sampling wise with an AR. Whatever you choose, if you buy it 2nd hand you won’t loose out if you decide to switch.

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I prefer the Analog Four.

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