Best synth for dub chords (dub techno)

Anything from a Korg Minilogue XD, which is excellent for this type of music, to the Novation Peak. I did some tutorials for the XD, Peak, Hydrasynth and the Maschine + using Polysynth.


its mine lol, i have more to share coming soon :slight_smile:

Hereā€™s a release from them, using just Digitone:

(more links Solid Matter by re:fraction | Listen on Bandcamp, Spotify, Apple Music |
Solid Matter | re:fraction


Very nice bravo mate

Some of the richest and most interesting dub chords Iā€™ve created have been on my Prophet 08, using a Zen Delay and a Polara reverb - thick, wide and deep! This was a quick jam I did during this Jamuary (not my greatest work but itā€™s the only example I have of these chords): Deep Ambient Dub Techno // #Jamuary 2023 (17) ft. Prophet '08 + Zen Delay + Octatrack + Analog Rytm - YouTube

That said I think I generally have the most success with Abletonā€™s Wavetable - with a couple of delays and convolution reverb :ok_hand: Itā€™s what Iā€™ve been using for a dubby EP Iā€™ve been working on and it gives me everything I need. As a DAWless person itā€™s a little frustrating how good it is haha

Edit: Looks like I need to spend more time dubbing up my Digitone


love it! is that DVCO for the bass on track 2 or a bd engine?

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Thank you! Iā€™m fairly sure itā€™s DVCO :ok_hand:

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Very cool track!

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This is the kind of content I come here for. This whole topic is awesome.


@sl1200mk2 @dzyndzel :blue_heart: :blue_heart:

Similarly Iā€™m pretty blown away by a lot of the content in this thread, very inspiring. I listen to a lot of dub techno (itā€™s my go to background music for working etc.) and some of the stuff in here from fellow Elektronauts is up there with the greats :ok_hand:


related topic - I have only recently realized that an essential component is not just delay but midi controllable sends. Yes, one can play with the sends dub mixdown style but I want to integrate the send amount into the actual pattern - to allow certain stabs to have a bigger impact on my delay/feedback mix. I can automate sends on most Elektron gear but it has really changed how I look at pedals. Few seem to allow this. Thoughts or workarounds? I was really wanting some of the newer midi controlled Strymon pedals but Iā€™d not have control over what is being sent to them.

So, if the send on the pedal isnā€™t controllable via MIDI, youā€™re looking for a way to control that send from something like a mixer, right? I guess you would need a mixer with aux channels that can be MIDI-controlled.

I often use the Octatrack cue outputs as sends to pedals and then the cue level can be controlled with MIDI CCs (I think itā€™s CC 47).

I think 1010 Bluebox might also allow controlling send amounts over MIDI, but I havenā€™t tried that yet. Iā€™ve actually been meaning to explore this.

I havenā€™t investigated this thoroughly, so big caveat there, but my initial guesses would be Eventide H90, Empress Echosystem and Meris LVX. Iā€™m about to get an Echosystem soon myself, but the midi implementation requires a separate interface box they sell. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll get that piece myself, but would only entertain it because I already have their reverb as well. I think most if not all of the parameters are available via midi, but donā€™t hold me to that.

The H90 seems like it would be a formidable device being able to handle both delay and reverb duties, but I havenā€™t heard one in the context that Iā€™d personally want to. The demos I have heard sound pretty great though.

If memory serves the Meris LVX has a pretty robust midi implementation, so that might be a contender too.

EDIT: I misread and see you meant send. I was thinking in my head ā€˜mixā€™. I donā€™t know if you mean mix value (e.g. wet/dry level) or actual input level into the delay?

Yeah control over send is not really something the pedal could control. Perhaps if you could control the input level. More just a revaluation to me that a lot of my delay pedal plans arenā€™t as robust as Iā€™d like.

Got it. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s others, but only one I known specifically with control like that is the Zen Delay and itā€™s all manual. Their intent was to make it playable like an instrument in of itself. Zero midi other than clock though. It does have input level and a separate drive as knobs.

I havenā€™t really been all that into external FX and particularly pedals until very recently. I think the Zen is incredible, but like everything it has its detractors too. I use it less how it was intended, but still love it. My dream is its sound overall, but with an assignable LFO and midi parameter control. For me, that would be the end all, be all delay.

I have the zen delay for many years now, and I only think it works well in a dub setting when itā€™s used as an aux send with the return routed back to the console for manual feedback control, often bypassing the feedback on the device itself. Personally, Iā€™ve stopped using it for dub style effects and more for insert pitched and filtered delay effects which I sample.

For dub style feedback via the console, I prefer the Asheville music tools ADG-1 SE which I feed into a chorus for stereo.

So is the Syntakt generally well suited for dub chords like the Digitone?

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On the Syntakt only the chord machine can play chords unless you use 3 or more tracks to play one chord. The chord machine lacks some of the high frequencies so itā€™s not optimal. The Digitone is the better choice for dub chords.

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Been running my Digitone through my Typhon, with some nice results, lately.
The fx-chain and mod-sources are great for adding texture, depth and overtones.
And the analog filter really works great with the DN.


I love using the chord machine on Syntakt for dub chords. Highly recommended!