Best synth for dub chords (dub techno)

You just gave me my evening agenda. I don’t have the UAD version, but I have the Arturia equivalent. Should be a lot of fun to play with this combo along with various delays. I can see getting lost in this for a couple of hours. :slight_smile:


ive been experimenting with using the machinedrum to make some dub chords to great success, not sure whether to make a release or just post it as a demo yet

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Feel free to share some presets or samples. :rofl:

it is an progression from this demonstration i made a while back Init to dubtecho in 10 minutes - Elektron Machinedrum - YouTube


not sure if I’ve mentioned it before but Virus TI excels at dub techno chords, especially when diving into the mod matrix


Add the UAD AKG BX-20 reverb to that dimension D fx chain, tweak a little and listen what happens😁

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guess what the reverb on the rimshot is from :slight_smile:
The rimshot itself is from Analog Rytm mk1 with a lfo on the filter cutoff
Prophet 6 on the synth


Welp. 4 hours last night using more or less the same basic minor chord sequence on the Volca Bass just tweaking the knobs a bit here and there. :laughing:

Final chain was into the Arturia Chorus Dimension D, followed by Valhalla Delay followed by NI Raum and finishing into UVI Shade for some automated filtering. Really sounded great!

Some other amazing reverbs I tried were Liquid Sonics Tai Chi and Cinematic Rooms. They’re a little too clean though which can sound great as well, but I was preferring Raum. I tried several different delays as well with NI Replica XT, Echoboy and Modnetic being some standouts.

Later tonight, I’m going to try the same basic thing with just outboard – Zen Delay and Empress Reverb and see where that leads me.

I hardly ever pull out the Volca Bass and that’s been a real shame. I’ll certainly make much more use out of it now. I can see plenty of sampling in the near future.

Sounds amazing! Great track. Hard to guess what the reverb is, but I was thinking Raum.

thanks! but no, it’s the UAD AKG reverb with 3 or 4 sec decay time with pre-delay. It just sounds so dark.


Any idea how to achieve this almost atonal sound? Been obsessed with this one. K1 (Original Mix) - YouTube

@vestibule Sounds like dub chords with noise routed to modulate pitch.

This person is doing well with just Digitone


The digitone (FM) is actually great for dubchords because you have so many parameters that can be tweaked,
Lfo’d or p locked over time. If you run 2 tracks with exactly the same sounds/chords, and divide the low and mid/high spectrum between the 2 tracks with the base filter you can get very creative in the stereo field as well as other creative places.


I’ve gotten sounds like this from Digitone using uneven offsets. IIRC you can start with the saw preset then add the other operators with non-whole offsets to get those atonal overtones. It really thickens the sound.

I don’t have a DN but I will try something like this with the MnM using multiple tracks. Modulating the pitch with a noise LFO did seem to get me part of the way there!

The MM is actually more than capable as a dub chord machine. Here are a few snippets I made years ago:

I don’t use the MM daily anymore, but it’s something I’m always playing at. There’s so much live in this machine with plocks, lfos and neighbours…

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Here I use the Digitone for Dub Techno chords


Korg Volca Bass with UAD Roland Dimension D chorus and Soundtoys Echoboy + NI Guitar Rig tape delay. Snare and shaker are from the Machinedrum.


These sound beautiful! Are you using the Digitone effects too? Would love to hear more if you’re willing to share some info about how you made them