Best synthesizers & music production gear 2018

Yeah Cuckoo does some great videos :thup:

I think personality is quite important when youtubers talk/show their face and he is a great presenter, if very unconventional and quirky in a good and chilled way. The same can’t be said for some others who can just rub me up the wrong way :joy:

Dataline is another great presenter, quelle surprise!


And he is one of the few gear youttubers that is not swedish :rofl:

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:joy: ^ I see a pattern emerging…

I often wonder just how much money these guys make running these channels?
Is that all they do, or do they have day jobs?

I’ll never do. In my videos there will be only machines forvever :sweat_smile:
Maybe that’s why I don’t have many followers. I have quite a nice face actually :rofl:

It’s interesting that all comments here so far are about the youtube presenters. Nobody talks about the gear of the year choices

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I think RMR has a traditional full-time job, but he’s pretty skillful and has spread himself into other avenues of contract work, so that’s why he doesn’t produce YT content as often as others.
I feel like a decent chunk of Andrew Huang’s income is from YT videos, or at least it helps him a significant amount to network for profitable opportunities. He’s probably the smartest or most clever about this approach, but it’s still evident that he puts in a ton of work.


Sorry to hear about you and Angelina :rofl:


Thanks. It was pretty hard indeed. She left me because of my gear addiction


The things we own end up owning us…


Interesting discussion! I thought about this yesterday when I realized that I started my own channel in 2013. I never talk in my videos and I also don´t do reviews or tutorials. I only present music that I would probably record anyway. The channels that I follow are also focussed on music. I find that more educating and entertaining than some babbling people. Discussions or talks about gear can take place in the comments but I find it very irritating when folks ask me about which gear they should buy. How should I know? Unfortunately these review-talking channels seem to be more popular than channels with really good music. I am listening to @boboter ambient music for the whole evening. Excellent music, often with less than a 1000 views. On the other hand if someone reviews a stupid VCA module clicks go much higher.


same here.

same here :slight_smile:


Who’s RMR?

Honestly, very few people like to watch others play instrument like the billions of knob-tweetering videos out there. It’s more entertaining and/or convenient to stream an artist, or watch a music video.
People like watching videos like Andrew Huang because they are stimulating in a number of ways, and they share many of the qualities of other high-performing YT videos, mainly in the personality department. And outside of that, they are heavily engaged in social media. It’s all a long game (unless you’re a prodigy or lucky), but these content creators earned their numbers and fans by extending themselves outside of music, and a lot of perseverance.


Red Means Recording.

But seriously, are there “billions” of videos with synth music that is actually good and listenable? Yes, there are a lot of videos by people who film their first 4-bar loop on the Microkorg with their iphone but the really interesting stuff is rather rare imo.


Hardly. Even then, they’ll never have the clicks like semi-pro content-creator musician hybrids.

Never heard if him/her
I must be missing out :smirk:

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Undoubtedly on all these points, youtube is certainly a viable platform for those that wish to be famous and meet these criteria, as has been proven time and time again, and I think there is a good living to be made from doing so even in something as comparatively niche as synthesizer videos, provided of course you have the views/determination/skill/desire/work ethic etc.

But that’s the dilemma. The internet is completely crowded with terrible smartphone mic audio, it’s hard to find the good stuff. I love watching people performing tracks. But until I find a good one, I have to skip 30 videos. Facebook is even worse.
I’m personally bored by all these talking videos. There is too much gear hype, GAS psychology, overestimating of importance of products going on. I came for good inspiring music, that’s the main reason why I’m here, too.

Yes it’s ridiculous how much rubbish people upload.
Why people feel it’s necessary and bother to upload this garbage is beyond me?
You really have to wade through a ton of crap to find the diamonds in the rough