Best synthesizers & music production gear 2018

I rely somewhat on these videos, or at least running through a few of them, when it comes to making gear purchase. I don’t have the time or patience to watch some dork with a crappy camera and terrible lighting taking their sweet time running through the ins and outs of an instrument (except for Cuckoo, he’s a nice dork); just hit me with the bullet points and demo the product so I can make a better informed decision.

This is totally understandable. I prefer watching sound demos, and don’t care a lot for the talking. If somebody shows me an awesome track done on a certain synth, I’d rather consider it, than hear somebody talking 10 minutes about features I can read up easily on the product page.
It has been always videos like Datalines Analog four - creating patterns from scratch, that sold me on gear. But that’s me. I need the vibes

Sometimes I’d rather watch a quick demo captured on an iphone than some wannabe music store salesman with slick production values and too fond of the sound of his own voice slowly unboxing and describing the fucking packaging (FFS really?) by the time he has it opened my wood has gone and I’ve moved on. :rofl:


Lol, are you talking about that Andertons bro guy on YT? He’s so laaaaaaame!

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If the quick demo is enjoyable (for me) - me too. But that’s all down to taste.

Not specifically but yeah that kind of thing and yeah he is a total trytoohard melt.

Personally I’d like to see a synth version of AvE (NSFW and certainly not everyone’s taste, but he cracks me up)

That Andertons dude has to be the biggest tosser on YouTube hands down


Andertons should hire Akai Dan.


Oh man it should be compulsory to have an Akai Dan vid in every thread :joy:

Oooof, this was rough.

Any excuse to post my favourite


“and” the best sounding preset of 2034 created on overbridge 2.459 entitled Stockholm Syndrome goes to………?

From the year 2000 to the year 2012 i bought (and still have) every copy of future music u.k. express air freighted @ $20.00 aud…just to hear demos of new kit and read about the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Currently, sonic state, bo beats, etc etc have saved me $240.00ish a year for the last 6 years. And have saved thousands of trees. More power to them all.


I like a lot of these videos myself. They do adhere to the typical YouTube formula, but I still find them entertaining and informative for products I might be unaware of. At the end of the day, the product review type vids aren’t anything too special. It’s nothing you couldn’t find out yourself by rtfm or skimming a forum such as this.

The song producing vids I like more. RMR is pretty dope with the OP-1. I’m sure he’s single handedly helped move quite a bit of those units for teenage engineering.

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Since this discussion has morphed into a study of YouTube music videos… The JHS Pedals blog videos, though not synth-centric, are currently my favorites.

Each one is a history lesson, well produced, informative, not at all click-baity, and the editing is adequate. I learn something new every episode, discover overlooked music, and feel like I am just talking to friendly guy at a shop that really loves pedals.

It’s a breath of fresh air.


@Unifono @phelios
Thanks for listening to my music, guys. My older videos don’t have too many views, but the ones I uploaded this year did quite ok, I guess.

Regarding youtube, I used to make these music videos out of old footage I found on the internet and really enjoyed them. But they attract even less views than a recording of how I perfom the tracks with my gear. So for the sake of getting a bit more people to listen to my music, I switched to performance videos.

Even though youtube and video in general is an important part of the promotion for small artists as myself, I still think of it as a byproduct that I just trained myself to do. I record audio tracks, preferably in one go, and if I can capture the performance on camera as well, then even better. But I don’t consider myself a youtuber or whatever the right term would be.

Gladly, there is a place for everything, tutorial, reviews and performances. Some people excell in one thing, some can do it all, and some none :slight_smile: But that’s ok. If someone has fun making a video, why shouldn’t she/he be uploading it? It doesn’t really matter.

Personally, I also favor videos with less talk. I simply don’t have the patience for a tutorial. And an inspiring music video beats a performance clip in my opinion. But as I said, I totally understand every smaller artist who neglects them to reach a somewhat wider audience.


If there is one important lesson I’ve learned in life is that you don’t need be good at everything, but clever enough to understand this.

Say you have great music, but not savvy or creative in the visual arts department, network and try to find someone who would be down to work with you to create it.


There are Videos with people combing their Hair or stroking the mic with a brush …for hours…those get 20 millions of clicks and more. Search for ASMR…

Cuckoo is the only one I watch really. Not sure how many of them go into debt to provide us basic reviews and such. I know Enrique works for Novation so it’s make sense he has an Oberheim Xpander.

Yes it can get a bit cringe worthy out there on YouTube when the channel is mostly demos and reviews rather than performances.