Best synthesizers & music production gear 2018

In my estimation Knobs, by far, is the most creative gear presenter on YouTube. Bo should have had a pedal category just to get him to be a presenter.


Speaking of more performance oriented vids, anybody here a fan of Midera? I love the ambient stuff he puts out.


Nostalgic Ruckus is really good too.



me too

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no offence but
he is just doing the gig
this could be me or you or anybody

I think I only own one piece of kit from this video. Izotope Ozone 8 Advanced and yeah, itā€™s pretty neat.
I do think a lot of these content creators can save us a buck or two by showing/reviewing so much gear. I subscribe to a handful of em.


No need to trash the ones I donā€™t like, but I do enjoy some of this stuff


Loopop does a smart thing by including chapters and their timestamps within the video. While I know the links to those timestamps are within the caption box, I wish he would embed the links via overlays above the timestamps within the video portal.

If I remember right, you canā€™t do that any more

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Oh, well Loopop is doing pretty alright then. :+1:


Patreon subscription on Youtube makes it worse. Help me review new equipment by giving me your hard earned money.

Unless the messaging is sleazy or the content is bad, I have nothing against content creators pitching their Patreon page. Normally they are asking for just a few dollars, and it does help them a little to create more content for their fanbase, since YT doesnā€™t send anyone a dime until you hit very high view numbers within a year. And unless you are banging out near half-million-viewed videos every one or two days, there is very little money in the YT game.

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Yup. And all just to make Google more monies.


so these people should work for nothing? coz who needs money, right?

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Nobody is forced to give a donation to these creators, but the option is available if you feel they deserve it for their time invested in product reviews. Some will give access to patches or samples theyā€™ve put together for a small Patreon donation, so you may get something out of it as well.

Sure, I think the videos are funny because the failure of the synth and Danā€™s expressions to camera where he is painfully aware, he deserved a medal for having to demo that dreadful synth.


Yes work for nothing. Just its not work is it? Well i dont call it work. The working bit is really just building up your social media fanbase. Dont forget a lot of these folk sell their music as well.

respectfully, I would disagree with that

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Thats fine. We disagree. The world moves on. Wish you well.

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I donā€™t understand people who complain about donating or even paying people who make youtube or video tutorial - first thereā€™s no obligation of some sort. You support if you think the support can help the creator to make more content to suit you.

Back in the days we bought books and magazine, thereā€™s maybe more avertissement pages than real and useful contentā€¦ so ā€¦

If someone want to learn it has to be something he doesnā€™t know, or a new angle to progress ā€¦ If he canā€™t find alone how or what and rely on someone to open up his mind to progress - thatā€™s value ā€¦ because he will learn new things, progress or even better unlock him/her. And paying for that is not money throw to the trash.

And Even if :
you want to win time, and you pay someone who watched and learn every tutorial out there to be able to synthesize and give you only the interesting parts (and take maybe 5 years of his life to doing soā€¦)
to me : itā€™s normal he gain money for this task.

Of course Iā€™m not speaking about gear review : thatā€™s I really donā€™t care at all

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The definition of ā€œWorkā€ -
activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result.

You may disagree but these people put time and effort into their content, regardless if you enjoy it or not. Is a podcast work? Itā€™s simply just somebody talking on a subject for a bit. It may not feel like work to them even, but at the end of the day it fits the definition.

I hope you donā€™t find me to come off as rude either, itā€™s simply just my opinion on the matter.