Best synthesizers & music production gear 2018

Yes i can see why you think its work. But the altruistic nature of music/internet has been lost in the last few years. Its a shame as money is something of secondary intent for me.

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It is definitely work, and pretty indepth work at that. You canā€™t really be successful on youtube without putting in a lot of work. To reiterate what I said earlier I have no problem with people making money on youtube be that through Patreon or just from monetised videos, my complaint was about the shitty clickbait videos that some youtubers fall into making.


Dude, it IS work. It is a bunch of skills and time put together to create a product. People do the same stuff professionally, and some are more successful than others. But it is work, and those with Patreon pages or donation pages are only asking for a little something in return, which no one is required to do.


for me, this is actually the most important chapter in the book of ā€˜social influenceā€™ and also the most rotten one. Gear review is important because it has commercial impact and people who are engaged should be very clear about that aspect.

Thats why Parteon and other community funding platforms are important as they free the creator to be financially independent from the commerce (gear companies) and by this (at least in theory) less corrupted by corporate PR money.

just saying itā€™s out of my interest personally ā€¦ :wink:
I donā€™t need those ā€¦ I donā€™t learn about gear review on sound synthesis, I learn on sound synthesis by experimenting on the gear itself :slight_smile:

But eventually gear review canā€™t point something you donā€™t want and save you bucks rather to buy blindly of course :wink:


Its more work now a days than it has been before. Artists have to create everything from social media followings, to video, mixing, mastering, promotingā€¦etc. Before you had some big company or record label giving you the resources that they want you to use.

It may not look like a lot of work because we just see a 5-15 min youtube video thats already been edited and cut.

I would actually call it more work than sitting in an office and browsing the internet while the boss is not watching.


Iā€™m literally in the back room of my work , on the clock as I write this. That must be me youā€™re referring to. Hah.

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I feel the same. I see the commercialisation of social networks and how big money is trying to get upper hand here. One way this is happening is buying the content from creators directly (salary) or indirectly (gear, travel, shows). For me this feels wrong, especially if its not publicly declared in the disclaimer.

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I can agree with that sentiment as well.

I think I see what you are trying to say, but just because people are needing to get paid does not also mean that they are not still doing a lot of stuff for free, and lets not forget music gear isnā€™t and never will be free, same for video equipment, internet connection, and so on.

Rapant consumerism is an unhealthy and undesirable trait, GAS is of course a subset of this, its a fine line for sure, but I really donā€™t think anyone we are talking about here is actively trying to push this kind of consumerism. What I believe is that the guys making the videos are just another synth enthusiast like you or I, and they start out making videos about their passions, then maybe they get successful enough that just maybe they can quit the 9-5 and do youtube full time, after a while they discover that for whatever reason they need to get their view counts higher, and so begins the slippery slope into click bait, quantity over quality, running out of ideas and so on. Like I said earlier I donā€™t envy them, the pressure must be enormous, especially as most of them seem to be at the age where they may be a parent to young children.

Social media has a lot to answer for, but thatā€™s probably another discussion for another day :slight_smile:


yes, and probably very important and healthy discussion to have


Its ok, im also doing that lol.

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Great article. The price to pay for fandom.

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When have social media ever been selfless and altruistic?

Social media, as a collection of tools to generate and share content, is a great thing. Itā€™s how people use them that creates problems. And isnā€™t humanity the age-old answer to almost every problem?

No, the age old answer to everything is 42.


I donā€™t think it is that simple unfortunately, the main difference between social media as it is today and more traditional communication platforms or communities is that some voices can be amplified whilst others can be muted on a much larger scale, algorithms are making decisions and learning from the input, filtering and targeting and not necessarily for the good of the recipients, then there are of course things like state sanctioned interventions and manipulation and so on.


I hear what you mean, but those things stem from a human intent of modifying the tools for those in a comfortable position to come out on top, while others to fighter harder.

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Iā€™ve just watched BoBeatā€™s video, and while Iā€™m usually not very fond of his, this one was rather nice, elegantly featuring a good part of this community of synth youtubers.

I find it pretty great that so many channels exist with different angles, from SonicState to Look Mum No Computer, with the people involved in this video or missing.
Itā€™s rather nice that when you really want to know more about one piece of gear you can find complete reviews or nice tracks.

Of course nothing is perfect, you canā€™t like them all, and some can actually get pretty boringā€¦
But what these guys have in common (with us too) is loving music and basically expressing their love for music instruments. Some do it really well, Iā€™m pretty happy they take time to produce amazing content.


Had the opposite effect on me, made me watch further cause it was very funny.