Best synthesizers & music production gear 2018

Cuckoo’s latest OP-Z midi hookup video is a great example of how to make a video when you are connected in some way with the company of the gear the video is about, it gives a lot of useful information, mentions the current OS version and date of filming and most importantly shows and tells what doesn’t currently work or has bugs.


Since ive been watching YT videos on synths and reviews all i get is Advertisements on my screen. I think the ‘distraction’ does put pressure on you to buy(feeding the Gas). The responsibility of this is a two way thing. The uploader Doesn’t have to enable Google Adsense. But most do.

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I’m really not sure if you are trolling or not. So based on your previous posts in this thread, youtubers are not working, except for a little bit of social media tinkering, they shouldn’t ask anyone for patreon donations and the should not enable ads on their videos, because it pressures you into buying stuff.
Dude, nobody forces you to do anything. The responsibility is completely yours and yours alone. If you don’t want to be ask for donations, then don’t watch the videos. If you don’t want to sit through an ad, then don’t watch the videos. If you think that it is not work to put out videos on YouTube, then why do you even watch them in the first place?


I knew you’d ask that. I watch them because i always have since it started. But in the last few years its disintegrated into a huge money making corporation. Maybe your not old enough to remember the good days :).

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slightly exaggerated, I guess


I remember the days even before YouTube, where one had to gather information through magazines and choices were much more limited and one also had to pay for it. You obviously benefitted a lot from years of watching YouTube for free. And it still is free, as nobody is forcing you to donate and if you’re not responsible enough to control your GAS because of ads, then I’d recommend installing an ad blocker. I’m just baffled by your posts as you (1) devalue the time, effort, work and dedication people put into their channels, (2) complain about their methods trying make a living with their work, which you (3) can basically enjoy for free.

I dont think anybody can deny the impact manufactures try to have over the content created in social media. I dont think we can afford to be so naive to think all these drumbrute impact reviews came out from nowhere. From that point of view IMO @sabana makes a strong argument against the commercialisation of the content. If we remove the money from the equation we also remove the ethical conflict.

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I’m old enough to not expect everyone to give me anything for free. Making youtube video’s take time. So it is natural that the people behind it would like to get something back for their effort. Just like artist would like to get paid for their music.

Of course some people are happy to do it just for the exposure. But after you get a decent following, its no reason any more to give it away for free.

And im pretty shure that alot of the patreon video’s can be Ad free, compared to the public one’s.

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Well its not free. We pay internet subscription. (Im assuming you do to). That filters down to the major players. Who is YT owned by?

You’re just dodging the main point of the argument, but yes, nothing is ever free. What I want to say is that in today’s day and age (when talking about buying gear for music production, which is a very privileged thing in the first place), everyone has the ability to decide what they want to spend their money on. Of course there is sponsored content on the web everywhere. If you doubt the validity of said content and you don’t trust bought opinions, that’s totally fine and reasonable. What I’m trying to say is that it is also very easy to get unbiased information. Manuals are easily available online as are ‘sound only, no talking’ demos. And for the very last option, many shops offer 30-day return policies if you made a wrong purchase. The only thing I’m mad about is the first world problem whining.

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The discussion so far has stayed rather respectful, please let’s keep it so.

For instance, explaining my point of view is respectful. Telling others what they should think or do isn’t.
By treating each other as gentlemen, we raise the discussion and make it possible for new thoughts to emerge.
Everything that drags the discussion down is pointless and drives it to the bin, unfortunately.

I find this topic rather interesting, let’s stay open-minded please :slight_smile:


Sorry if the last bit was a bit harsh :stuck_out_tongue:

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I really enjoy loopop’s channel. He goes beyond just showing the basic stuff of what latest product X does, and avoids the cringe/click bait presentation others use. I gladly pay a couple of bucks to see more of that.

And is it work? Well, it’s definitively labor. And time is money. So the time I save by watching these videos, instead of figuring it out myself, I might as well compensate the time spent by the author.


Loopop Rocks.

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