Bi-weekly record-diving sampling extravaganza | 15 | Alexander O'Neal - If You Were Here Tonight

My compressor is dead simple - it’s a single knob job with additional control over the attack and release of the sidechain - I have a Boum too which is basically the same!

I could send you a few tips for manually dialling in a compressor but a lot of it will be to taste. I use Ozone in the DAW these days but actually quite like using multiband compression (Ableton stock plugin), it does special things. I’ll use a separate compressor on an effects send for handling sidechain - it gets more complicated than my day to day setup.

Edit: Oh and I went with a set of KRK Rokit 5 G4’s, so far very happy :ok_hand:

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Yeah… I am down for the tips…

I was using Ozone as well…

For sidechain, I could use Shaperbox or Infiltrator… or even Fabfilter… but Im not there yet… Its weird, I got specific use cases for specific gear combo’s right now… but its cool, because i like how it forces me to use the neglected gear I have collected…

So for sidechain, Ive been using the TR8S, which has sidechain for the Ext in’s… and i run whatever sample I have on the 404 into the TR8S… then i midi the clock out to the 404 with Run/Stop…

For the SubH, I found that its best to use it with the Syntakt, and not the TR8S, because i can use a midi channel (not 8, it glitches) to program in pitch changes, ands then i run the SubH into the Ext FX block of the Syntakt, because the SubH NEEDS reverb… and the delay is also awesome.

Probably similar to you changing modules… Except, everytime i go for a new gear combo… I have to relearn the new workflow… Elektron is way different from Roland… at least analog gear is consistent…

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Hows the noise floor? That was the only thing that steered me away… but they are well regarded by Synthtubers…

I went with kali audio… I think the 6’s? which have more power then tha 8’s… and they are 3 channel as well…

I heard the KRK have the b-b-b-b-BASS

Not sure if the TR8S supports it but one of the best tips I can give for compression is to use a 50/50 mix - parallel compression tends to hit a sweet spot! I’d really like to try a TR8S one day I’ve been tempted to buy one more than once.


Good call… Its the ratio that throws me… and I think I understand attack and threshold… but some talk of Shoulder?!? this is something I want explained to me at school to justify the cost and time of going to college… let them earn the money from me… (its crazy how they treat students… not that they are offering a service… the instruction… but that you are paying for the PRIVILEGE to learn… crazzy!)

Im conflicted to suggest to you the TR8S… Its so far removed from Elektron… Have you dealt with roland sounds yet? Its very clean and controlled, and the parameters are kinda superficial… not good for someone who is into eurorack…

But if you are into Roland… its wonderful… i love how deep it is if youadopt the superficiality and cleanliness… for example… there is only one reverb and delay for the master, with only sends per track… and the effects can be assigned per track, but only one LFO for the whole kit… but you can dial the depth per track…

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Not heard any tbh, I probably have more noise in my setup than the speakers anyway lol

I wanted front-ported and they’re one of the few options that are - I have a producer friend that’s swore by them for years and the most recent version are a big step up so was an easy choice overall!

And re:Roland yea quite a lot of my drums use x0x samples! If I’m not using an AR drum it’s probably an 808 or 909. One of the things that makes it a tempting choice :slight_smile:

Edit: I had an OG 606 for a while too (almost forgot about that :sweat_smile:)

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Well they just updated the sound engine to include FM tones… and while you cannot really sound design them… there is a great morph option that you swap in for the per track FX… You only get one…

I would go for the TR8S and not the 6S… its too limiting…

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I know that Attack Mag book has a section for on compression.

I just been using the time to make music instead of reading!

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Oh nice I look forward to diggin into it! I only ordered my copy yesterday hopefully get it soon.

I recon Underdog music will have some good content that would apply well to EDM too👌His videos are gold IMO

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Real talk Malus. I think I need to do a deep dive as it’s been a long time since I heard that name and I only know of a small handful of his records/songs anyway. Still, I agree that the dude is mad fresh. If you’re a big fan, I’d love it if you could hit my DM’s with a couple of links.

@everyone I’m sorry for being MIA. I recently lost my partner in crime, and one of the greatest cats to ever grace this planet, and I’ve been trying to recover from that loss, as silly as it sounds. This is an amazing find @natehorn and you all did some really amazing work with the track.


I’m really sorry to hear that my friend. Sending positive vibes your way.


I’m really sorry to hear that mate nothing silly about it :heart: :pensive:

It’s not been the same without you hope to have you back with us soon, whenever you’re ready :v:

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Made almost all previous missions with strictly ableton. Working 2 jobs and in school so not much time in the studio. Woke up at 5 and fired it up and its just so much more tranceinducing to fuck about with all the knobs and stuff for me. Relaxing. Octa, mfb503, minibrute, dr660, tapeecho in one take. Some guitarmuckery at the end. Had to delete the last one here to make room in SC.


Im sorry for your loss. Take care :hearts:


Glad I kept using this sample as I was really happy with how this one turned out - this one’s dedicated to you and your partner in crime aarb mate✌️


Really sorry to hear that @aarb420 :heart:


It’s a late entry laptop speakers only, noisy overblown special again from me.


Did some work on the arrangement and mix. Hoping it’s a little bit better :man_shrugging:

Had a lot of fun with this sample Nate, thanks again :raised_hands:

Edit - that snare’s painful isn’t it? AAAAAARRRRGHHH


I’m so sorry, I wish I had something uplifting to say. Anyone who says it’s silly can fuck off, hang in there man.