Bi-weekly record-diving sampling extravaganza | 15 | Alexander O'Neal - If You Were Here Tonight

Thank you @everyone for taking part - as always I’m impressed with every single entry, amazing efforts all round :raised_hands:

I’m not as good as @aarb420 at giving individual feedback and his presence has I’m sure been missed by all, but rest assured you’re an impressive bunch - if anyone is looking for additional feedback about their track please let us know :ok_hand:

Late entries always welcome, otherwise see you all in a weeks time!


Thanks everyone for another wonderful sampling xtravaganza!
Made another version laying down resting yesterday so ableton again. Started on an album in bandcamp with this one and maybe I will collect some previous stuff Im happy with in there.


You nailed it with the sample choice and a lot of deep stuff came out in this thread, and that’s what music is all about: community and healing.


Totally agree @malus_mons. Really appreciate you guys for running these. Honestly I haven’t kicked out so many bits of music in years regularly like this, maybe ever. It’s really helping me learn a lot about my own process and areas where I fall down and want to work on. And also taking lots of learnings and inspiration from everyone’s work. Big yourselves up! Hope you’re doing as ok as you can be @aarb420 :purple_heart:


I’ve been toiling to get my entry for the hip-hop challenge so mine’s will likely be a very, very, (very!!) late entry but I feel like I’ve got something here that’s worth finishing to some extent…

I also need to go back and listen to everyone’s tracks as I’ve fallen behind on the listening for that too - it’s been a hectic few weeks with boring life stuff. Will try to drop some feedback here once I have caught up!


I gave up on this one. I tried. Lord believe me. Ugh. I failed. I’m sorry internet family.


As far as I’m concerned not finishing a track isn’t a failure. The time you spent on it will benefit you even if not for this track. We’re always learning and so I would just try to think of it in that way.



Sorry you didn’t get it to a place you were happy @Funk_Illuminati but hopefully you got something out of the process bud

I feel like it took me 3 goes to get to something I was truly happy with, the second try got a good collab with @BLKrbbt which was dope - if I could give any advice it’d be not to be too precious about it, it’s good to chuck something at the wall it won’t always stick!

Look forward to hearing it!



Thank you Nate :frog: y frog. I always get something!

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My preciouses.


Well I’m going to be super late on it as I started today.

Got an idea of using the new Baby Audio BA-1 to make a Synthwave reimagining of the track.


Haha you’re lucky that @aarb420 is running late for the next challenge :grin: :eyes::eyes: (although not in his timezone tbf)

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@natehorn Have you got the link to the stemrollered vocals from the vinyl?

The current link has expired.

I’m doing it from the YT video, but the audio quality is shocking.

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Ah yea, sure no probs bud I’ll get it uploaded in a little while they’re on a machine I’m not at right now, be within the next few hours :ok_hand:


@monquixote Here you go!


You are a prince among men, a blessing upon your house.

EDIT: OMG It’s not even funny how much better the stem roller from the vinyl rip is!

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Nice :raised_hands: Like is the separation itself better or you just mean the audio sounds better? I’ll defo make sure to include these for everyone the next time.

My house thanks you :blue_heart:

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Both actually

I’m not sure if the additional information from the better quality rip lets stem roller extract the audio better, but the vocals sound way fatter and cleaner.

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stem roller even makes the slight usb ground loop from your interface distinguishable on one track and not another. it’s pretty impressive.

just meaning it’s ability to seperate one sound from another is phenomenal.

Although I note that it can separate bass from instrumental, but not vice versa.

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