
Does he/she wear a camouflage?

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Gypaète :slight_smile: my favorite !
So hard to see in France but we have it ( how many time ? i don’t know… :frowning: !!!

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Thanks for sharing, sorry to hear about your dad, sounds like a great childhood.
His pic used on the UAE note is wild! Is that the first Peregrine/Saker?

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I reckon they pretty much look like that :slightly_smiling_face:

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About 50 metres from our house, this bald eagle feasted on a 70-cm pike last year.


thanks Garf, I appreciate it :heart:
yeah it’s crazy innit.
the image on the notes was the mother of the first hybrid (naturally concieved in captivity). her name was Farah. she’s in the natural history museum in Dublin.

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Beach ducks.


Main attraction in our living room


Cormorant waiting for its dinner.


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It is hot for them too :pensive:

Turdus merula


I put a basin of water outside and two minutes later

2 young Pica pica


A bird thread! I’m lucky enough to live on the border of a nature reserve that’s a nesting site for pretty much anything that lives in the UK.

I had a Red Kite land on my driveway a couple weeks back - I haven’t managed to get a photo of it yet but I’ll try harder…


Lucky indeed! Man I’d be all over that.

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Beach ducks again.


Sorry for the potato quality photo it’s zoomed in on my phone, but here is a happy Wood Pigeon having a wash after weeks of drought and heat. Bonus Collared Dove chilling nearby.


Just moved to Boulder, Colorado and went on our first hike in the mountains nearby and saw a Stellar’s Jay. Beautiful bird, terrible photo:

Edit: here is a better picture found on the internet:


Old photo of a watchful hawk on the roof of CCRMA.


Another merlette (merula mutila).


I wasn’t able to catch an actual picture, but the other day I was able to rescue, hopefully, a tiny little American Bushtit that my ginger fellow brought over for a morning snack. It was such a surreal experience though to have that tiny life in my palm even for the few minutes it was there and it had a chance to recollect itself. The entire time the bird was in my palm, it’s wings were hugging it’s body like it was frozen, and all it could do was rapidly blink, which I felt from the side of its face touching the inside of my hand. My cat, after barely letting him outside, was meowing loudly from outside at 6am with the poor bird hanging from its mouth, and the aristocat that he is, after seeing that I saw him catch the bird, placed the bird in our front yard on top a small bed of violet mini plants we have like the bird was kebab over lettuce at a restaurant. I then picked up the bird, and tried to place the bird in an empty shoebox (after locking my cat inside), but as soon as I let the bird slide from my hand it panicked and started to fly and perched nearby staring at me. It hung around for a few minutes and then then flew into the neighbor’s tree. I hope the little thing is alright because it was definitely leaking and I caught some red ink on my hand :older_man:

Birds are dope… slowly starting to understand why all the old men in the 90s movies were watching birds now.

Picture for reference, lil thing was so tiny!