Black Octatrack MKII now shipping

i get the exact opposite feeling: so overjoyed to find hidden features, new button combinations etc. it reminds me of when i used to find new combos on mortal kombat :grin:

also itā€™s not super ā€œhiddenā€; FILL is one of the first few options when youā€™re scrolling through trig conditions for a trig. but i agree, a dedicated fill button would be sick. iā€™ve definitely concluded that the OT begs to be the centerpiece of your setup, the thing you use everyday. itā€™s not meant to be pulled out every-so-often or you wonā€™t absorb all the tricks and fully understand the architecture etc

i just found out that in the sample slots page, func + right changes the sample to the next sample in that folder on the CF card which is awesome

also agreed that basecks music isnā€™t up my alley but you canā€™t deny how skillful the performance is

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oh totally. itā€™s just unfortunate for me to want to enjoy his skills in the video when I really just want to mute it, haha. but, musicā€™s like thatā€¦ anyway, not trying to be negative. totally respect the dude and his work.

is there any other feature which you need to hold one or both of the arrow keys to access though? you need to hold FUNC for a lot of them, just like on their other machines. but this oneā€¦ would anyone even think: ā€œhmmm, maybe if I hold these two buttons and press some other completely un-related buttonā€¦ā€? I mean, yeah, the manualā€™s there for a reason. but super-unintuitive interface options are frustrating.

Try looking for a used MK1 - I got one for $720 only only $160 more than my used Digitakt.

Then see how much you fall in love before splurging on a new Black or mk2 in general.

Thatā€™s my plan / reasoning at least :slight_smile:

@yeshuah Thatā€™s a possibility for sure !
For the moment iā€™m focusing on learning the Digitone : Iā€™m starting to know how to achieve goals for sound design but iā€™m still close to nowhere performance wise.

In the meantime iā€™ll start to read the Octatrack manual, check the forum and keep on watching videos about it.
My Dawless journey has just begun and iā€™m still in the blur about the objective and the tools i will need.

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Did the same thing. The guy who had one for sale bailing on me was the final push.

@Skurdd But then again, i might make a snap decision and go for it because of things like the video posted by @Eons-Follower .
Until this video, all i understood about it was that you had to take time to prepare your set to kick ass.
The video implies that you become the master of the four elements.

Mind linking that? Canā€™t find it on his profile.
I got a takt and I like how it works with Ableton, but the digitakt part is the most fun by far.

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erā€¦Not sure if we are talkinā€™ about the Digitakt or Octatrackā€¦
The video iā€™m speaking of is about the Octatrack :

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Ah yeah saw that. Very cool, not my kind of music but Jesus itā€™s a flexible Machine.
For me the biggest reason I still use the Digitakt and not a daw is the inspiration, immediacy and inspiration.
I know the OT checks 2 out of those 3 boxes but at the moment Iā€™m unsure if thatā€™s enough to justify one over a proper laptop or something

Thatā€™s exactly what iā€™m trying to evaluate.
Thereā€™s so many things one can achieve with Ableton, a launchpad and Max devices.
Iā€™ve barely scratch the surface with this configuration and Live 11 seems nice but like you said, the inspiration and the immediacy is stronger on the Elektron side, Iā€™m in that case anyway.

Iā€™ve got into Dawless because i was fed up with all the crap that comes with Daw music :
Software conflicts, loading times, vsts that eat half of the cpu witn one chord and so on.
But i didnā€™t expect to get so much inspiration and joy with these machines, and the most important : The pleasure to perform.

I love to compose music in Daw but i kinda lost the ability to play ā€œliveā€.
So, performing has made a huge comeback in my musical journey, and being mistrustful with computer stability, the Octatrack temptation is immense.


Agree, performing a track or just a simple beat in live is very rewarding. It capture the feeling of the moment.
Performing on the octatrack is very fun. Scenes and parts transform boring loop into a full beat.

When I remember my begening on Fruity Loops with automation lane drawed with mouse, I canā€™t come back to it now.

Ha ha ! Same here !
Started to use computer for music with Fruity loops !
Then Ableton was a revelation and a game changer, but i donā€™t remenber having so much nervous giggles when creating.
With my Model:Samples and Digitone, that happens almost every time.

I use this little gadget to first mix the signals, and donā€™t lose stereo:

Thanks to Patchwerks Seattle, my studio is looking more goth than ever.

This black box is truly a thing of beauty.


Same here. I also work in front of a computer screen all day since teaching went online so, when itā€™s time to make music, I donā€™t want to look at the computer. Maybe Iā€™ll go back to a DAW one day when Iā€™ve had a long enough break from it and Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll have to transfer my songs to it before releasing them into the wild but, for now I need to get away. I even returned my MPC Live 2 because of the screen. I know that sounds extreme but, it was bugging me. I will miss some of itā€™s functionality but whenever I want to write a traditional song, I can use the computer. Right now Iā€™m just having too much fun with OT, DN, OP-1, and Lyra 8 is on the way! Going to the mountains tomorrow and came up with a cool setup- acoustic guitar into op-1 mic (not pristine but gets the job done), op-1 into external inputs of DN, DN into OT with OT as master clock. I want to do an entire record with this setup. Sorry for the long post but Iā€™m excited.

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I know, I just realized my desk is covered with a bunch of tiny caskets, which is how these black boxes look to me with their protective lids on. Iā€™m going to light some candles now and take those lids off!

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I wipe down my gear with lint-free cloth, lightly misted with Robert Smithā€™s tears.


Got mine from there as well - dope shop

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Out of curiosity has Elektron also changed the box for the black OT?

It used to be all white

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@blaize posted pictures of the black OT box some time ago: