Blofeld love

Really nice stuff!

Also i understand what you are saying re it sometimes sounding overwhelming and sometimes lush…

I had started to think that my ability to listen to it depended on how fatigued my ears were…at the beggining of a session it was always textured and lush, By the end of a day it could be too much…slightly “hurty” to my ears…

The core engine is pretty digital, harsh and brittle, then distorted and filtered digitally.

Even drenched in reverb i think my ears can actually only bear it under certain circumstances, definately not after long days of critically listening…

Congrats on the nice work…

There are a ton of them these days. I really like one called Edisyn. Got some cool randomize features.

The Blofeld does live a life of its own. Often I’ll save a preset that sounds lovely, load it up the next day, and it’s just terrible.


Yes, spot on, that’s exactly how I experience it too. Thank you, it feels comforting that it’s not only me then :content: :sweat_smile: and thank you for listening xxx

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Oh that’s bizarre, do you think it’s because some settings don’t get saved properly when communicating with the editor or it’s also when you don’t work with the editor?

I liked to lean right into that


Ha! Yes this! Even after a day of regular work work I look at Blofeld and have to ask if really I’m up for that tonight


This has happened to me often when using editors. What actually gets saved in the preset doesn’t reflect the actual state when saved.

Does anyone know of a decent stand where I could put my blofeld and my h9 side by side. I want to prop them up to raise them up next to my controller keyboard.

It doesn’t come out well in the pic from the angle, but the keyboard is thicker than the synth and isn’t ideal to play and tweak because of it.

Check out Ikea laptop stands, it will raise it at an angle. The Blofeld and H9 will fit side by side. The stands only cost a couple of euro.

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This is probably the one you want: BRÄDA
(The ISBERGET is not wide enough, but is great for e.g. Digitone)

This max4live blofeld device looks interesting, sysex works ok in live 10 without hacks, splitted in different max4live devices.

I was wondering if any max4live developer can test this and report back if there is space for improvements. At first glance, blofeld responds well, colors some how scrambled. Response with a bit of latency(?), only outputs midi data, no midi input from blofeld, so no bank change response.

There are some nice wooden stands on ebay.


Hi guys! I have 2 questions:

  1. If u map its cc controls on a controller, it still keeps jumping parameters as when using its own knobs?
  2. Over the years had and still have many synths. I even owned Blofeld a few times(maybe didn t dig deep enough…who knows). Thing is that from some demos I keep seeing, it sounds so much ‘better’, somehow more interesting than say Peak, Hydrasynth and many others. More so, in the mix, let s say Virus is hard to fit in, and it seems Blofeld it does that too well.
    What s stopping me from buying again is the fact that always when having it it seemed somehow hard to program and didn t gel with it s envelopes and overall character… but now hearing all these youtube videos makes me wonder…
    (Like for example I don t see one youtube video to make me say this about Peak or any other new synth…)
    What s ur opinion about all this?
    Sorry for the long post!
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Time for some West Coast (no filter sine waves)…

The key to the patch is a midi clocked sample and hold LFO

The LFO is mangled by Modifier 02, which XORs it with -33 constant
Then on Modifier 03 it is quantized to octaves with an AND -32
This is all sent to OSC1 which is a Sine Wave which is sent to Filter 1,
which is disabled.
Amplitude Envelope’s (One Shot) sustain is modulated by Modifier 03.
Filter Envelope (One Shot) is used to start with a clean sine wave then fade
to an FM modulation via noise.

Modifier 04 takes Modifier 03 and subtracts 52 to generate a modifier to
control the amplitude of noise (set to +52) which is routed to Filter 02,
a Bandpass filter with its cutoff modulated by Modifier 03.

Modifier 1 XORs LFO with is used as a randomizer to control the decay of
both Amp Envelope Decay and Filter Envelope

Both filters are panned to unsino@3, which generates the stereo space.

Only 2 other devices are used in this demo.

A Korg Monotribe as Kick Drum
and a Vermona PerFOURmer in M1 mono mode, a Vermona '14 (muted) is
used as midi controller for the perFOURmer.

Board effects on the Mackie 2404VLZ are HOF Reverb and a Strymon Deco

Recorded Live to a Zoom H1 recorder.

Edited in Shotcut


Cool sound! Can you share sysex pach?

I just bought a used Access Virus TI1, superb box, way better than a Blofeld in terms of ease of management and sound design options. Waldorf really need to update this unit, but its almost still great value for money

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These eventually will be part of a commercial patch combo.
At present I have all 1024 custom made, but I have to sort through all of these
and select the best of the best.

Granted my taste is older and different from others, so I have delayed for over 5 years
in doing so.

I honestly only get asked once or twice a year.


Impressive! And thanks for the patch description.

I always wish that you would describe the ‘hows’ and ‘whys’ of your patches a bit more, so this is fantastic- thank you!