Blofeld love

Hi there. Is there somewhere on the wide internet a sheet of the Blofeld Wavetables visualized? I do not mean the names I mean the tables as graphics. Thanks



Great link! - another place you can see a lot (most even) of them is within the Nave app - you can rotate them and change the style too.

Yes I have listened to both playing the same notes sweeping the same wavetables :nerd_face: - took a while to get them them modulating across the exact same waves - Nave sounds better! Blofeld has a big chunk of low end added and a gap in the upper mids if I recall - plus I think Nave was interpolating more smoothly

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May i ask how the Blofeld is for sequenced basslines like Schwefelgelb or Phase Fatale, Just to name the sound i am kind of broadly asking about?

I’m really into sequenced basslines and i believe im in need for a FM style synth instead of a softsynth.

Eyeing this one for a while now and also checking videos but can’t seem to find any to suit me unfortunately…

Perhaps one of you blofeld lovers could explain or steer me in the right direction.

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This demo is worth a listen & well captioned so you can easily tell when it’s Blofeld on bass


Haha wow.
This is diverse!
Weird i haven’t seen this one… probably me.

What can’t it do?

Thanks a lot!! Will be ordering soon!

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Lower Blofeld plays Atmos Patch F091"21 Flint"
This patch is not East Coast, as there is no filter involved. Rather, only sine waves with their amplitude and pitch modulated with modifiers, and well as Osc FM, that kicks in over time with another envelope.

Higher Blofeld play Atmos Patch H041 “Floyd”

The Vermona '14 is muted. but midi controls a 4 VCO M1 mode Vermona PerFOURmer.

Percussion is a Korg Monotribe as Bass Drum. sequenced via midi
via a Korg EA-1 Two Track Sequencer.

A Vermona Retroverb is playing random sines as sequenced by my DIY
Random CV (to filter) for the Retroverb.

MS-20 Kit also makes a cameo. (MK2 filter)

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What would be the best elektron sequencer to pair with Blofeld? Here is an example of a Digitakt sequencing a Blofeld… more test coming soon :slight_smile:


I would say that naturally the Elektron samplers (Model:Samples, Digitakt, OT) best complement the Blofeld just because they have sample playback available. The Digitone and Digitakt are (I think?) identical sequencers in terms of functionality.

Are there cc messages for matrix select destination, source and amount?

Thanks a lot!

According to the manual there are no CC messages for those parameters :man_shrugging:


That would be an unusual feature for a synth, but Blofeld does a good job of trying to meet your needs.

While there are not direct CC messages for those specific parameters, there are CCs for all four envelope sustain levels and filter 1 and filter 2 envelope amounts.

There are also four general-purpose modulation sources named W, X, Y, and Z that can be assigned a CC number. Modulation amounts for the four modifiers (which are modulation sources) are modulation destinations. And envelope sustain levels (which of course are modulation sources) are modulation destinations.

Therefore you can use MIDI CCs to control some modulation amounts.


Someone said that even if you used all polyphony on a patch, you can replicate it in multi mode simultanuosly on multiple layers/ channels?
Is that right? To me that is crazy, impossible and great. Is it true fact?

Apologies if this is off-topic, but as this isn’t something that typically comes up, I feel obliged to give an observation regarding Waldorf’s Iridium:

Every parameter on the machine (including those listed by @shinobi) can be added to a user-definable MIDI CC table that can be saved and recalled. This is true for params dictating algorithm configuration in the Kernels engine. Ie. You can modulate operator arrangement by CC, etc.




Some Machinedrum + Blofeld love.

Machinedrum sequences and mixes down Blofeld on Multi (six tracks).

Machinedrum also adds sound (six tracks).

Machinedrum TR + GND +INP machines.

No samples used, just synthesis.

Maximum joy and sound spectrum covered.


I recorded a jam using the Blofeld in multitimbreal mode. 5 synth voices from the Blofeld, and the drums, bass and sequencing via Drambo.

I sold my original Blofeld years ago, recently bought one again and am really ejoying it.


What a synth man

How can I phase reset the oscillators on Blofeld?
Thanks a lot!!