Blofeld love

No you can’t. I went crazy because of the same question on the Pulse2, I couldn’t work out why my kick patches didn’t sound consistent!

My post #19 in this thread is where I finally worked out that the osc phase starting point was the issue: Midi note LEN 0 inconsistency? - #19 by ericd

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I really, really enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing.

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Anyone using Bigglesworth as Blofeld editor?
Wondering if that works fine :slight_smile:
Thanks for any tips in advance :slight_smile:

I use it as a librarian sometimes. For whatever reason it’s a bit buggy for me - probably not the software - old laptop…

Adding wavetables too. Just can’t remember ever using it as patch editor…

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It has some issues but in general it offers insane amounts of features that work. Development branch offers more experimental stuff, some of them work like modular like cable management of modulation matrix some does not, e.g. multi has a GUI in dev but it has not been implemented. To execute the dev version you need to be able to install some extra python modules and be able to understand how python works in command line, python 2.x used, not sure if 3.x is supported.

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Thanks for the explanation @jazznbass
I am experimenting with Soft Knobs at the moment.
Librarian is pretty useful so is the remote synth access.
Will update soon :slight_smile:

Thanks for clarifying! This was bothering me - I mean you can hear it cycling through all sorts of attacks

just the default saw as a kick playing at 120 and it’s like several bars of variation lol

I found much more consistent results using the square/saw waves you get at the end of the each wavetable when you set ‘limit WT’ OFF

Still not perfectly consistent. And there’s the occasional really noticable extra click once in a while.

The attacks don’t sound as good as the standard oscillator shapes can do when they hit at just the right phase - but sadly that keeps varying of course

At least now I’ve noted the ‘PW’ values needed to replicate the standard shapes. Probably documented elsewhere but it’s not in the manual…

127 = saw
124 = 50/50 pulse
122 = triangle/sine?

(Found on allfactory wavetables except Alt 1&2. Only with ‘limit WT’ OFF & Brilliance 127)

By ear the saw and pulse sound just like the standard ones

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Yeah, what a strange thing to omit from the manual. I think historically (from the PPG) those waveforms would be saw, square, pulse, triangle. But I also have some notes scribbled in my manual:
126 saw
125 blend
124 square
123 blend
122 tri
Not sure where those notes came from. Not sure why 127 isn’t there (it sounds the same as 126 to me).


Thanks @glaciertree good to know

I also concluded ‘blend’ for the inbetweens. And that led to trying to modulate across those top values, but I just couldn’t get it to happen.

Have you tried that?

I thought putting it on 124 and applying some small mod value from a slow LFO would do it but I got no change until the PWM got to a certain figure and then it was clearly the main wavetable coming in…

I’m not expecting smooth interpolation between them but even just to automate the effect of turning the PW knob seemed impossible. Whereas small sweeps across tiny sections of the main wavetable seem fine. Weird because if you have the limit off and you max out on LFO modulation starting from 64 or something you can hear it hitting those standard waveforms at one end - or at least the saw

All this is just out of interest and a big time-sink - not sure how or when I’d use this feature. But it intrigues me, this relict [sic] from former synths - as the manual puts it :grinning:

I don’t think I have been able to modulate across the basic waveforms at the top of the wavetables, but I think you wouldn’t get a lot of benefit out of that anyway. You get more contrast between the basic waveforms and the actual wavetable waveforms.

To get some of the PPG character, if you study the architecture of the PPG (which I did a bit, since I know I will never own one, check out the PPG 2.v manual), you can get some of the character to come through in the blofeld. If you use modifiers to turn the decay and release in the Filter Env and Amp Env to be linear, use Brilliance 127, use the PPG filter, and a modifier using some arithmetic against the Filter Env to modulate the wavetable.


Here is a Corduroy Institute track featuring the Waldorf Blofeld:

Improvised piece from 2019 using a patch called PPGestalt which we can safely assume was based off the PPGesus SCD preset. It’s the pad sound. There’s also a Digitakt, Bass VI, and guitar with pedals.

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How would I approach morphing saw to triangle on Blofeld? I could find just one decent triangle in the wavetables and it didn’t run into a saw in either directioN

& if there’s an FM way to do it I couldn’t work it out

(Micron has a tri-saw oscillator and I’m trying to replicate some patches from it)

If the onboard wavetables don’t do the job, then make a custom one. In fact, I think I have one that may do what you want, although it’s not currently loaded into my Blofeld to audition.

You might like to sample your Micron and made your own custom wavetable…


The pc version of wavetable creator

will allow you to make a wavetable that morphs between triangle and saw.


Does anyone know if it’s possible to switch between phase locked and free running osc within the blofeld? I haven’t seen anything about it. And is it free running by default?


This is discussed just a few posts up in this thread. The short answer is yes they are free running and no they cant be locked/reset, unfortunately.

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My bad. Thank you for the clarification.

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The wavetables are phase locked, but the VA waves are free-running.
So you could use a WT with WT lock=off, and select the upper parts for the
phase locked waveforms.


Weird, maybe my unit is broken, in my blofeld only saw wave have a free phase, rest of waves are phase locked.