Bought a Nintendo Switch

I never played Metroid Prime on the Gamecube. A lot of my friends loved it, but at that time I was playing Quakes and Unreals and such on my PC, and the idea of playing a first person game without a keyboard and mouse made me giggle. :smiley: (I mainly played Zelda, Mario, SSX, etc. on it…) I’m a huge fan of 2D Metroids though.

Since all the recent praise for the Metroid Prime remake, I decided to pick it up. I’ve been absolutely hooked since starting it up. It’s absolutely fantastic! They really did a great job with it. Thoroughly impressed. Not just by the game itself, but of how nicely they did updating the visuals. It’s truly top notch.

The only problem I have is that I’ve been working late every day this week, so I’ve been playing it into the wee hours of the morning. :crazy_face:


Please stop. All of you.


I’ve also been playing the Metroid prime remaster. It’s one of my favorite games of all time, so being able to play it on a modern console has been amazing. It’s beautiful, I love using twin stick controls, and the atmosphere is just as good as it was when I was younger. I’m trying to pace myself and only play a little bit at a time so that I can savor the experience.

The only negative thing I can say about it is that switching beams is a pain - you have to stop moving completely in order to do so. I worry a bit that one of the late game areas with lots of beam-specific enemies might be more difficult than it should be because of this.


Return of the Obra Dinn is in my top 20 games ever made, hands down. Such a unique experience that I don’t think will ever be replicated, and I wish I could get a Men In Black memory erase pen so I can replay this game over and over. It’s simply phenomenal and I can’t wait until I forget everything about it so I can do it all over again.

To anyone who loves a great puzzle game or murder mystery, do yourself a favor and purchase this game IMMEDIATELY without doing any research aside from watching the trailer. Don’t let the visuals deter you from picking this up (which admittedly, the graphics made me not purchase as soon as I should have). Well worth $20 of your hard earned money.


Started Metroid Prime yesterday. Had it on the Gamecube back in the day. Never finished it sadly. So glad they made this remaster.

It is a blast. We really need all the old hits as a remaster. F-Zero GX, Zelda the Windwaker, prime 2-3.
And the next Nintendo Console needs to be downward compatable. Now we‘re talking.


I’m really looking forward to playing metroid prime on switch and I hope they remaster the other games before dropping metroid prime 4. I’m a big fan of all the 2D metroid games, but hadn’t had the chance to get into the 3D ones until now. After playing through skyward sword last month and with tears of the kingdom on the horizon, I don’t really have any urge to play wind waker, but I would certainly appreciate it if they released it in a year or so.


Forgot to come back to post this, but the Metroid Prime remaster is EXCEPTIONAL. Truly one of the best games of all time - it’s amazing how well it holds up. It totally feels like a modern game, with so many top tier touches and design decisions. The only flaw is that the save structure is a bit too rigid compared with games in 2023 - it would be great to have checkpoints outside boss rooms. But aside from that, it’s still total genius. I’m having a real blast playing it, as it’s been so long that I can’t remember much of the game. Because of that, it feels like returning to a brand new old friend… if that makes any sense!


F**k me but Metroid Prime is bleeding excellent.

I played it back yonder when I was but a youngster. It remains one of the strongest and most impactful gaming experiences of my life.

And now, I figured, I’ll just play the remaster for a few hours to fondly remember the experience, but turns out, I’m just sucked right back into it again, as if it was a totally new experience. And since I remember parts, but far from all of it, I can sort of both enjoy the fact that I’m reliving an amazingly defining gaming experience but also just enjoying the game as is.

This truly is one of the masterpieces of video game history and it’s a privilege to be able to experience it again.


The Wii U remake of Twilight Princess and Windwaker are amazing. I gave my Wii U to my daughter, who moved out, so I got them again and play them on the PC with CEMU and a Pro Controller. They work flawlessly that way. Really the best way to play them unless they get released for the Switch at some point (which I’m still hoping for).


Yes! I’d love WW, F-Zero, Air Ride, Prime 2&3, etc on Switch.


Yeah!! The atmosphere of the Metroid Prime 1 is amazing even 20 years later. So glad we are able to play it on a modern console now.


All this talk of Metroid Prime… I played the Gameboy Metroid (Return of Samus) when I was a kid, then played Metroid Dread when it came out last year. Loved both!

A few days ago, I checked out Prime on Switch. It’s obviously new-to-me, but wow, does it feel modern! I know it’s remastered, but it’s not like they changed the map or gameplay basics. It’s really a great game. I played from the beginning until going into the hot zone after getting the Vera suit. Can’t wait to have some more time to keep at it!


Have your tried Fast RMX (for a non-F-Zero F-Zero fix)? It’s an excellent game, and absolutely flies on the Switch while looking really nice! I’ve been playing Redout 2 more on the PC lately because it’s just so big, fast, and amazing, but Fast RMX is really fun on the Switch. I would love to see a new F-Zero, and even though the studios and publisher are gone now, a new Extreme G game would be amazing. I always liked the bike aspect of those. A touch of Tron light cycles, a bit of gravity, but the same speed as F-Zero or Wipeout etc. It had a nice feel to it.


I’m feeling it with this game. I still have a few other games that I would place above it just because they illicited the same feelings when I was younger (System Shock for one), but I’m absolutely drawn in by it. I’ve had to force myself to quit the last couple of nights, so I could get some sleep. It has an excellent feel to it. The controls become pretty transparent for a game that uses a gamepad setup for first person too, which is nice. The world is built in a really nice way. It keeps things memorable, so that even though you need to consult the map once in a while, you remember the locations because there is something that stands out in each one. It’s really masterfully done. It’s basically like being pulled into the 2D ones in first person. Same atmosphere, same excellent sound design, tight controls on par with the 2D ones (which some games don’t quite get through a 2D to 3D transition).

Absolutely loving it. I’ve been playing it in handheld mode at fairly close range with my AKG 701s on my head. I may pop it onto the 86" TV in the living room though, and give it the theatrical treatment tonight after I get a few things done. :smiley:


I’ve been waiting for a Switch remake of Windwaker forever now… How many hoops do you have to jump through to get CEMU up and running? Being able to use a Pro controller is enticing…

It’s easy in relative terms (where emulation is concerned). The emulator itself is rock solid. I use a no-driver-needed Bluetooth 5 dongle from Amazon and use either one of my Pro Controllers, or a PS5 DualSense. Just get the game and the needed encryption key, and you’re set. I don’t feel bad doing this since I’ve bought the game many times over, and can still produce a device with my licensed version. :slight_smile:

This is the BT dongle I use. Best one I’ve ever used actually.

I haven’t had a switch for a while but thinking I might pick one up to give botw a replay before the new one comes out. I played Metroid Dread with my nephew, it’s pretty awesome. I’m always liked the 2D Metroid better than the Primes, looks like Nintendo are ramping up for the Prime 4 release.

I remember a Nintendo general meeting had their next console in the pipeline. But I don’t think their next console will be a Switch 2 - ie, simply a more powerful Switch. Nintendo are so innovative, I think the next thing from them will offer a new innovative way to play.

Maybe like the Wii U, which was a predecessor to the Switch, but also a sequel to the Wii and could play Wii games - but quite different from the Wii.

I think whatever’s next will depart from the Switch in this same way, probably, still play Switch games and have a handheld component, but aim for the next leap in tech.

I think many companies are poised to make a VR debut, and Nintendo are considering this, probably having their own take. They experimented with Labo, even Virtual Boy, but I also think companies like Nintendo are wary of how VR fits into the family unit, how to navigate that and the social perception around VR and health for kids etc, so while wanting to push that envelope I think an initial offering might be one foot in one foot out (like the tethered Wii U).

Apple might lead the way with a socially accepted VR, but that remains to be seen. Nintendos own words were, once VR becomes a major force in society, they’ll be in, but for now I think they’re still carefully assessing from the edge of the pool before diving in.

I was surprised even that they referenced and made a point about Sherry Turkles research in their original Wii U presser, and how responsible they feel around social inclusiveness and gaming, and I think their next offering will continue this trend.

Even AR, done right, as a headset, and say playing Switch/Wii Sports, could see tennis players in your room, balls coming out of the screen at you, that kindve thing. Still totally playable as a normal console, but a visor that offers another layer of dimensionality while still being rooted and connected to the physical world around you.

I have not, but now I want to!

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It took quite a lot of effort, but I managed to snatch a physical copy of the Metroid Prime remaster.

Previously if you wanted to buy a game at launch you just walked into a shop, gave them money and received the game in return. For some reason nowadays they’re all reserved in advance and you really have to be awake weeks ahead. Makes me a bit worried because I’d like to get physical copies of Advance Wars, Pikmin 4 and the new Zelda which are all released this spring.


I haven’t had a problem grabbing a hard copy version. I don’t always get them at launch, but it hasn’t been a problem

I also want to get the new Zelda and Pikman.

Today, I have Pokémon Violet coming. I haven’t played Pokémon since 2009 on DS Lite. I hear it’s buggy, but let’s see how it goes.

The big thing I’m excited for is Game Boy on Switch! I don’t know why Mario Bros is missing but Im happy to play Tetris.

I have these on the OG Gameboy, but this is decent.