Bought a Nintendo Switch

Not sure if I (or anyone else) mentioned Lunark above, but if you ever liked games like Another World (Out of this World in the US) Flashback, Heart of the Alien, etc. then I highly recommend picking up Lunark. Same style (almost identical) to Flashback. It’s a lot of fun, and while it takes a sec to get used to the controls (again) it becomes completely fluid and transparent after a bit. I did swap a couple of the buttons in the config menu to make it feel better. Very cool game though.

Although I have all of the ones mentioned, I’ve only played Luigi’s mansion and am working my through 3D World now. I really like this one but I’ve heard great things about Odyssey. I’m going to play that next before jumping into Deluxe.

Maybe that’s my advice… Go with Odyssey, and then 3D World next.


I’d agree with this. 3D World is REALLY fun, and especially fun with an extra player or two (though IMO it actually gets harder with other people (yet funnier…)) 3D World and Odyssee are both absolutely fantastic.

That said, Odyssee is just a breathtaking experience. Game play, yes, but audio/visual as well. Just stunning. I played it through twice with my youngest daughter controlling the hat, and it was an absolute blast!

Also, don’t forget the 2D one(s) - Super Mario Bros U / Luigi U. Classic style, but really fun. A bit more challenging than the 3D ones though technically speaking. For people that play plenty of modern 2D games like Hollow Knight, Dead Cells, Celeste, etc. though, it won’t be too bad.

All of them are top notch. There is actually a really nice sense of variation of atmosphere in Odyssee though, that just pushes it over the top for me, and being able to change into all the different characters is really fun. Especially the little pointy-beaked bird fellow in the Bowser stage, which my daughter refers to as Nesbit. :smiley: So now I call him Nesbit too.



In my books Super Mario 3D World is the best Mario game ever made. After having finished that on Wii U, I had great expectations for Odyssey, but was ultimately disappointed. Sandbox and Mario just don’t mix for me. I want clearly defined levels, where it’s crystal clear where to go next. I don’t want to wander aimlessly for hours only to notice something minor I had missed previously.

After finishing Odyssey, I’ve had zero interest in returning to it.
We’ve played 3D World through many times and I’m always ready for some more of it.
Go for 3D World and after that get Captain Toad. Those are both superior to Odyssey.


Interesting. I didn’t feel like I was doing a lot of wandering in Odyssee. It actually felt a bit more like a return to Mario 64, which I felt had a good sense of direction, but with the option to explore more for extras if desired. I never really felt like it was forced.

Both are great though, and different enough that I could see someone preferring either one over the other.

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I’m adding Captain Toad to the list… I didn’t know about this one.


Thanks for the input, I think I’m gonna hit odyssey first, I’m pretty sure I’ll get 3d world too after me and the missus smash deluxe U at some point…:+1:


If you want more linear levels, get 3D world. If you want open sandbox levels, get Odyssey. You can’t go wrong either way honestly. Bowser’s Fury, the additional bonus game that comes with 3D world, is my favorite Mario thing ever made though.


I was hoping they’d go full dark and keep Ganondorf musty but this G keeps with the tone of BotW, so fair play. Looks like WW G, my favorite G.

Didn’t see any (clear) indication of large cave system but big, creepy structures = dungeons so lets go.


looks cool and if I ever travel a lot in the future will consider the Switch or Steam deck controller.

Can’t wait to show this to my 7 year old today. Hope that Zelda theme makes his heart soar like mine!


Trailer is insane


I wish I could get myself to watch trailers for any game that I’m highly anticipating. But, I have a policy of generally going in without having seen any major footage. :smiley:

Some is obviously unavoidable, but I try. :smiley:

Especially with something I already know that I’ll be 100% sure to acquire.


I wasn’t feeling too hyped about the game until I watched that trailer. Now I’m incredibly stoked.


I admire your willpower!


Good lord, time to swap gear videos for watching that Zelda trailer 30 times a day :+1:


Depends…what gear videos were you looking at that are now being pulled out of rotation?

From 12th of May, I’m taking the rest of the year off.


I think next to dungeon confirmation, my favorite bit was seeing citizens of Hyrule gear up and roll. I loved the Tarrey Town side quest and this looks that writ large.

And idk who or what this is but I’m here for them…”light” ones got a tear though…


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