Bought a Nintendo Switch

Yes sir ! That’s what I mean !

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Yeah, I was pretty disappointed in it as well. It was cool for what it was, but it was certainly less compelling than the other Zelda games I’ve played

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So it wasn’t just me then. I felt that compared to previous Zeldas the characters and story weren’t as strong. It was also a bit repetitive, especially the shrines, and as far as open world goes I much preferred Wind Waker. I really hope they port that over to the Switch!


I think BotW did a whole lot of new things really great. An open world that was actually worth exploring. Recovering memories, activating towers, finding shrines, and Kurok seeds- no other game was able to succeed in the way BotW did.

But as they succeeded with these elements, they didn’t include the things that made the old Zelda games awesome. I miss the immersive Temples and Dungeons full of puzzles and boss battles.

Personally, I’d hope they find a way of balancing their new success with previous gems in their old games for their sequel.

Given the dynamic they’re adding to the sequel I expect the new game to be more immersive.

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Not seen anyone mention INSIDE by playdead. One of my favorite games of recent years. Brilliant puzzles, atmospheric, and visually stunning. And a fantastic ending. Takes about 3 hours to complete. Still worth full price and playing through twice to find all the secrets.


Either you haven’t fully read my posts, or I’m going to have to flog myself for not mentioning it.

INSIDE is a GREAT game(though it took me ~5 hours to beat it, so I guess I’m still going to have to flog myself)


Dark Souls 3 (not on switch) is probably my all time favourite game but don’t play any dark Souls game without experiencing the co-op. It’s the best part. Being summoned and summoning others. Best way to farm souls and level up. It’s the whole point of the game series. That’s why it’s so hard to play alone. Because it’s supposed to be played co-op. Probably clocked in about 300 hours.

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Just made a DigiHat Animal Crossing



I agree with you and @Ryan on the whole. Not much of a story and the room-sized puzzle dungeons were not up to Zelda standards.

But I think how well they nailed the open world and non-linear playthrough balanced it out. Not better or worse; just different.

Fingers crossed they being back dungeons and tell a substantive story for the sequel.

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Those who lament BOTW moving away from some of the trad Zelda elements - do try A Link Between Worlds on the 3DS if you haven’t. That game is pure distilled 2D Zelda dungeoning. Really enjoyed it.


If they don’t port OoT and/or MM to Switch (which I don’t think they will) then I might consider a 3ds. I’ve always wanted to play LBW. LttP rawks.

Could I access my virtual console purchases through the 3ds?

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Wow, interesting that people are disappointed with BotW. I just got it a couple of weeks ago and I’m in love. It’s exactly the kind of Zelda game I wanted—more focus on exploration and less boss battles (so far anyway…). I hate boss battles!

I also bought Downwell the other day, as I’m working on a similar game for uni (except you go up instead of down :stuck_out_tongue:). Great game, very addictive!

Meanwhile, my girlfriend has clocked over 250 hours on Animal Crossing and the muaic is absolutely driving me insane. Who’s idea was it to have such short loops that repeat over and over for hours?!


Same for me. First game since OoT that left me truly thinking wow. And I include all consoles and releases in that 20 year window.

Don’t get me wrong, played loads of great games. Dark Souls is one of my all time favourites, but BotW was just something else.

I’ve not played BOTW - yet! Was just putting in a good word for ALBW. LTTP was my first Zelda and it hits many of the same notes.

For the good RPG Zelda type I highly recommend:

  • Hyper Light Drifter
  • Blossom Tales
  • The Touryst
  • Moonlighter

Just writing to say that I have played way too much Dark Souls on the switch. I played it originally on the Xbox 360 like almost a decade ago the switch version is great.

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Played(ing) these two. Moonlighter is a slow start for me, but I imagine it gets more interesting.

Hyper Light Drifter is one of my faves of the last decade.

Just bought Blossom Tales because of your post. Very much A Link to the Past vibe!

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I’ve had a Switch since launch and aside from big title games (BotW, Tropical Freeze, Smash Bros, Kart, Odyssey) here’s a few smaller games I absolutely loved

  • Celeste - fairly difficult 2D platformer with very little death consequence as each new screen is a checkpoint. everything about this game is 10/10. story focuses on overcoming depression and holding yourself back.

  • Shu - 2D side scroller. hand drawn. great music. super relaxing. lots of collectables.

  • Golf Story - really fun arcade style golf game that’s so much more than a golf game. fun story of fulfilling a childhood dream of becoming a golf pro. tons of side quests and the NPC’s all have fun and different personalities.


Games I’m very much enjoying right now…

  • Animal Crossing (I haven’t played a game this addicting nor meditative in ages)
  • Dragon Quest XI S, in 2D / 16-bit mode. Finding I’m preferring this to the original 3D experience in some key ways.
  • Deadly Premonition (if you haven’t played this and you’re into bonkers art horror and David Lynch is a favorite, you owe it to yourself to pick it up for 50% off right now. The sequel comes out July 10, apparently!)
  • Mario Maker 2 with the added update is beautiful and everything I asked for. Both playing Super Worlds and hard at work on my own 40-level game, which will probably take several months to complete. MM2, like Animal Crossing, is a long-term game if there ever was one. I’ll probably still be dipping into it years from now.
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I’m STILL waiting for Pikmin 4…