Bought a Nintendo Switch

Yeah I feel like Nintendo has finally gotten there online good enough that I could spend a ton of time with some multiplayer pikmin also… probably my favorite RTS type games of all time

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Yeah Moonlighter is a bit repetitive imho.

Glad you got Blossom Tales, it is indeed a lovely oldschool type Zelda !!!

Try selling your turnip on turnipexchange and it becomes WAY less meditative ! haha


Finally got DarkSouls, made a first try last night.
Definitely a bit better than on PS3, better overall framerate and resolution.
I had a hard time in the menus though as the blend between PS3 and Switch controls has to get used to.
Decided to start as a vagabond/bum and that led to really immersive experience !
I always found the beginning of the game a bit slow lootwise, because you just start with better gear than anything you can loot before getting to the first blacksmith…
In this case starting almost naked and gearing up as you progress was very statisfaying, not to mention that it actually makes more sense in the first hours of the game.
Fighting the first boss with two pieces of rotten wood was especially fun !
Next step is the taurus demon with only an undead belt…That will be an easy task since this boss cannot hit you at all…
All in all If anyone is up for some coop, let me know ! I usually play on the evenings from 19 to 00 and up to 2 sometimes. GMT +1. Collab’ Bro ? :rofl:

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I got it few years back as I wanted to play Zelda so badly. Finished botw and mario odyssey few weeks after that, and back then there’s not much games. Ended up playing golf story and stardew valley and sold it after finishing them to fund for synth purchase

And now they came out with Xenogears…

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Deadly prem is amazing. can’t wait for 2 to come out :slight_smile:

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I bought and restarted Borderlands. I finished the game on PS3 years ago, but truly enjoyed it. Never got around to playing BL2. Now I bought the Ultimate Collection which includes all three Borderlands games and all their DLC. Hundreds of hours of gameplay for 45€.

There’s nothing else in the world that takes my mind off all the worries and anxiety as effectively as going to the desert with my sniper rifle to fight a few mutants and earn some money. I completely forget to look at my smartphones and iPads for hours. Very very relaxing in these times.

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20 Hours into Hollow Knight…Awesomeness !


anyone played the escapists?
looks sorta cool.
I’m trying to get into stardew Valley kinda games.
I find stardew really stressful which is weird as it’s meant to be totally chill. turns out there’s reddit threads on the subject so I’m not alone :joy:

I think it’s cause the days are so short n you gotta be in bed before midnight… OR ELSE :upside_down_face:
stresses me out.


What the golf?!? Don’t miss it!!!

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I found the new Animal Crossing to scratch my itch way more - for me it’s like Stardew Valley without the stress and complicated, intertwined systems of micromanagement (or with them, but it’s more like “micromanagement lite”). Not that people aren’t being absolutely insane with min/maxing Animal Crossing and comparing each others’ villages competitively, but you can (and should) choose to ignore all that and just have the relaxing experience YOU want to have.

For comparison, I’ve spent around 20 hours with Stardew over the years, while I’ve spent 40+ hours with the new AC over a couple months because it’s very low stress/energy/commitment gaming.

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yea my capacity for complex micromanagement & crafting ain’t what it used to be. not that it was ever very good. :smile:


I just picked up the recent Bioshock port/release. Never played it before. The art and story are totally my vibe. It’s a little frightening at times!


Oooh I just finished the remaster today actually! Granted this was on PC. Hadn’t played through it since 2007… The atmosphere is the best out of any video game I’ve ever played. Combat is also amazing. Games with audio logs are always very cool too


I’m downloading now, it’s one of my partner’s favorite games. I am embarrassingly unknowledgeable when it comes to video games, but I’m excited to play this!!


I love the entire Bioshock Infinite package- the other Bioshocks test my patience with their news to be connected to the servers. Lost a lot of progress just by stepping away from the switch

I think I’m approaching the end of The Messenger. It’s frustratingly difficult at a few bosses, but it’s good fun and also made me laugh quite a lot, some dialogs are genuinely funny. I did not expect that from a 2D platformer about a ninja.

I bought Breath of the Wild at the last sale, but I’m hesitant to begin with it, as it looks like a game I could easily get addicted to.

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I didnt expect something like this


are there any real-time action stealth games on switch that are like xcom / mutant year zero? (not turn based but a similar vibe)

neon chrome / jydge are good but would love something a bit more stealthy.

Huh, pretty interesting! The game is openly socialist and seems pretty cathartic, if nothing else. Also the developers are a worker-owned cooperative. Tonight We Riot Devs Wanted To Make An ‘Unapologetically Leftist’ Game

Oh hey the game is part of the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality. Pay $5 and get 1,000+ games. Lots of high quality stuff there.

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