Bought a Nintendo Switch

Finally got Resident Evil 4 (series sale going on). Still a complete masterpiece.


Played Bioshock for a bit last night (first time). Spooky! I love/hate the resource scarcity. I appreciate that if you damaged a Big Daddy, but died, that damage says when you get re-spawned… but then you have less ammo/health kits/etc… Becomes an internal debate about reloading your last save point vs. resuming progress with fewer resources.

Wild game! I’m at the wharf trying to get the camera thing.

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Yeah, I’m trying to ignore the nearly consequenceless deaths in that game

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I try several times with the re-spawn… I hit a point at least twice where I just ran out of resources I could use to get through it… so I reloaded my save point to before picking up said resources. Yeah, no consequences, but I tried until I felt hopeless.

Yeah, I’m trying to ignore the nearly consequenceless deaths in that game

I enjoyed Bioshock just fine, but this nearly ruined the gameplay for me (when I played it circa 2008). All the tension and strategy of Big Daddy fights kind of don’t make a difference if you can just respawn close by and continue your assault as much as needed until they fall. It made the combat entirely toothless. Bad, dated game design, and a mistake that few developers make in a post-Dark Souls world which absorbed the lesson that presenting danger, risk, and consequences to a player is crucial for crunchy gameplay where every action you take is meaningful. If I had one piece of advice for people playing the Remastered version, it would be to impose your own limits and consequences when the game gives you none. If that means forcing yourself to reload every time instead of respawning, don’t hesitate to do it.

(If I remember correctly, all of the above applies to Bioshock 2 and Bioshock Infinite as well.)

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I’m beginning to think I prefer this… It 1. forces me to re-start any section/fight from ground zero. 2. Gives me back ammo, etc, and the ability to pick up the same things.


Golf Story is sick :ok_hand:t3:

I’m more into Nintendo than writing tunes at the moment. it’s just a phase :sweat_smile:


does stardew hint you in the direction of doing tasks / crafting certain items / encourage you in certain directions throughout the game?
Id like to play it real slow - tend me crops, meet a few neighbours n only do other things if they become apparent. rather than study reddit guides n know how to do everything before I get into it.

Stardew Valley has some tutorial quests when you start to get you going. Very nice game.


deadly, thanks :+1:t2:

Yeah, there are those tutorial quests as mentioned. In general the gameplay loops in Stardew Valley are interconnected in such a way that you’re rarely going to be at a loss for what you could be doing. There’s always some natural gameplay reason to go to the mines, or save up money for something you need, or craft a particular thing, etc. etc.

Animal Crossing has the same, but goes a bit further and is a bit more heavy-handed with suggestions of things to do (the Nook Miles system plays into this a lot). That suits my particular playstyle more, as I prefer games that are open-ended but constantly suggest things to do so you’re never spinning your wheels. Critics say that the game is just mimicking the addictive feedback loops of predatory mobile games, but I prefer to think that they’ve taken those mechanics and tweaked them towards simply making a compelling game rather than ekeing out microtransaction money from you (thank god).

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nice one. i had a go of Animal Crossing, the slower day times n the frequent suggestions make it a real mellow experience for real.

gonna try me best to get into stardew, I prefer the pixel vibes. just gotta remember not to think I have to do everything the whole time…its like the Octatrack :joy:

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Not to overwhelm you, but Summer In Mara looks like a seriously great option too. A bit like Stardew meets Wind Waker, with a totally charming style. Out June 16th, and there’s a 10% off pre-order discount on the eShop.


wicked I’ll check it out :sunglasses:

This is amazing, imagine 2001: A Space Odyssey, but you’re playing as HAL. The sound is great too,


For those into stardew I really recommend graveyard keeper. It’s pretty grindy and has a few bugs, but is v good and addictive once over the learning curve

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I really enjoyed Breath of the wild. Played it on the Wii u though

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Yeah me too, but that’s because I’m studying and using my creativity on game design, and just want a way to relax at the end of a day instead of feeling “pressured” to make music. I really should have a go with the new Digitone update, but Breath of the Wild has really grabbed my attention for the past few months. I’m gonna aim for 100%, unless there are some things I just can’t get now that I’m this far into the game. In any case, I’m gonna keep playing until there’s nothing left to do.

Where to next though? I’ve definitely been sucked into open world gaming with this. I’ll probably get back on Mario Odyssey but if anyone has suggestions for something more substantial I’m all ears. Even something not as cutesy…

yea botw is a masterpiece. every time I turn it on I get sucked in.
not on switch but I can’t wait for last of us2 on the 19th. looks unreal. the combat looks jaw dropping

Why is it cool?