Bought a Nintendo Switch

Carrion has been great fun !
Far lone sails : missed a bit of challenge but was very relaxing.
Hollow knight made it to my all time favorite list…probably top 5…Only left “the path of pain”, too old for this sh** !

Following : finish dark souls, start children of morta, start salt and sanctuary, finish daemon x machina, everspace and sunless sea( at least once ), take a look in my kid’s starlink, wait for new dead cells dlc…The journey never ends… :smiley:

No need to wait!

So, my daughter (9 y.o.) wants a Switch. She’s not been interested in gaming before but is keen to get one now. I’m not a gamer and I’d rather she was doing something more creative with music but if I go down this route is the Switch that good? I know her whole age group are obsessed with them but £348 for a starter bundle (1 game only) is a pricey first step.

I wouldn’t go for the Switch Lite tho as it’s only marginally cheaper and offers less options.

Is this a bait question? :smiley:

This is a thread that consists of General excitement over Switch things

But to answer your question: yes it’s great. Plenty of great indie games available on the Switch and Nintendo games(while pricy) are just super, unpolluted fun.

If you want to cut down on the initial price then just buy the switch and enroll in the Nintendo Online service and you get a ton of NES and SNES games to play along with Tetris 99. Only $20 for the year- bringing your cost down to 320

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I know it’s strange for a lot of us here to hear this but: geekdom is cool.

I bought a Switch cause I am a Nintendo stan. My kid - 12 - is hot and cold about it; hot when there’s a new hot game out, eg Animal Crossings. As we know, trends are ephemeral and fleeting.

So is it worth it to buy a 9 year old the Switch for her to dump it with the rest of her toys in a little while? Probably not. Is it worth it to give a potential gamer access to a massive pile of amazing, wholesome games? Yes most definitely.


Ah! Now that sweetens it a bit: I can play Donkey Kong once more.

I know cost is all relative with the amounts spent by me on music tech over years but games are a different beast, at least to me, and kids get bored easily.

I’ll take the plunge now while they are still in stock. Thanks Ryan!

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Skip Children Of Morta, but finish Salt and Sanctuary.

And Dead Cells, I just keep coming back, I love it sooo much…

I finally picked it up after refreshing my notification app like 100 times an hour… and already „lost“ an hour on Zelda after setting everything up.
Since I‘m an oldschool gamer I always had problems with the double stick controls/360° view as I didn’t have a console since the N64 but now I just have to suck it up and get used to it. Couldn’t really handle it on Oceanhorn 2 on Apple Arcade which annoyed me because I enjoyed the first Oceanhorn game a lot.

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Have been gaming since the NES and the Switch is probably my favorite console ever, tied with Gameboy SP. If you are ok with her gaming, you can’t go wrong with a Switch (Lite or regular - I have a Lite).


The other thing you could do is have her do extra chores or little jobs to work towards it. That might give you an idea of how badly she wants it. I mowed lawns, saved birthday money, and did extra stuff around the house to save up the money for the NES. No way my parents even understood what the damn thing was at the time! :laughing:

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I’m torn between the Switch and the Wii U.

Both have an excellent run of games but the best Mario game ever is exclusively on Wii U (Super Mario 3D World) and also the best Zelda game ever (Windwaker) is not available for Switch, but it is available for the Wii U. That’s why I need to have them both.

Sega Dreamcast takes the third place.

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They ported new super mario bros U and mario kart 8, I think 3d world is just a matter of time to also come out on the switch.


this is an absolute must. i played it with my girlfriend as well and it’s such a fun game. while the story is your classic ‘i kidnapped all of your friends and now you have to save them’, the levels were very diverse and entertaining. finding all the diamonds is kind of challenging as well.

took some time getting into, but after an hour or two we were hooked and obsessed :slight_smile:

My son and I keep the Wii U almost purely for Pikmin 3 (the hands down best co-op game I’ve played, regardless of console) and Windwaker :).

BOTW is fantastic for the Switch but this house is now eagerly awaiting the Pikmin 3 Deluxe release for Switch in October :happy:


Yep, I had to do them, my wife never had to, my daughter gets off too lightly. Chores for Switch funds is a great idea… Thanks.

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Talk about Luigi’s Mansion 3 reminds me that we’re currently halfway through the latest Paper Mario (The Origami King). I had no previous experience with the Paper Mario series but a few years back my girlfriend was very ill (high fever, cough, etc.) and to make her illness more bearable I went out and bought Paper Mario Colour Splash for the Wii U.

We both fell in love with the series. So much fun. Very humorous and also as an RPG nerd quite an enjoyable game engine. Easily the most enjoyable Mario spin off games if you care for Japanese style RPGs at all.


One thing that has annoyed me from the start is the packaging of the games if you purchase a physical copy. Wouldn’t a SD card case be enough? Almost as ridiculous as the package in which the games were shipped in.

But besides that I‘m more than happy with the console even though the 360° controls on Zelda already had me frustrated during boss fights.
If you’re into Jump‘n Run games Guacamolee 2 is real fun. Excellent graphics in there too.


It certainly seems silly when you’re opening the package, but I think the larger boxes make the purchase seem more exciting.

Although, I pretty much just buy downloads

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I’m also going download only with the switch, there’s already enough unnecessary plastic in the world. Just bought Luigis mansion 3 on sale from the ehop after receiving the news to not have to pay double the rent for September :blush:


I only bought three games new as I managed to get them cheaper as on the eshop but that is an exception. My plan was to buy mostly download and used games anyway. And it definitely is a psychological reason for sure, guess the buyer is supposed to have the feeling of having purchased something valuable when it’s sold in a proper box. And collectors most likely prefer the look of bigger boxes in their shelves over tiny SD card piles. Nonetheless, huge waste of resources no matter what the intention is.

Another recommendation for the eshop: Oceanhorn is on sale for 7,49€ . If you like Zelda then this is a sure shot, played it on the iPad with a proper controller and enjoyed it a lot. Even though I basically finished it last year I don’t mind playing it again. Hope the second one will also be released on the Switch.