Bought a Nintendo Switch

Happy new year!

The Gardens Between

Popular on this thread and all heavily discounted right now


All three phenomenal games. I wish someone would have warned me how emotional The Gardens Between was, the ending hit me like a sack of pennies

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Witcher3 is pretty awesome

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I bought this yesterday.

Absolutely love it. Although i’m stuck at an early stage. Not great with games in general but would appreciate some help if i upload a image of where i’m stuck.

Until i can upload an image, it’s after the bit where you had to pretend to be one of the ‘Controlled’ & copy their moves. I got away from the dog but i can’t lift the shutter & get the cart through.


Got it for PS5. Kind of slow at the beginning, but it picks up steam after a few hours. I’m quite happy with it overall.

Haven’t started it yet… I’m lost in the OCD paradise of Wilmot’s Warehouse for now. This ‘game’ has got to be a devious plan to get us all trained and ready for our Amazon overlords


Check some gameplays on Youtube if you´re really stuck. I try to avoid it as it´s tempting to check it too much but when I´m really stuck and start to get annoyed I´ll look up some videos and skip to the part I need.


I did. And now I’m embarrassed how simple the solution was.


Been there. I tried to reach a point below a bridge in a game once for what felt like half an hour and the solution was to simply press down and the jump button.


A dozen hours into BotW, and starting to regret my journey into gaming. I haven’t played anything other than the odd phone game since SNES, and this is ridiculous. How do people hold down jobs and remember to bathe occasionally?


I’m replaying the game again, myself. It’s a weird game from my traditional perspective. It feels both compelling and not- given its explorative gameplay core.

The number of hours running through fields followed by rewards after rewards for investigating interesting sightings.

It’s a very weird and ambitious game. They really made something special. However I can’t see how the sequel can disappoint me. Either it’s more of the same, or it’s the same style with a more story driven flow.


Actually I‘m kinda worried that a somewhat linear story will dispell the magic a little. I just hope they don‘t go fully Top-10-Anime-Betrayals bonkers with the story like in the latest Hyrule Warriors.

Lately I found myself listening to these Breath of the Wild ambiance soundtrack videos on Youtube. That sparse piano music is so spot on!
The solitude in the game wouldn‘t be the same if you heard a full blown orchestral piece for hours when running through the hills, you‘d get exhausted after 10 minutes.
Let‘s see how long I‘ll listen to the ambiances before I cave in and replay it all again.

Are you enjoying your second (or n-th?) walkthrough?


I just remember that job brings in the money to keep the electricity running (for games, and synthesizer), as for bathing, if you are careful you can sit in a tub and game fairly easy with the switch.


I am. For this run, I really want to get the Master Sword before hitting the rest of the divine beasts to see if the contacts will put some respect on my name.

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I’m concerned this is going to spawn a ‘Show us your Bathtime Synth & Gaming Set-up’ thread

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It’s a good way to get some of the Drexciyan aquatic tones. :loopy:

This 1000%. I’m playing Witcher atm and I’ve had to turn down the music: after botw, anything more than random flourishes of sparse piano amongst the rustling of grass is like a master sword splitting my skull.

Absolutely incredible approach to a soundtrack.


My kids kept stealing my Switch, and not letting me use it. My wife got me another one for xmas. :smiley:

I started replaying BotW and Mario Odyssey, and having a blast again. Of course, I don’t get to play as much as I’d like right now. Short on time.

This one’s an older indie PC game, but I’ve been playing Monaco four player with my daughters. It’s ridiculous amounts of fun. (co-op, overhead heist game) Highly recommended. Works online, local wireless, and four players on the same screen as well.


Botw… I love it so much, it’s the perfect life in box haha


Bought a friend’s Switch with many games a few months ago and it was such a great acquisition, such a great console!

I keep being surprised by how much I want to play BotW all the time despite some mechanics I hate (cooking and weapon durability) and the lack of real dungeons. Exploring is so much fun!

And I had so much fun with Ni No Kuni too!