Bought a Nintendo Switch

Well its the 35th anniversary so there better be something or riot.


Skyward Sword is one of the last Zelda games I want on the Switch. :frowning:


I’m happy!!!


…yeeeaaaahhhhh…I was hoping it was Windwaker.

Though it was pretty hilarious the Zelda guy was on screen. “You probably some BOTW2 news…SOOOOR-RYYYYY” :smiley:


Famicon Detective Club might be cool. Investigation games are kinda my jam

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I actually really enjoyed Skyward Sword. It’s kind of an oddball Zelda game, but overall it’s a great game IMO. I’d put it in the middle of my list of Zelda to-replay games. They really need to put the remasters from the Wii-U on the Switch, then get the enhanced 3DS versions of OoT and MM. The Switch is such a good console and concept. Being able to play the best versions of these classics on it just seems logical. I also want them to keep pushing forward with new games.


Yeah that was giving me some serious FF Tactics vibes, one of the few games that I have played through countless times.

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I’m not knocking Skyward Sword…it’s nice enough…I just feel that if you’re going to bring another 3D Zelda to Switch Skyward is near (or at) the bottom of that list (I was hoping for Twilight…underrated…best dungeons)

@Ryan I like Aonuma; seems like a straight up dude. The goods news is that I think we’re “close”. I’m guessing winter this year. I don’t think they’d leave us with nothing if it were another year.

Edit: Rumour: Zelda's 35th Anniversary Will See The Return Of Wind Waker And Twilight Princess - Nintendo Life


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Agree completely. Twilight is probably my favorite teetering with Wind Waker followed by Ocarina. Then maybe Breath of the Wild.

I’d love Link Between Worlds on there too. I still have my 3DS, but I like a tidy collection.


I think objectively LttP, OoT and BotW are interchangeably the top three. But in terms of personal favorites I think TP is mine too.

I’ve never played Between Worlds! We’ll see what happens with that and OoT and MM for the Switch…might have to get a 3DS.

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I declare that when Mario Golf comes out on the Switch, we start a Elektronauts tournament.


Have you seen anything about it getting released on Switch? IMO it’s one of the biggest oversights short of a good Metroid game. I spent tons of hours playing the N64 and then Gamecube versions. A little whiskey and Mario Golf with friends. Tip top. :smiley:

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srsly… where is Metroid?


hiding with the Monomachine mk3.


On the way! Out end of June


this is a very good idea :slight_smile:


Nice!! I actually stopped looking for any information, because I thought they’d just ditched the franchise or something. This makes me happy to no end.


Another one that I’m very much looking forward to, and (so far) looking like it’ll be out this year, is Axiom Verge 2. I’ve played the first one several times through at this point, and really want more of it.

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It’s coming to Switch and EGS. However, EGS exclusives at least to this date have been timed releases. I can’t imagine it not going on Steam after 6-12 months. I absolutely refuse to use EGS. I hate what they’re doing to the platform. I use Steam, and GOG only on the PC.

Yeah I double checked after I posted.

Anyway I have the first but still haven’t played it. Looking forward to it though.

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