Bought a Nintendo Switch

Nintendo as a company has honestly disappointed me a lot recently. I’ve been a longtime fan but everything keeps adding up:

  • No news of Bayonetta 3 and Metroid Prime 4 (two BIG reasons I bought a switch)
  • Awful, garbage online that sucks ass AND COSTS MONEY. Seriously, random people on the internet modded matchmaking into Smash Bros melee and the net code is consistently better than playing Smash Ultimate online
  • Going after rom sites while not even making an ATTEMPT to put up N64, GB/GBA or GCN games on their eshop; and we know the Switch is capable of playing N64 and GCN games because people have hacked their Switches to do so. Let me repeat: Modders got N64 games to the Switch quicker than Nintendo has. As it is now, if you wanted to “legally” play N64 or GCN games you would have to buy them used on ebay for upwards of $50 or $60 for some games–not a single dollars of which goes back to Nintendo. Why the hell would I do that?
  • Also it took, what, two years to get SNES games on the eshop? And they’re still missing a lot of good SNES games. It took them long enough to get Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2 (i think it took upwards of another year), but where is Chrono Trigger? Super Mario RPG? Etc.
  • Garbage Super Mario 3D All Stars collection for full price without ANY added benefits that ROMS and emulations were doing 20 years ago. Also no SMG2.
  • Full priced Skyward Sword remake

Just getting a bit tired of the one-two Mario Zelda punch at the start of a generation, and then 4-5 years of pretty much nothing, and then start all over again. The one thing I can say about the Switch is at least it has a lot of indie support and it makes sense to play indie games there. I’m close to selling my Switch out of spite (I looked into jailbreaking it and it’s actually incredibly invasive and tricky lol) but Monster Hunter Rise is coming out in a month and I’m a big, big fan of that series.


Axiom Verge and Outbuddies DX fill the role nicely!!!

Axiom Verge 2 is coming 1H this year too of course. (Think we already discussed that…)

Highly recommend all of these for Metroid fans though.

Plus the new Turrican collection, and Gunlord X.

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I’ve been playing Ni No Kuni. Super cute and fun! A little slow to start, but really picks up and gets pretty challenging. I’d def recommend to Jrpg or pokemon/monster farming fans!


just found on sale: very recommendable is the steamworld series, espacially dig 2 and heist. another favorite to play with headphones is alien isolation.

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Big fan of Dig and Dig2

Nope. I want Metroid. Not something to make me feel like I am playing Metroid. :laughing: Axiom has been on my “to check out list” since my PS Vita days…

It’s not just the gameplay style - it’s the games themselves. Hope they are cooking something up for Metroid anniversary…

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Big mistake to miss Axiom Verge. In some ways it’s better than Super Metroid. It would be a tough trade-off, and depend on a few things that are down to taste. For me personally, Axiom Verge is actually better. It’s not trying to be Metroid EXACTLY as close as it is, but is its own game. Still, even if you remotely enjoy Metroid there is no good reason that you wouldn’t enjoy AV.

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It basically involves being subtly coerced to turn a natural island paradise into a capitalist dystopia, through pillaged natural resources and rampant consumerism. My six-year-old loves it.


Thanks, I’ll pass


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But it’s so cute.

We made a forest out of lawn flamingos

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I realize I mentioned this briefly above, but I’ve been playing Ghosts n Goblins Resurrection for a few days now, and I think I’m nearing my first full run through one of the available paths. (the more Ghouls n Ghosts style path) It was REALLY hard at first (as these games always are) but I got used to it just like the classics, and have been having an absolute blast with it.

I’m a sucker for new games, remakes, or similar games to my old favorites, and will often buy them on nostalgia alone. Most of the time that works out fine, but sometimes I end up just putting it aside. I thought that I might end up doing that with this game, but pressed on anyway. I’m glad I did, because it’s a REALLY good entry in this series. It’s lightyears beyond the 2.5D ones that have come out in recent years. I’d put this one up with the originals.

It’s hard, so if you’re not up for the challenge, it may not be worth it. However, I found that even though it can almost get to “Switch-Throwing” difficulty at times, it typically eases up for a section or two before getting really hard again. They did an excellent job with the pacing.

My approach has been to play a few sections at a time or even one area, but then take a break before going onto the next. That’s worked out quite well.

Anyway, just wanted to further recommend this game. I wasn’t sure I was going to like it as much as Ghouls n Ghosts (my favorite in the series), but it’s definitely up there with it. Also, if you’re one that prefers Ghosts n Goblins, it’s got a path that more closely resembles that game. I’ll be playing through that path after I finish this one.

It’s not just a remake of either game. It’s definitely a new game, though the paths are inspired by the old ones. There’s plenty of new content to make it stand on its own. (so if you’re wondering if it’s worth the semi-high price, IMO it is)


Hey all – my girlfriend’s birthday is next week and I thought I might get her a Switch game… She has played and finished Zelda, her favourite. What would you recommend that’s of a similar vibe?

One reviewer said Zelda had ruined gaming for him, because nothing comes close. I fear he’s right! Maybe the DLC if she doesn’t have it :upside_down_face:

Perhaps have a look at Ni no kuni, if she’s at all into Anime / Studio Ghibli? Or The Witcher for more open world adventures (more narrative driven)


Oceanhorn 2 is pretty similar but the reviews are so so. The first part is also very similar to the older 2D Zelda games and I enjoyed it.

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Hollow Knight for cute and desolate vibe

Super Mario Odyssey for open world/explorative adventure

Limbo/Inside- no real tie in, but these might be the greatest games known to man

Edit: Perhaps Skyward Sword due to obvious comparisons to BOTW given it was the latest Zelda game before BOTW


Good recommendations!

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Thanks everyone, this is super helpful! Just one question: what’s the DLC?

I’ll look these all up! :raised_hands:

The DLC: I was referring to the extra Downloadable Content you can get for Zelda, which adds a new story arc and various features


I’ve really enjoyed a few indies:

The Way (Remastered)
Shinsekai Into The Depths
Untitled Goose Game


Ah, gotcha! Thanks! Can you tell that I don’t often play computer games…?!