Bought a Nintendo Switch

you can get a fucking motorcycle :joy: it’s cool


Another good list. My daughter loves Spiritfarer.

Untitled Goose Game is excellent, and keeps getting better (multiplayer).

Hades is top notch.

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Playing Ys VIII. On PS5 I’m playing Trails of Cold Steel (soon to be followed by part 2) so I can then play parts 3 and 4 on switch. Shame they didn’t bring 1 & 2 to switch as well. I had never been into JRPG’s before switch, aside from some final fantasy.

Noir Chronicles is 2.09 on sale.

It’s a hilariously bad game. Definitely worth the price

Just want to say thanks for the Inside recommendation way back there, @Ryan. Only halfway through but… Wow!

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Great game

my problem with the swith is the big amount of cognitive overload I experience when playing a game. Especially on my TV screen (I didnt have a TV for 20 years). When playing picmin with my son, I am empty after 15 minutes. Tennis is better already, I am looking forward to super chill Mario Golf.

This week I found out The Untitled Goose Game updated to 2-player mode. I bought it, and played it with my old son. Amazing! We have big fun, we have time to discuss our strategy which is hilarius with my son, and many times his strategies work amazingly well.

So if you know another relaxed game on switch, please tell me :slight_smile:


Another Goose Game fan here. Check out A Short Hike… Beautifully quirky indie game. Cheap, too.


I had a quick play of „Gris“ the other day and it’s very chill. Relaxing music and no enemies, just walking around in a graphically pleasing environment finding your way to the next undiscovered part.

Lo-Fi Ping Pong is also very minimalistic and good to practice rhythm.


Check out Abzu, it’s a game where the main purpose is to go diving in a beautiful ocean environment. Great visuals and audio and probably the most relaxing game I’ve ever played. It also goes on sale from time to time and you can get for just a few bucks, I think I only payed 3€ or so.

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I actually find Diablo 3 to be the most relaxing game I own :grimacing:

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Agree with Abzu. My daughter has played it through about ten times now. She loves it, and I love to watch. It’s extremely relaxing.

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Awesome thread. I got a switch as well, I need to balance and decompress from spending way too much time in the studio so this gives me an alternative.

Hades, Diablo 3 are my favorites so far. I have BOTW, but the broken weapons thing bugs me so I haven’t gotten fully into it yet.

Honestly, I got this mainly because the Diablo 2 remake should be amazing on it, and Monster Hunter Rise will probably be my go to for months and months.

I love Hades too. The only negative is that the better I get, the longer the runs are so there is quite a time investment there. With Diablo I can pop in and out rather fast if needed.


I work in a psychiatry clinic
we used to have VR with ‘swimming with dolphins’ to relax :slight_smile:
feels just like Abzu


I’m not sure if I’ve made the recommendation before in this thread, but since I was just talking about it with a friend, I thought I’d mention Songbringer. I highly recommend it. It’s more or less a classic Zelda-like experience, but with a strange world to travel, odd-yet-compelling story, plenty of humor, good action, nice music, etc. It’s high on my list of indie titles, and games in general. Definitely one to check out.

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I’m currently blown away by this FMV puzzle “Telling Lies” I didn’t think such a game could exist.

You’re just dropped into the game and search out video clips based on things the characters say until you figure out the story.

The level of immersion built into this game is unreal


I mentioned this in the computer games thread, but Narita Boy is tip top! (I’m actually playing it on the Switch.)

Sounds a bit 7th Guest-ish


Never heard of it! Will check it out!

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Wow. That name brings me back.

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