Bought a Nintendo Switch

I jumped late on the „Hades“ train and guess I would have never bought it if I didn’t test it during a game night at a friend’s place. A roguelike isn’t really my type of genre but this one really sucks you in… now after around 50 attempts I managed to escape once but the story obviously doesn’t end there and it just doesn’t get boring. The boss fights on the 3rd and 4th layer are tough as nails though.


I was late too. :slight_smile:

Yeah, you have to keep escaping to get the real ending(s). Most excellent game!

FEZ IS OUT ON SWITCH this is a complete sentence you bstrds!!!



I bought it for my Switch and the kids’.

Even though we all have it in our Steam accounts too :smiley:

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No f***in way…You’re lying lol I love that game and have been dying for it to drop on Switch


Baba is You. One of the best games I’ve played. The fact that it gets so insanely difficult deeper into the game just makes it more rewarding for me.

Currently playing Pokémon sword as a 33yo father. What can I say. It’s still fun after 20 years.


Me tooooo. Played on my Vita at the start of pandemic and listen to soundtrack all the time. No longer own the Vita, but do own a Switch. Yay!


they made a game about, That 70’s Show? nice!

but really whats it about lol? just watched the trailer and it seemed like nothing was really going on.

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It’s a puzzle, mood, exploration game. To tell you the main game dynamic is kind of a spoiler, but it’s a really nice game. Great music too.

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i’ll pick it up then add it to my list of games i never get around to playing.

is it chill tho?
as in gameplay mechanics?

asking this because i’m trying to get my non-gamer friend into using her switch more.
this is her first gaming system.

and i just bought her Monster Hunter Rise so i’ll have someone to quest with but all they have done was designed their character and since then have no interest in playing it again lol. and it was a digital purchase, whomp.

she plays games like toad tracker and animal crossing (or use too anyways) so would fez game mechanics be too difficult for her?

shes not that good at platformers/platforming yet.

she still has to look at the buttons sometimes and still gets confused by whats “R” or “ZR” lol.

Do not get her Fez. :blush:


FEZ is a very special type of platforming.


would you guys say its less extreme than Celeste?

i told her to buy that game lol. she thought the character was cute and the story was interesting but not sure if she played it yet.

if its not as crazy as celeste she might be more inclined to playing it perhaps.

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There are definitely “throw your controller at the wall” moments. Part of that is (maybe) a case of the olds (in video game terms), but part of it is that some parts of the game are just tricky.

I know this might sound crazy, but what about Three Houses? There seems like a lot to do outside of combat and she might enjoy the human interaction aspect of it (and stay for the turn based strategy awesomeness).

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oh no don’t get me started with Three Houses lol.
that was the reason why i bought the switch.
love FE games.
so of course me being me, i had to try to get her/someone else to enjoy also. idk im weird like that, i do that with my favorite movies alot too lol.

she did not like it. the combat didn’t really click with her and all she talked about was trying to pet the cats at the school.
even as much as i bugged her to give it another chance and keep playing she wouldn’t. she tried the sort of tutorial/opening battle twice and after she was done. smh.

What kinda stuff is she into?

Perhaps she might be into Firewatch?

A game about a radio relationship between a male widow and his female supervisor and nothing really happens. People seem to like it, I don’t understand it.

Goragoa might be up her alley. BEAUTIFUL unique little puzzler. Pretty trippy but not too brain busting.

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Definitely get her Hollow Knight. Very cute fun game.


Don’t game, but I’m gonna steal my kids switch to sample.

It’s definitely not anywhere near the extreme level of technical platforming as something like Celeste.

The platforming can be pretty exacting, but you can always (well almost always) go at your own pace, so you can line up your jumps etc. There are some timed jumps (some cranks that lower platforms) that can get a bit annoying, but not TOO bad.

The reason I would call it advanced though is the 3D rotational aspect. Things don’t always line up where you think they might. Which is part of what makes the game so incredible, and often cerebral. It requires puzzle-game-like thought WHILE platforming, so that’s where things can get difficult.

However, it’s hugely rewarding, the characters are excellent, the mood of each location is absolutely perfect, the music is incredibly good and atmospheric (especially in one of the darker levels later on).

With this game, unlike some, I would say that it’s good enough to even just play as far as one can get, and call it good for a while. Maybe pick it up again later. My brother and I beat it, but my kids haven’t. They still thoroughly enjoy playing it though, and still go back to it once in a while since its original release on the PC.



I am afraid I might not finish it though, because of things that go SPLASH in the dark! :laughing: