Bought a Nintendo Switch

i cant breathe over here

i will go into deep despair and then question my life. ill do it either way

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Watching this now, first clip starts with Ganon laid out - turns out to be for Smash Bros X Tekken of course :rofl:


that was intentional. trolls. but funny trolls.

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Oh I know, I enjoyed it - but surely this means they will show BOTW2!


Anyone else here messing around with Game Builder Garage?
Its toolset is pretty barebones, but there’s enough to build some basic sequencers and create a touch control interface to play some bleep bloop sounds with…
Here’s the code for my first attempt at both of those ideas…

Game ID: G0076G7VV2


Wow…this direct is starting pretty slow

Danganronpa! I wish I hadn’t already bought all the games already…will probably buy them again for switch…

A year is plenty of time to get granular on that.

I’ll take it.

Disappointed its not underground. But please give us dungeons.

No wonder they’re rereleasing SS.


Right. It’s like they showed it being all dark and creepy when it was first teased- only to reveal it being uplifting and bright and cheerful.

Like a bait and Nintendo Switch.

However- my favorite thing in BOTW was using the paraglider, so it feels like a solid expansion on what the original offered. We’ll see- it could add pleasing synapses to the gameplay


I think part of that was everyone misinterpreting the comment “currently a little darker” as of it were the game as opposed to the trailer itself. I always went off the throwback to so many under/overworlds in past games. Plus I like dark stuff. But shoot I can get over it if it’s great exploring and skies are great for exploring.

I just want dungeons :frowning:

That ganondorf looks badass though.


Will we still be able to windbomb though?

One of Nintendo’s more disappointing E3 efforts. I presume (and hope) they have a decent Direct lined up soon.

I realised the other day that I haven’t really played my Switch in about 18 months. Still got Links Awakening shrink wrapped :joy:

I briefly played the Mario collection and Mario 3D world but that was it. Loved the console but when Xbox and gamepass sinks it’s nails in is hard to look back as a casual gamer these days.

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Yeah. I can’t believe how much of Nintendo Directs are just ports.

The last Indie Showcase was exponentially more exciting. Road 99, those Annapuria games, Fez(port- I know).

From the get go I thought they were trolling by how unenthused the beginning started- but no, it was just drivel with a few gems hidden in(Metroid, Danganronpa, then Zelda)

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I’m guessing the thing still sells shed loads so Nintendo will be chill and playing the long game. Quite a few expected a Switch 2 which may have been a little unrealistic but the lack of AAA games is tiresome.

On a positive note, I can enjoy the Series X and when a Switch 2 does land in the future I’ll hopefully be bored of Xbox and raring to Nintendo it again! Probably with ports of ports of old games though…

I’m hoping for that handheld Steam system, personally.

So many great games that I’ve bought, but I just don’t like playing at my laptop


If Microsoft’s streaming allows me to play Age of Empires 4 on my Mac eventually then goodbye social life :joy:

Steam rumour is an interesting one. But either way, BOTW2 will have me crawling back. So too would a Mario Kart 9 and new Mario mind you

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Someone’s happy with Metroid Dread :joy:


BotW2 :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:

Does anything else even matter?!?


Jup, on the gamepass train too. I’m already so spoiled everything else is like: looks cool but naaaah, I’m not buying that I’ll wait for some cool gamepass games.

Gamepass on handheld would be perfect for me, haven’t expiremented yet

Except for botw2 ofc, already preordered it months ago haha

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