Bought a Nintendo Switch

Exactly my thinking! I have a friend who needs one so they can have my old one. I’m also excited to beat Mario 3D World on the OLED, perfect game for it with all the colors!

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I bought a switch lite new today for $190usd. Got Metroid Dread. Put about 2.5 hrs in and it’s a hoot. The ai bots definitely illicit dread :see_no_evil:.
Last Metroid game I played was the 3d one on Wii (or was it GameCube?). Anyway really enjoying it so far.


It is phenomenal. I played the NES Metroid when I was 7-8 and it has remained my favorite series since that age. Whith the games being on different systems I have missed a few over the years, but this one is fantastic so far. They nailed it.

One of the things I love are the nods (even if unintentional) to the Metroid Prime series.


Yeah it is really great. I prefer this format for Metroid (the 2d)


I have had a Nintendo gift card since Christmas and Metroid Dread has looked like a decent contender to use it on, but so many reviews mention frustration and difficulty. Kind of wondering if it’s a matter of expectations or something, because so many others seem to enjoy it.

I have only played a little SNES Metroid and Metroid Prime, but really enjoyed the Guacamelee and Ori series (Hollow Knight, not so much), so I think I’m down with “Metroidvanias” and can’t think of anything else I might want until whenever Mario + Rabbids 2 (or BOTW 2 lol) comes out. Would Dread be fun for someone not super familiar with Metroid?

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I wouldn’t say its frustrating, but it can be difficult.

Especially later on in the game. There are frequent difficult mandatory battles.

I’m also not that good of a gamer, as I’ve mostly just been playing Phoenix Wright-like games for the entire year for the most part.

It doesn’t start out too bad, but the difficulty ramps up a bit exponentially


I watched some more footage and it just looks cool so I think I’ll give it a shot


I’ve game over-ed numerous NUMEROUS times in the current section. :grinning:

Still its a satisfying game. The design of the movement is worth the price of admission, as far as im concerned. It just feels SO GOOD!

Glad you’re giving it a shot. I hope you enjoy it!


I would agree that it is challenging, but often that’s more on me for not noticing some patterns of the bosses until 7or 8 deaths. It is really pretty great feeling, and one of the better games I’ve played on the Switch.


I‘m still playing Hades occasionally, yesterday marked my 200th attempt. Quite crazy especially considering that I thought this game wasn’t for me when I first checked it out. And even after these many hours I‘m still far from being bored by the game. Can’t remember being that much into one game besides Tetris maybe when I was a kid and got a Gameboy.


Speaking of Tetris. Anybody planning on getting Tetris Effect?

I wanted to get this, but I bought Super Monkey Ball(not a fan, personally) and Metroid Dread last week, only to find that Tetris Effect came out the same day as Dread

I agree with this. It never feels unfair, which to me is a key component in game design. I ran into my first really challenging boss last night and every time I died, I had the feeling of, “Ah! Sloppy!,” or “Dammit! I was too impatient.” But each attempt was thrilling and I even watched the cut scene all 7-8 times I tried because Samus is space-aliciously sassy.


Just to gage how bad I am at games, was the boss the one where there were chains

Because that’s the one that I first game overed nonstop

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I was excited about it, but looking at some of the reviews and footage, it seems those gorgeous animations can get in the way of the gameplay at higher speeds. Latter-stage Tetris 99 already frustrated me like that, so I’ll probably give it a miss.

Edit: Nintendo Life gave it 10/10 :eyes:


It sure was. It was a fun but challenging boss. The lead up to it was awesome, as was the cut scene. I actually laughed out loud.

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Its weird…after game over after game over when you beat the bosses, you still have all your health chambers when the defeat animation begins

We’re all in agreement here that Metroid Dread is da shit, right? And Metroid in general, okay?

Or do I have to come see each and everyone one of you who disagrees?


Metroid Dread is an amazing game. I’m super impressed.

I feel bad for SilkSong having to follow this game


The only Metroid game I never finished was Super Metroid, cause I never owned a Super Nintendo, and Metroid Prime 3, cause while it was great, it wasn’t awesome like Prime 2 or legendary like Prime 1.

But the others … how I have toiled to find all missiles, energy tanks and then churn my way to the punishing ordeal that is the end boss of these games. This is gaming at its most truthful - relentless and immersive, atmospheric and brave.


I think Silksong will stand on its own. I can’t get enough of this genre in general, but any major release (like either of these two) will get its due attention I’m fairly confident. Just finished up my second play of Hollow Knight (and that blasted path of pain), so I’m ready. :smiley: I also just finished Axiom Verge 2, and that was the perfect segue to get into Metroid Dread.