Bought a Nintendo Switch

MetroidVanias are all great and stuff, but whenever a well made Metroid game does show up, every decade or so, it’s still the act the others have to follow.

I wonder how close Prime 4 is. Wouldn’t surprise me if Dread’s building up to an imminent announcement of a more solid release date for that one.


Unless it’s a Vania! :stuck_out_tongue:

Though I will say Ritual of the Night definitely trails behind…

Actually, the one I thoroughly enjoy, even as much as the Metroids and Castlevanias is Sundered. I know some people don’t gel well with its nuances, but it’s absolutely incredible if you allow yourself to adapt to its mechanics. It’s absolutely stunning to look at, combat is an amazing fluid dance, bosses are multiple screens in size, and the atmosphere is thicker than a brick wall, if I may use an off-the-cuff metaphor. :smiley: I’d go so far as to give it a flawless rating.



I’m gonna check it out.

After Dread, tho :slight_smile:


Definitely worth it. It plays a bit different, so be sure you’re in an adaptable mood. It’s somewhat procedural with its levels, but do not let that deter you. It’s not fully procedural. Meaning there are large landmark areas in each map area that you will immediately recognize. It’s just that some of the halls, tunnels, etc. change between deaths. You keep your skills and add-ons (so it’s a little bit like Dead Cells) except way more MetVan, and less Rogue-y. I know those terms make a lot of people think twice, but this game has a definite progression, backtracking, skills, add-ons, mobility upgrades, etc. that you keep as you progress. You’ll still have a good idea of how to get where you’re going, and your map fills in appropriately to the genre. I wanted to give you the heads up on these aspects, since they’re polarizing, but also to assure you that they’re minor compared to other games that have those features. The level changes serve to slightly disorient you, but not completely get you lost. It’s a dark/ancient/eldritch horror sort of thing, and you can choose whether to take the darker or lighter (depending on your point of view) path through the game with no penalty for doing so. I find that many games that allow this choice eventually punish you for going the darker route. This one doesn’t. I’ve played it through three times now, and never touched the light path. :smiling_imp:




Whelp I wasn’t paying it much attention (I never finished super metroid) but since all you fine people are raving about it and Silksong is nowhere to be seen I think it might be my winter vaca play.

Happy for everybody that it’s lived up to expectations!


Can confirm that Dread is extremely awesome. I thought it would be good… but it’s GREAT.


Yes i can confirm that too. Fav game on the switch so far. Beat super metroid the night before


Yeah, thanks for the feedback everyone, been having a blast with Dread this afternoon. It will be competing for my time with Disco Elysium once that drops on Switch/Xbox tomorrow but they should contrast nicely.



Chambers* I fixed it. What I mean is the units of 100 health

I got 100% item completion in about 9 hours. Terrific game. I’m a big metroid and metroidvania fan. I can’t believe how good Samus’s movement is, it’s so satisfying. Every boss fight is challenging but fair.


Holy geez! Thats quick!

I’m like 9 hours in and am only halfway through the second map.


The game funnels you along pretty quickly. There’s not really any exploration to do, really. It’s a lot like Fusion in that regard. I had about 50% item completion when I got to the last boss and went back and picked everything up, which I prefer to do anyway because I don’t like making multiple trips around the map backtracking just because I got a new major item but can get a few missile expansions.

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Haha :slight_smile: we clearly have a different experience here :slight_smile: I’m like looking at the map, going “Where the hell should I go next?” most of the time.

Though I wonder if maybe I’m sort of coaxing myself into that state, just because I love that so much about the Metroid games. Usually, when I figure out where to go next, it’s like “Oh, yeah, I got the magnet thing and there’s a string of magnet surfaces right where I got it. Maybe I should just follow those.”

Of all the Metroids, the first Prime was the most brutal one I ever played. And the one I’ve appreciated the most, though Fusion’s atmosphere and plot came pretty damn close.


Im stuck on drogyga (burenia boss), finally figured it out his moves


I think I know that one. Yeah, I was stuck on that one for a while

Same here. Feeling lost most of the time…


My Son will be 8 soon
Hé collects pokemon cards
I thought of buying pokemon snap for him
But i have no idea

Good idea?
Or other suggestions?
Hé loves botw, Mario odessey, Mario rabit, louigi mansion