Bought a Nintendo Switch

Fez is the last game I played that had that feel. Same sense of exploration and puzzle solving. Might be a bit challenging for am 8yo, but its the last game that absolutely floored me that had that same innocent vibe

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Yeah, I mean, that’s when you know you’re playing a real Metroid :slight_smile:


My daughter’s a year younger and I’ve also been hunting around for new games. You mention BOTW… How did your son get on with that? I’ve been figuring it’s a bit early…

On the cutesy Nintendo side of things, she’s been enjoying Captain Toad. Tons of mini puzzle-worlds to figure out.

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My nephews and I have been enjoying these Pokemon Pikachu/Eevee games around the time they came out.
There are newer Pokemon games now that are a bit different, but can’t say how good these are, neither I nor them have played them – they are 100% commited to Fortnite nowadays :crazy_face:

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Generally speaking there is only one correct way to go. If you find yourself at an elevator or a shuttle to a new area then take it. If you’re there and you get stuck don’t go back, there are probably hidden breakable blocks or something. Shoot everything.

There were a few moments I felt “lost” but then just went to a part of my map I wasn’t able to access before. That’s usually how it goes lol. The game really doesn’t want you to explore unless you’re willing to backtrack for incremental upgrades.

Have fun with the shinespark puzzles… Some of those are a pain in the ass.


I don’t know what these are and now I’m nervous

When you get the speed booster you can press down and store a shinespark is what they call it. Some pickups require very tight, precise use of this technique. If you’re not going for 100% it’s nothing to worry about.

This one I hated the most.


Before watching the video, I think I already know which one you’re talking about.

I assumed I needed an additional power up to open them. Actually being skillful is a bit too much to ask of me :grinning:

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jet grind radio for dreamcast and JSRF were some of the best video games i’ve ever played. Those soundtracks really got me as a kid unfamiliar with the genres they included. psyched for a bomb rush.

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I forgot about that game! I had a lot of fun playing that one years ago

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BOTW is a little too difficult, I think. He loves it, and if you don’t follow all orders, it is still very interesting. Next to this, his classmates play BOTW. This does help. But, I think it makes more sense to buy it when he/she is 10 years old.

I like playing Mario Cart together. It is possible to give my son auto-correct, and then I play without. Also, if you are behind, the system helps by giving extra power or ways to crash the one who’s doing better. So for me, funniest game to play together is mario cart.

Also mario odessy is amazing. He finished it a long time ago (took ages) but he keeps on playing and finding new things in the game.


I play a lot of N++ with both my kids, there are both co op and competitive options. Both a lot of fun. And I don’t really play anything else even when solo, absolutely love everything about that game, just on the right side of both frustrating and difficult which means I can sit down for ten minutes and have sore gamepad hands 3 hours later :joy:

And as for Metroid, I’ve managed to avoid playing any of them in my 44 years so fixing that by playing Fusion on the GBA. Great game so far.

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Alright so Mario Golf was a total let-down. At least it reminded me why I only buy physical versions of AAA games…

i still got a copy of bayonetta 2 (without download code for bayonetta 1) lying around. anyone interested?

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I bought the physical version of Metroid Dread yesterday. I’ve never been a big Metroid-head, but this is just so so good. The difficulty curve is tuned to perfection and it’s a very very well designed game alltogether. Already snuffed two E.M.M.I.s, very rewarding.


Mid-game, I’d be like “aw man…another EMMI section?!”

A few hours later…

"Aw man! That EMMI section is over?!’


I purchased Tetris Effect: Connect. If Tetris is your jam, then this is a must. I play with a controller, and the rumble is synced to the beat of the music. Every button press makes a musical sound, and is in key with game’s sound track (different song for every level!) All the while, beautiful visuals are in sync as well with all the music and button presses. This makes the game almost like you are playing an instrument, and playing Tetris. It reminds me of Tetris meets Rez.

I highly recommend it. It has 3 player co-op, where you have to defeat different bosses of the constellations. It’s actually fun! I haven’t had a chance to check out the other game modes, but the main mode and the co-op mode are a work of art.

The game has an astronomy and at times psychedelic theme to it. I bought it on a whim, and it has surpassed my expectations by a lot. I find myself feeling mentally better after playing it. :star: :star::star::star::star:


I also bought Tetris Effect. Very good game. Quite a beautiful experience.

The journey mode is almost like a training session- at times in the level it will jump in speed, and then there’s a cool down period after that usually.

Its like a Tetris gym and spa and the art is on point


I also bought Disco Elysium…meh…

Theres a lot going on, and there’s not a very good tutorial sequence.

The game might be just a little bit too open…it captured my attention a little bit in the beginning, but so much happened and its difficult to really connect to.

It’s probably extremely ambitious which is admirable- but it dwarfs its accessibility


I have been loving Disco Elysium after playing it all week. I got it on Xbox but I imagine the controls are pretty similar, and I was definitely frustrated at first by not knowing how to even select anything in the starting room for several minutes.

It’s a game that requires patience since it’s primarily text, but I love the story and characters and different paths you can take and not knowing if choosing something is going to hurt my morale.

I love old CRPG games and Disco Elysium is much more up my alley than the traditional fantasy world typically found in those games. I can see it not being everyone’s favorite but I’ve been very amused during my time with it so far.