Bought a Nintendo Switch

Fcuk shinespark.

That is all.


Toe Jam and Earl Back in the Groove is 3 bucks on the Nintendo store. Slap bass.

Lol way harder in the older games.

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Nerds in the know: Is Dread harder than, as hard as, or not as hard as Hollow Knight? :thinking::nerd_face::face_with_monocle:

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Except in the really old ones where it didn’t exist. :grimacing:


hard to say. the enemies and bosses hit really hard. some bosses took me upwards of ten tries to beat. but the game is extremely generous with checkpoints. it kind of feels like super meat boy. you will die a lot but basically lose no progress at all. it’s tough but fair. probably the toughest game in the series.

i’m playing through it on hard right now, doing sequence breaks and trying to go as fast as possible (but not “speedrunning”). enemies hit harder, but it feels totally fine now that i understand everything a lot better.



I’d say harder, just given the more intricate movement in Dread vs Hollow Knight.

Hollow Knight requires less aiming. Approach monster, slash. Occasionally you’ll have to downward slash to keep jumping. Thats the extent of it.

However, Dread has more health upgrades than HK and the health is more variable than HK’s static hits.

So, I’d say Dread is harder but with more conveniences.

Also, has anyone been in a battle in dread where the double jump just doesn’t work? Man, that’s frustrating when that happens.


I thought it was happening but in my case it was user error, double jump has a rhythm to it and in the heat of the boss fight I would button mesh.

Annoying at a certain boss later on when missing a double jump gets you hit for huge damage


I swear I thought, being a gamer, I was used to the natural rhythm of the double jump. I suppose Dread has the strictest timing for double jumps I’ve ever seen


It definitely feels a bit off compared to what I expected, not really natural


Halfway through Dread, I’m being reminded how delicate the Metroid formula is. Right now, I’m doing some backtracking and not sure where to go next, and I got three maps (seeing the exit to the fourth), they’re sprawling all over the place, no obvious puzzle to solve.

Clearly, somewhere, there’s a door I can open now that I couldn’t before, a tunnel I can enter that was closed before, but I’m not seeing it and this is where Metroid makes or breaks it for me - can my poor sense of space and navigation survive the inherent design of this structure?

What kept me going in Prime and Echoes, was that the world constantly surprised me. Especially the first Prime. But the one thing Dread doesn’t do, that some other Metroids do, is being clever with world concepts. Especially if you’ve played a few Metroids before. There’s the lava world, the space station, the broken lab, the freezing cold areas, the space ship vibe section … as far as concept design goes on the worlds, they’re slightly too close to what I’ve seen before, that I’m starting to wonder if this’ll be worth my grind to the end.

I hold the Phendrana Drifts in Prime as my favourite section ever of any Metroid, though, so I’m not saying the comparison is fair. But I expect nothing less from a franchise that’s been in the making to return for about a decade.

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Dread focuses less on exploration, which is what makes it less than perfect. I loved the Prime series for that even though when I first saw a first person Metroid game I considered it blasphemy (lol).

I also agree that the some of the zones are too similar to each other, which is why I can’t remember things as well as in other Metroid games that had more variety.

Like so many Switch games, Dread is a flawed masterpiece, but well worth playing (IMO).

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It feels PRETTY exploration. A bit disappointing that the power up unlockable places were just for powerups

Id say the glaring issue with the less emphasis on exploration was the tone shift from the, how do isay this with out spoiling, was after returning thr heat to the world I was like- okay…now what…?

Hah, it’s plenty exploring to me, given that I can’t find my way out of my own living room :slight_smile:

But perhaps this is what makes it slightly tedious, it’s not so much exploring as it is studying the map to find the only obvious next way forward, which is the overwhelming part of exploring without the fun of having options and working your way around the landscape. You just have to scan the map to find it. And that isn’t great fun.

But arguably, the Prime series - especially the first one and Echoes - they’re just brutal at times. But it’s worth it, cause that’s the experience taken to perfection. It’s the kind of brutal I like.

When I first worked in the video games industry, I had trouble gaining the others’ respect. The place consisted of mostly engineers and artists. I was the odd one out.

Then, I modded my Xbox and imported a copy of Ninja Gaiden from the US, and finished it on difficulty level Hard.

After that, they respected me :slight_smile: never mind the work I did before and after, it was the beating Ninja Gaiden thing that earned me my medal.


It has the same rhythm as the space jump did in fusion. It’s a bit tricky but youll get it

Lack of distinct, memorable areas is my biggest complaint with the game. Ghavoran and Ferenia are the most memorable and even then they’re no phendrana drifts or sanctuary fortress… They don’t immediately spring to life in my mind.

Like I said before, generally speaking the game funnels you along to exactly where you need to go and there is no exploration. A lot of times after you get an item the game might even put you at a portal or an elevator that takes you back to an area you need to go. If you get a new item like the storm missile you can highlight all storm missile doors on the map.

What is the last upgrade you got?

I think, the morph ball bomb.

You need to take the little morph ball bomb tubes on the middle left side of dairon. Those will take you to Burenia. You’re probably like 1/3 of the way through the game BTW. At the most.


I am LOVING the OLED Switch, Dread looks so great on it and I’m 10 hours in on FFXII Zodiac, it’s so much fun to play on the larger screen. 2X speed mode has turned it into an genuinely enjoyable experience, I played it for maybe 5-6 hours when it released on PS2 but the slow movement speed just made it feel like a drag even though I loved the art direction and gameplay.