Bought a Nintendo Switch

botw 2 all the way!

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bro what? It’s literally smash bros

do you hear yourself?


I’ve played Smash Bros with numerous kids that I’ve babysat and/or worked with and I have to say its chaos is a major asset. Plus it has 3 different Samus’ and Ridley so it’s basically a Metroid game. ; )


If you prefer 3D Mario to 2D, then yes Odyssey is amazing.

If you prefer 2D, then Nintendo Switch Online(base package) and play Mario 3/Super Mario World

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Oh David Jaffe, you silly goose


LOL, yeah
maybe I’m just getting old and should stick to classic 2D sidescrollers
or read a book :wink:

that being said BOTW is phenomenal, I accidently played until 5 this morning

and if Xmas really brings a projector, then the exploration of multiplayers will begin for real and Smash Bros will get tried


That last Metroid Dread boss is annoying, not being able to go to the 2nd phase unless you complete what is basically a quick time event twice is pushing me towards quitting…

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This thread needs a redditesque spoiler redact…


Not sure if many here have played it, but really struggling to get into Skyward Sword - hadn’t played it on first release and going from BOTW it just feels terrible, I actually feel bad even saying that as the series is my favourite of all time.

But it feels far more restrictive than any of the others, no real sense of exploration,etc…

Only maybe 10 hours in, though haven’t picked it up in nearly two weeks now I think, in the mines currently.

Maybe it will improve and just need to put a bit more time in, but could not put BOTW down! I know it’s really not fair to compare the two but can’t help it!


You are not. It’s one of the weaker releases of the console games. Especially in such direct contrast to botw. We’re talking two totally different idioms.


BOTW was the first game I played on Switch a year ago, and I’ve been chasing the high ever since. Nothing I’ve tried comes close, and as has been said before, to an extent it’s spoilt gaming for me!

Still - BOTW2 should be here within the next year!


Exact same, think it’s very possible I’ll never get that same high again :rofl:

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Yeah, I find the game to be quite irritating


And The Imprisoned is just…:clown_face:

I really didn’t click with it at first release on the Wii. Hated the motion controls and was visually such a comedown from Wind Waker and Twilight Princess. I’m enjoying it more on the Switch but I still think it’s the weakest of all the 3D Zeldas. BOTW is one hell of tough act to follow though.

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Skyward sword is the weakest mainline Zelda with some very interesting and memorable dungeons… But I had almost zero desire to play it again when the HD version came out, even with fixing all the annoyances.

Can’t believe it’s been ten years.

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So I’ve finished Metroid Dread now and I’m a bit torn. A very brief and personal review says that it’s noway near as good as the first Prime, it’s close to the second Prime and it’s arguably better than the third one. Ironically, the more a Metroid game speaks, the more they seem to struggle with the plot. Fusion and Zero are such distant experiences for me, I can’t compare with them, though I hold Zero in memory very close to the first Prime. I never played Samus Returns, the 2017 remake, and the original Metroid and Super Metroid are so wrapped in nostalgia, it wouldn’t be fair to compare with those.

Dread doesn’t always get the balance between difficult and frustation right, which the best Metroid games always nail. I kind of enjoyed being punished by Prime, because it felt so fair, including the absolutely brutal end stage boss at the very very end.

In Dread, there’s the mix between “I deserved that” to “Now you’re just being lazy, MercurySteam.” Fortunately, the boss fights were never part of the lazy. Damn, they’re a delight. So’s the travelling and the general mechanics, but the exploring part lacks the general idea of where to go next. Prime never helped you much to get there, but it did say that you’re going here next, which was the gravity that pulled me back whenever I got lost or just sidetracked for awhile to catch up on new collectibles. In Dread, you can actually get lost for real if you don’t follow the level design’s attachment to the latest upgrade, wondering when you’re on the sixth or seventh map, oh yeah, what did I actually do last and where was that and how do I keep going from there? Prime reminded you sometimes, “Hey, don’t forget, this is next.” That’s not playing down difficulty, that’s just good design. Dread’s not doing this and it’s not in its favour.

But I’d be fine with all of this, since the overall execution is so triple A, if it wasn’t for the fact that once the plot starts to unravel … well, let’s just say I was reminded once again why I hold the first Prime as my all time favourite in the series. Not gonna spoil, but I’m not in the camp where many reviewers are, going “Oh, such great closure”, and “Ah, the plot twists.” In fact, Dread kind of ruined it for me.

Here’s hoping Prime 4 comes after Dread in the narrative arc, cause I’m looking at Retro Studios now to at least bring narrative back into Metroid again.


And now for something completely different:
Dungeon Encounters is really good so far

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What’s that? I can’t find a listing for anything called that on the Switch.

Sorry, Dungeon Encounters.
It’s pretty much dungeon crawling distilled to its bare essence.

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