Bought a Nintendo Switch

I know there are Metroid fans in this thread, so here’s an interview w/the sound designer of Metroid Prime

Autechre mentioned at around 19:30. I guess this explains the shout-out given in the credits of Metroid Prime!


I had mentioned enjoying Skyword Sword earlier but I’m starting to resent it again. The dungeons are well designed, no doubt about it… Some of the best in a Zelda game. But the rest of the game is gets really boring with all the fetch quests, lack of exploration…


pity there’s no trackers for the switch. be cool if m8 headless could be ported. I have no idea of thr probably obvious reasons it cant but, I csn always dream :sleeping:


Thank you for sharing this!

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huh? fortnite? minecraft?

i was about to go to bed. how dare you do this to me. this is way too cool.

edit: i wish they’d play the sounds as examples. i don’t exactly remember what the echo visor sounds like right off the bat…or you know…any of the sounds lol

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Thanks for the tip. Wow… that’s similar isnt it! Have to wonder at what point it becomes IP infringement

Genshin Impact! Love this game on mobile and have put SO many hours in

If any of you are into speedrunner platformers, you can’t go wrong with Toree 2 for 99c

Sounds design’s bleedin’ brilliant in all Metroid games, and Dread is no exception. Really nails the haunting, sci-fi horror vibe.

I’m sticking to my story that Dread shouldn’t have dropped the waypoint system used in Fusion, Zero and all the Primes, and I don’t buy the story. At all.

Having said that, most other Metroidvanias still got some catching up to do, even when a Metroid doesn’t get its own version of a 100% perfect run.


I wasn’t sold on the music at first but it does fit the atmosphere of the game. I’m really interested in seeing how the story unfolds. I just made it to Burenia and aside from the opening cutscene, the story has sort of been in the background. It sounds like there is a plot twist of some sort in the works… Should I be worried? :sweat_smile:

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Lonely Mountain is a good game. Really enjoyed The Touryst too.


Depends on your relationship to Metroid in the past :slight_smile: but maybe I’m the deranged one, most reviewers and others say the story’s good stuff.

For what it’s worth, I hold the first Prime and Fusion as two fantastic Metroid games as far as storytelling goes. Zero’s close behind.

You should be pretty close to the first major cut scene that actually reveals some of what’s going on. That’ll give you an idea of where it’s headed.


Crystal Peak in Hollow Knight. Ugh. Hard nope.

But in other news, SMT V looks amaaaaazing. Was going to hold off until well after launch, but don’t think I will be able to wait.

Ah! You’ve finished…

Sundered | Thunder Lotus Games :smiling_imp:

(I’m actually playing my fourth play of it as of a couple of days ago. :smiley: )


Whoa, that looks awesome!


It’s a little different, and it can take a little bit to get used to the mechanics, get a couple of mobility items that open it up, etc. but it’s one of the best I’ve played. (I play just about any good 2D game.) This one is quite special IMO. I went into it in a little more detail above somewhere. Some people don’t seem to allow themselves to play to a point where the game becomes absolutely magical. I highly recommend allowing that. :smiley:

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Challenge accepted.

Downloading tonight.


Same story, bought an Xbox chasing the high.

Nothing comes close……

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I don’t think the older edition is available, but just in case, make sure you get the Eldritch Edition. (same game, but lots of refinements)

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