Bought a Nintendo Switch

Tried Red Dead Redemption 2?


Every time I see BotW praised I think I’m missing something. The game did nothing for me.

imho the game feels very empty due lack of proper bosses, temples, enemies and NPC’s. Walking around Hyrule is nice, but compared to Majora’s Mask and Wind Waker the game is really lacking great NPC’s that make the world feel alive.

I recently started playing Witcher 3 and wow, that’s how you create a lived in open world game.


Honestly, it came in a very strange and special time in my life. I’d been working a project for a few months and was totally stressed out, 4 weeks before the deadline I got diagnosed with leukaemia and so my friends raised some money to buy me a sixth with botw. It helped me get through a rough patch, the music, the sense of adventure, the gear. It was perfect! And on top of that I hadn’t played video games since I was kid so it was like coming home, or a warm blanket afterwards snowstorm. it worked for me on so many levels!

Great game, but the context made it the best game ever haha


I tried the online version a bit, but I guess I kinda missed the handheld aspect

You liked it?

Thinking about that Steam Deck?

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I bought one with the intention of scalping it :eyes:

I have no use for it, but I figure that once they come out and reviews start rolling in, more and more people will want one but won’t be able to get it for a year (especially with all the supply chain insanity, chip shortages, etc.) and will be willing to pay a pretty penny for it. We’ll see. At the worst I sell it and lose a bit of money. But seeing as every other new gaming technology has been going for a lot over MSRP, and seeing as this one seems to be the real deal, I’m hedging my bets…

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While Skyward Sword definitely isn’t my favorite Zelda game, I could never call it a bad one. Even if it’s the worst, it’s still an excellent game in general. I did find it to be a little odd, and a few of the areas seemed more like chores than playing, but overall, I would still recommend that any fan of the series play it.

While I get completely sucked into all of the others to the point where I can’t stop playing, with this one, I would recommend taking one’s time, and playing it in reasonable chunks. Something about the way it plays, just doesn’t translate to long marathons of playing (at least for me). I’ve played through twice before, and just started playing the Switch version with my daughters recently. I’m still finding it entertaining, but definitely not on the level of Wind Waker, Ocarina or Twilight. (those are my three top spots) or BotW (in other ways).

There’s a lot to enjoy about Skyward Sword though, even though it’s a bit different.


Not yet… It’s the only game that’s in danger of making me buy a whole new system though…

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Honestly I got the series s and I love it.

It caused a halo resurrection between me and two mates. We Used to FaceTime and play 4v4 for hours during the last lockdown.

Halo infinite is great too! Played a bit of the beta

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Hmmm idk honestly, can’t really justify the costs. I’m more of a casual gamer so switch and series s with gamepass is more than I can chew .

They’re cheaper than I thought they’d come in. At least if you don’t have to get one from a filthy scalper :skull_and_crossbones:


Combined with how cheap games are on Steam

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It became my shelter during the first phase of the pandemic. With two small children at home, watching the virus rage, protests erupt over the summer, generally feeling like the world was burning, my Switch and BOTW became an escape to a simpler time, when I was a kid myself.

I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but I am happy to hear you have such supportive friends. Sending good wishes your way.


Thanks! I feel you, botw seems to have had a similar effect. That feeling when you out of nowhere walk into kakoriko village :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:

I’m doing much better btw, it’s been a year now and I’m working out lots to keep energy levels up. Could be doing worse! :pray:


Really happy to hear it :ok_hand:


Well last night I gave Skyward Sword another go, this time docked having played entirely handheld.

I really enjoyed it! Started from the mining facility dungeon, I think it’s a game that really has to be played docked with the motion controls, for me anyway.

So yeah, happy days, seems to have clicked :slightly_smiling_face:

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I just finished Dread tonight. I have to say that overall, it’s a great game. The big revelation was just ok. It didn’t ruin the game for me but didn’t add a whole lot either. I won’t say anymore to avoid spoilers. But I really want to check out Fusion now… I’ve never played it!


Hehe… I’m about 80% through yet another play. I got bored one night recently, couldn’t work on projects, wasn’t feeling the other games I’m playing, and on yet another occasion…. Got completely hooked, and just kept playing. :smiley:

I’m pretty sure many people don’t play to the point where that happens, but IMO if they did, they’d see what I mean.

The early parts can seem sloggy, but once one has, say three upgrades (mainly mobility) and corrupts one or two, I can’t see how one couldn’t see it for the masterpiece that it is.

Hope you’ve gotten a bit of time in, but if you decidedly you weren’t into it, give it another try later.

I think it’s an acquired taste, but if you let yourself acquire it, it becomes… amazing.

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That damn Zelda got in the way.

But it’s next on my list. Not in the least because it seems to tick a few Lovecraft boxes. Which essentially makes it … well, essential, to me.


Dungeon Encounters is seriously getting in the way of my music and work productivity, I wasn’t planning to, but I already spent 40+ hours on it…

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