Bought a Nintendo Switch

And maybe Binding of Isaac will finally be put down a reasonable price.

Maybe. :crossed_fingers:

Getting in early. Give it a couple of years and Black Friday will be Black November


Finally got hold of an OLED Switch to replace my Lite, and the left joycon is kind of loose fitting compared to the right. Doesnt seem to be anything noticeably wrong with mechanism, on inspection. Anyone found the same, or is it a return job? :pleading_face:

I got my OLED yesterday and for me it’s the opposite. My right joycon its a little loose. It’s not much, but still. I have read about this in reviews so it’s seems to be on many consoles. Yeah, my question is the same. Is it a reason to replace it? It’s really not much and if I didn’t knew about it before hand, I guess I would not have noticed it. Can it result in an issue later on?

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I think one is slightly looser on mine but is it loose loose, like it wiggles significantly up or down? I’m sure it’s the joy-con and not the Switch (unless you already tried multiple joy-cons and found that it is the Switch), wouldn’t return it if I were you unless it’s significant.


There’s a certain amount of ‘flex’, where it’s not so tight to the body, which makes it feel less sturdy on that side. Hard to measure but I’d guess .5mm on the right vs 1-1.5mm on the left. In use it doesn’t really bother me, it’s more the idea of it getting worse later, as @Portray mentions.

Normally I’d probably send it back and get one I’m 100% satisfied with, but it’s taken quite a while to source and receive one and if there’s a strong chance the next one is the same I probably won’t bother. Will think on it - Cheers for the replies.

I bought FEZ on every platform that I own (switch, ios, steam) because I love that game so much
Worth the price just for the beautiful soundtracks honestly


Me too! I have it on everything!

Seems to be a common problem. Two 1x1cm layers of electrical tape at the bottom end of the joy-con rail - Totally solid now and invisible in use. I’ll stick with that

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Good tip, I will test that!

I bought metal slug 1 and im back to my good childhood times :slight_smile:

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Oh my hero. Are there pictures detailing this exactly?

Nintendo seriously takes its fans for granted (how is this not fixed?). But I guess that’s what we get when we simp and buy any measly morsel they give us…

Someone else’s pic, but just put some tape there… I basically covered that whole corner. Done. Feels as sturdy as my Lite now


Amazing! That really solved it. Thanks man! I applied it to the joy-con instead and it works!

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According to my stats I now spent 100+ hours on Dead Cells…


Great idea!

Finally got around to playing this… Holy shit, what a soundtrack! What a game!! Stunning on OLED too :star_struck:


When did I become a Square-Enyx fanboy?

I put in about 40 while it was still in early access on Steam. Then I put it down for a while. Then I put in another 20-30 early on with the Switch version. I haven’t touched it in a long time. I just started it up again last night, and it’s got so many additions, changes, NPCs, etc. now it’s almost like playing a new game. I notice they also optimized it a lot. There aren’t really noticeable slowdowns anymore, and it’s smooth as silk. I think I may get sucked in for another chunk of hours. :smiley:

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My year in review:

I’m a weeb and into Picross… so sue me!

My GOTY was Metroid Dread. Currently playing Murder By Numbers which is a Picross x Ace Attorney hybrid. Highly recommended!

Any other years in review and GOTYs people want to share?