Bought a Nintendo Switch

Oh wow! That sounds awesome! :star_struck:


i just bought this and, whoa, what a cool game!

it’s hella trippy, and you’re right about the music/sound FX


I tried that Timelie demo that was shown at the Indie World today.

Its a decent puzzle game, but not as cool as I would have expected it to be

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Has anyone played this game yet? I‘m currently playing it and I‘m enjoying it. Has some Zelda dungeon vibes with a good mix of puzzles and fights.

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Just started metroid dread again and links awakening. Both great.


I just discovered Unsighted, and have been addicted to it ever since. Can’t put it down. (available Steam and Switch, maybe others) I highly recommend it. The play is similar to Hyper Light Drifter, but the story is more direct (meaning not introduced through imagery like HLD). I liked that about HLD, but this is good in other ways. There is a good variety of puzzling, a bit of humor here and there, multiple (timed, not timed, or highly timed difficulty levels) excellent pixel art and animation, super-tight controls, and the combat is mwah! The music is great too! (lots of synth funk, some jazz, break beat type stuff, etc.)

I would put this up there with Hyper Light Drifter, Resolutiion, and other high quality overhead combat games. Definitely recommended.


I got back into Dead Cells. Stop me please.


looks really good, I’m gonna check it out. thanks :heart:

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Me too! Hadn’t played with any of the new DLCs. Sorry, I don’t think I can stop you. :smiley:

I also got my youngest daughter hooked on it last week. :smiling_imp:

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currently I am an A-ranked player in Mario Ace Tennis.
Waaaay to many hours in this game.
This week I will sell my switch
No need to throw away my time
and more important: there is nothing that eats so much music making time than this Switch
Love it though :slight_smile:

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If you’re enjoying the time, and if it has the added benefit of destressing you, then it’s not really throwing it away. It takes a toll on person to be productive ALL the time. I’d say as long as you get the productivity, health-activity, and time “wasting” balance correct, then nothing to worry about.

For me the key is to play my Switch when I’d otherwise be just about to go to sleep at night (so I play in bed quite a bit in the last hour of the day) or when maybe I’m watching TV with my family (I’ll play simultaneously instead). Playing a game is one step better IMO than passively watching something. I also enjoy playing with my kids, so that’s an extra game time incentive. :smiley:

Don’t feel guilty for enjoying games, as long as they’re not preventing you from doing something you feel you should be doing instead.


Just finished Unsighted last night. Such a good game. I plan to play something else next, but go back through it in NG+ later just for fun. Second my own recommendation now that I’ve finished it.

I think I’ll dive the rest of the way into Dead Cells while my daughter is so interested in it. If I can’t play co-op with my kids, I love playing parallel single player. Keeps a little pressure on to push forward, a bit of healthy competition, and also bidirectional help with tricky spots.

Another daughter and I did this with Hollow Knight, and we had a blast. She chose not to do the path of pain though while I was doing that. (the first of three times) I will not be doing a fourth. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: I don’t know why, but I had to make myself do it. Almost like some kind of training. :smiley:

there was this meme, can’t find it for the life of me tho.

went something like "that moment you catch a glimpse of your face as the game loading screen goes black, and you think to yourself… what am I doing with my life.



Indeed! Loading screens ARE in fact a waste of one’s life. :smiley:

You’d think with all the solid state storage that this wouldn’t be such a big deal. I guess all the decrunching that has to happen though on a low-power CPU (like in the Switch) is really what’s happening there though rather than just data reads.


I know Nintendo doesn’t distress you.
Even if it feels like it


Thats why I’m gaming more in VR. No reflective guilt- also it makes me feel like I’m exercising

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love vr :slight_smile: most of the good stuff makes me sick but :laughing:


I get that. I’m glad I don’t get sick. One of my favorite games right now is a Spiderman like game and the experience is…wow

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nice. mine is walkabout golf on quest. have elite dangerous on pc which is epic in vr. could get lost in there.

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I just ordered an Index, but FedEx has royally botched the shipment. Now 15 days late. Hasn’t shown movement in 7 days, and it’s 2.5 hours from where I live. Someone probably snatched it. I filed a claim after my 9th phone call.