Bought a Nintendo Switch

Ugh. Dead Cells. They reduced the difficulty level right when I was close to getting out, I got out no problem after the next run. I felt cheated. Ah well. Amazing game. Great vistas and music; fun af.

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I only play Dead Cells occasionally because I keep getting sucked back into Hades and I‘m nowhere close to „finishing“ Dead Cells. But even in Hades I reached a point currently where I just can’t escape anymore with around 15 heat. Watching the pros get through with 60 heat without even dying once makes me question my abilities hard :sweat_smile:

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Bro I can’t even imagine gameplay like this. Hats off.

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It does put it right on front of you, though, doesn’t it? Every single character I’ve met so far except the cartographer weeps or is part insane. It’s like they’re really throwing their tears at you.

I can appreciate the vibe and atmosphere, and video games in particular seem well suited to deliver melancholia and grief with impact, but it’s not exactly subtle in Hollow Knight. But I suppose they’re just getting started for whatever tragedy is behind all this.

I’ll admit, the opening hour of Ori did get to me. That’s some solid visual storytelling going on there.


I don’t know, guys. I think Hollow Knight’s too intense for me. I feel like I’m leaping between fury and ecstasy more than my old heart can handle here. Just had a bash with Hornet and man, did that fight drain me completely. Not that it was all that hard. But the focus required, and the whipping about if I did just slip once …

I’m getting too old for this shit.


Yeah it’s pretty dynamic, now that you mention it. I think that’s one of the reasons I enjoyed it so much.

Maybe not Hades, then. Though that’s always at Adrenaline Level 11.

Firewatch is nice and chill and gorgeous. I haven’t played them, but people (@Ryan) rave about Limbo and Inside. I need to play those. Hyper Light Drifter is great-looking, 8-bit, SNES Zelda vibes.


Haha, I can totally see myself flipping the screen during my first fight with Hornet!


And to think Silksong is meant to be even more intense :hot_face:


Yet I can’t wait!

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Yeah, it’s like - it’s not that hard. It’s just, if you don’t pay attention every single second, she gets you. Hard and fast.

I didn’t actually beat her until I stopped watching the knight, and only observed her instead. All. The. Time. There were times I literally didn’t see the hero character because I studied Hornet’s every move so intensely. Reminded me of my old martial arts practice, where I forgot myself and sort of merged with my opponent.

Not sure I can handle that from a video game, though. :smiley:


Hornet is the first real encounter…
She’ll look so easy when you’ll start encountering more and more bosses…What’s so exhausting is that road to get back on track after each failure…
I have completed the game at around 110% if I remember correctly and never killed Radiance and refused to do the path of pain…
Lost my save since then and as far I keep wonderfull memories and nostalgia about the game, I won’t find the courage needed to make it again…
Masterpiece though, enjoy it as far as you can !

More on topic, I recently picked lonely mountains : downhill and as a DH rider myself, I have to admit that this is the game which gave me the most “close to reality” feelings, trajectories and creativity ! Much more than any of those fancy redbull’s sponsored “riders republic” where you can bunny hop backflip triple tailwhips to cancan on the ground…A really nice experience !


Love those games! Play Limbo first! Its a great game that deserves its proper appreciation, but they really improved upon their, already great, formula to make Inside.


Hang on.

I’m about four maps into Hollow Knight now. I’m starting to get the vibe, I’m the intruder here.

The game doesn’t explicitly say so, but I’ve had an encounter or two now where it feels like they’re just desperately defending themselves against that asshole with a white helmet, black eyes and a needle sword who’s poking about in places no one asked him to.

Especially those fungus people, they got desperation painted all over their fungal faces.


An intruder in a world that was previously intruded upon. You’re fulfilling a role that you were never supposed to fulfill


Link’s Awakening remake if you haven’t yet…

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I’m not generally a Zelda guy and never did like the serie’s take on progression and puzzles. Which is Breath of the Wild appealed to me, it kind of removed most of what I didn’t like about Zelda and kept the parts that always did pull me back to try another one again, seeing if this might be the one.

Honestly, even the Divine Beasts were a bit of a chore to me, as were the shrines in the end, so I’m that touchy on the subject :slight_smile:

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Now wait until you have the option of the Path of Pain! Which…. You’ll be compelled to take :smiling_imp:

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You know, that summarises Hollow Knight really well.

I’m like, pulled back into it. Knowing it’s gonna hurt me. But its appeal is too strong. And every time I face a boss or something, I go “Oh, no. God, no. Please, no.”

And yet, I. haven’t yet put it down. Partly because I know I can beat it. Just not sure I have the spine to :slight_smile:


It really is that good.


man ive been GASing for a Switch for a long time… this is isnt helping