Bought a Nintendo Switch

I love my Dark Souls and Bloodborne but I’m not sure an easier difficulty would help. There isn’t much story, so if those games were easier they would feel hollow. They do give you help, if you want, for example you can summon someone to help or just grind.
These were not options on Sekiro, which for as much as I loved the setting, I never finished out of frustration.


I think a difficult setting would go against FromSoftware’s entire reason for being. My only point was that, if a company hasn’t or isn’t interested in mastering the git gud idiom, then they can take comfort in knowing a lot of people want one.

@circuitghost I know I feel accomplished after finishing a video game. But, unless there was a good story, it quickly fades…and then I’m left with these quietly gnawing questions of how I just spent that time :flushed:

I too have tremendous respect for FromSoftware: their world design, from just clips Ive seen, is unparalleled. And if youre into git gud there aint no better (afaiu). I really wish I had the temperament to get into them.


I’m think I’m getting close to the end of hyper light drifter and it’s been an excellent experience. It feels like a top down perspective metroid game, the music and pixel art is lovely and the game play is addictive af.
Since there is a big e-shop sale going on at the moment, I’m already eying a few games to play after hyper light drifter.
Blasphemous seems nice for 6 bucks and I’ve heard a lot of praise for Disco Elysium, anyone played those yet?

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Blasphemous I did not get into like other metroidvanias but I still think it’s worth a try since it’s a subjective topic and it’s getting a lot of praise.

Disco Elysium is an absolute classic, definitely try that one, hardcore to the mega!


And then you watch somone on youtube, beating Sekiro while using a dancemat, next day you find out that he also beat the game with a drumkit controller. There is also a guy who did it blindfolded. oO

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I’ve stopped playing video games on the regular since few years (adult life ftw), but that game was one of the best casual experience I got. I guess it could feel a bit too much “on the rail” for someone that is looking for a 1047 hours rpg experience, but for someone that is just looking for some hours of fun from time to time it’s really cool.


I find most my time on switch turning it on, go to shop, check my wish list, see a game I have on the list at 90% off, get excited, then calm down and say to myself “let’s just wait till it’s 95% off/or £1”. Then go back to BoW.

I did get red faction guerrilla for the above mentioned >90%\around £1 mark the other week…yet to play it…

I think that’s going to be part of my loop until the sequel is out.

Just returning to Hyrule, even now that I’ve finished the main game, is somehow comforting and sad at the same time. It’s a lovely place to be, but I just wish it wasn’t over :slight_smile:


Does the BOTW dlc scratch the itch at all for anyone that’s gotten it?

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It was a nice welcome. Not substantial like a Witcher expansion or anything.


Yeah, both of them are good additions! Nothing huge, like @xidnpnlss said, but still nice.
I especially liked the Trial of the Sword, it gave me strange classic NES Zelda vibes, with the level/map progression and such.

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Thankfully the substantial DLC got turned into the sequel. :japanese_ogre:


I didn’t care for the Trial of the Sword- because battling isn’t really what I focused on in botw.

The other one seemed to be a more true expansion- offering everything that botw was about(with a hefty entry challenge to get back into the exploration) one hit death scrimmage, once you get past that its excellent


It’s been soooo long :hot_face:
Even the BotW theory youtube channels are slowly running out of material to speculate about.

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Yeah it’s been pretty brutal tbh. But I have faith they’ll deliver on expectations (if not exceed them) and it’ll be this year, or early next.


Not for me, because by the time I beat Ganon, the DLC was mostly more of the grinding stuff - shrines, finding new items, a few extra quests. The strength and weakness of BoTW is that the functional value of completing stuff isn’t all that high - you get good at the game by simply learning it, if it’s with a wooden stick or the master sword. Once you’ve pimped your hearts and stamina to match, built yourself a decent armour and got the master sword, the functional benefits of the game don’t matter all that much. There’s no real reason to keep visiting shrines, finding items and stuff. And the story additions didn’t quite have the emotional impact of the main plot - I mean, obviously one can’t expect that, given the comparatively short length, but it didn’t really tell me anything new - it was just fleshed out narrative of events I already knew had passed.

One of the absolutely strongest moments of BoTW was when I unlocked the final memory, the one Impa directs me to when I’ve found the first twelve. That scene was to me incredible. I rewatch it from time to time, just because it tells me so much.

Once you set that as a bar, the DLC will have a tough time competing :slight_smile:


My daughter has been playing this for a while now. She loves it. I think it looks great, and bought it for myself, but haven’t tried it yet.

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I’ve played a bit of Blasphemous. It’s beautiful (and grotesque) in the right ways, the controls are tight, but for some reason it hasn’t pulled me in yet. This has actually happened with some of my favorite games of all time though, and it all came down to being in the right mood, progressing just far enough to get hooked, etc. So I haven’t ruled it out yet, but it’s not grabbing me like other games of the style “YET”. I’ll give it a few more tries eventually. My brother loved it, finished it, etc. so I know it’s good. I think I just haven’t found the meshing point yet. :smiley:

I haven’t tried Disco Elysium, but I’ve heard a lot of positive comments.


Is Blasphemous particularly anti-Christian in its style?

The name and trailer indicate it might be, but I haven’t been able to determine its intention

Not 100% sure on that. I’m pretty early in, and haven’t paid super close attention. I could see it going a few different ways.

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