Bought a Nintendo Switch

I would not say it is anti christian, more that it exagerates and dives deep into some of the more grotesque fantastic aspects that are associated with christianity.
I would say it is as anti christian as something like Warhammer 40k if you’ve ever played it.

One key thing to consider is that it was made by a spanish developer so the hyper penitent world is very likely inspired by the inquisition period and the art associated with it. So a very specific branch of christianity.


Thanks for the heads up! I’m not going to take my chances with it.

Don’t need to anyway- im prolly gonna be busy with Earthbound all the way up to Chrono Cross

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Halfway through Elysium now on Hades. 25th escape attempt. The minotaur gets me every time.

But so did Meg in the beginning. Not anymore.


Oh if you got past Hydra that quickly you’re doing just fine.


I’ve given this one a go. It’s really enjoyable! I might be about 5 hours in, and still having fun.

Reminds me of Zelda a lot, with some Hyperlight Drifter (not as hard) thrown in. The lore is fun, combat is tight.

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It still beats me most of the time. Just not all of the time :slight_smile:

Whenever I get to Eurydice in Asphodel, I put the console away for a few minutes and just listen. That song. Her voice.


I even bought the soundtrack on Bandcamp. Later in the game you can also decide which track plays in the house of Hades.

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I’m at the gates now. Not escaped yet, but I know how to beat the final fight, just haven’t got the skill yet.

But it’s apparent now that getting out of hell is just part of something grander.

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So that was not the final fight.

On my 36th escape, I got out of Elysium. Had to pause, so don’t know yet how tough Styx will be. But I got Ares and Zeus boons. My favourite combo. So that’s something.

Oh, I should have brought this up since you mentioned Hyper Light Drifter. If you liked that, you MUST check out Unsighted and Resolutiion (two “I”s).

Both are incredible.


Thanks for the recommendations! Both look pretty cool, I added them to my wish list. I finished hyper light drifter in less than a week, as I just couldn’t put it down. So I’m a bit saturated with this kind of game atm.


Took me 40 escape attempts. But now I’m out.

It’s gonna be interesting to see what kind of tricks the game will try to keep me playing from this point on, apart from the narrative (which is working on me, by the way, so that’s one trick I guess).


There’s plenty to discover to keep you going for a very long time. There are weapon aspects to unlock, relationships to build, prophecies to fullfill or just simple things like finding boon combinations that will help you get through in no time. I kept avoiding certain boons because I thought they weren’t very useful only to realize later how powerful they actually are especially in certain combinations. And each weapon (and their various aspects even) forces you to switch up your playing style and strategy which helps keeping it fresh even after hundreds of hours.

If I quit playing after finishing the main story I would have missed so much so I‘m glad I kept going.

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All true, but I’m now at a point where I got a killer combo that takes me to the end with all Death Defiances remaining, beating Hades every time. I am essentially going through the motions because I want the true ending. It’s a bit of a chore.

I’m wondering if I maybe found this sweet spot a little bit too early to truly enjoy what’s left.

Which is all good tho, because it’s been a blast anyway. Top notch game.

I did the same in the beginning, only used the long range weapons and used to go for the same boons. But to me it got boring after a while and so I switched it up and even after you finish the main story there is still one bigger storyline to unravel before it‘s basically just grinding to unlock everything.
I watched some videos of how others play it and learned quite a bit from their tactics, it helped me overcome my recent plateau were I was stuck for a while. Still have to beat Hades in ultimate boss mode though, there is quite a bit more going on compared to the regular Hades fight.

I’ve met Persephone a few times now, but have not yet closed this story. I don’t have all the answers yet.

Is that the Main story and then once that’s closed, there’s even more going on?

If so, I’m gonna keep pushing.

I was actually considering going for Dead Cells now, seeing as while Hades remains cool, it’s not as entertaining now when I just grind through the levels to get to see Persephone again.

Yeah, you’ll have to meet Persephone a few more times before the main part is done. That part ends with the credits but there is still a quest after that which relates to the main story and involves the folks on Olympus. Don‘t want to spoil anything and I can’t guarantee that you‘ll be amazed by it but I definitely enjoyed it and found it a clever way to keep you in.

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I’m really struggling to beat Hades - as in the actual character :slight_smile: - now. Doesn’t seem like the boons work on him anymore, so I’m left to combat, which isn’t going well - at all :slight_smile:

Any sharing of tactics to beat the big guy at the end, would be appreciated. Up to this point, I’ve used Demeter frost beams to wear him down, Are’s red dash circles to kind of indirectly hit him as I dash around and Artemis seeking arrows when I attack, but my Calls aren’t damaging him - I’m using Ares or Demeter calls there. And whatever other boons I throw at him, hardly dent him. I’m left to fight him with the actual weapon, which is Varatha, and it’s not going well, I can tell you.

On the other hand, on each encounter, he does spill more of the beans, so it seems I’m still at least following some kind of narrative here.

Have you unlocked every aspect of each weapon?
Generally I‘d recommend to concentrate on one technique of the weapon (either attack or special) from the beginning and then maxing it out as much as you can with Pomegranates. Depending on which God you choose some boons are even stackable for certain attacks. Zeus is a good example for that: take lightning strikes on attack or special then look for additional damage with Jolted/Double Strike/Higher Damage Area and when you’re lucky you’ll also get the legendary aspect of it. With this you‘ll be cleaning rooms in no time and will also cause good damage against Hades. I neglected the storybook (tje one that comes up when you press L) for a long time but when you look at all the gods and their possible powers you’ll also learn which powers (and in what combination) you need to get certain specials like Duo’s or Legendaries. Helped me quite a bit since I dug into it.

In terms of calls I‘d recommend Aphrodite, causes a lot of damage once loaded up completely and you can fire it from a distance.

And lastly if you want to learn a little passively watch one or two runs from a pro. While also frustrating because they basically just casually walk through it, you’ll definitely learn a good amount about which build is very powerful. But there might be some spoilers involved… I‘d recommend user Haelian, I got the most out of his content.

Other than that it’s trying and trying and trying… basically the essence of the game :wink:

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Hey, thanks for the advice :slight_smile: greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

Nope. I only use Varatha as a weapon and I’ve unlocked all parts of it except the last Charged one, which I would assume then unlocks whatever’s hidden as its fourth aspect. I only use Attack, never Special.

I have no struggle getting to Hades, I’m at full health and all three Death Defiances when I reach him, fully souped up. But the first few rounds, I beat him once out of twice. Now, the boons simply don’t work. He takes literally zero damage from them. It’s so weird.

So I’m kind of like … okay? Should I explore a new combination new, did he like grow invulnerable to the ones I’ve used so far to get to him? Or what?

Also feels like I got maybe just one or two scenes left with Persephone to get to the closing credits, but on the other hand, that doesn’t attract me all that much since now, I’m more into rejoining Achilleus with his loved one, obviously brokering peace between Eurodyce and Orpheus and my own personal favourite - finding out if there’s something going on between Zagreus and Meg.

But yeah, in terms of just “finishing” the game, it’s a bit of a drag to work yourself to the end point just because that’s the only part you struggle with, and then find out “Okay, this tactic didn’t work either.”

I do enjoy beating the crap out of Theseus every time, though. His attitude is hilarious, like that black knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.