Bought a Nintendo Switch

Got myself an MPC the other day in Animal Crossing.


“Coming in April

Wait one more month, then repeat your question

Literally have no idea how to beat the mage boss in Hyper Light Drifter. I’ve tried for the better part of this evening now, and I get him down to a third of his health left. But really, it’s just pure luck I even get that far. I can’t see any method to his madness. I’ll take any advice I can get on this one :slight_smile:

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try the Game Genie


If it’s the boss I’m thinking it is, you’ll be dashing a lot to avoid the floor changes, then dashing in for a few quick swipes, then dashing again. Always clear all of the minions he summons before going back to attack him. It’s all haberdashery I’m afraid, without the hats…

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I feared as much. I’m doing it right then, I just suck.

I’m okay with that :slightly_smiling_face:

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There. Nailed him. Woke up. Made myself a cup of joe. And got him on today’s first attempt, as the sun rose over the river where I live.


I second and even triple this suggestion, wonderful concept and execution.
How I wish I could forget it all…

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Just 100%'ed Metroid Dread solo since my wife didn’t wanted to play it…
Controls seems weird at start but then you get the hang of it and it then go smoother and smoother…
Nice overall experience I would say but for my 1st metroid I’m a bit disappointed by the world being pretty generic and not really relevant to anything…Things seem just placed there for no reason but annoy you…
I mean…Come on ! What are those flaming roots coming out of nowhere blocking corridors for exemple ?

Before that we just finished children of morta and fez, really nice, both of them.

The ramp is out, for 5 min bowl riding sessions without hip injuries…

Windjammers 2 and Lonely mountain Downhill always on rotation for quick sessions…

Now we just started Moonlighter, controls are a bit quirky, then you adapt…


One thing that bothers me slightly with Hyper Light Drifter is that on the Switch, the controls becomes slightly less responsive when the frame rate drops. Sometimes, they just don’t respond and a push on the button becomes mute. This is very frustrating when you face some of the more intense fights, since you literally die because the Drifter didn’t dash away from danger despite you executing the action in time. First, I didn’t get what was going on and just figured I didn’t have the skills, then I realised, I literally don’t heal or dash even when I’m standing still and temporarily safe, just because there’s so much going on and frame rate drops. That’ s my guess anyway, from a couple of years myself in game dev.

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It’s still worth the hassle. But I’d like to be frustrated by the right reasons, my lack of skill and the need to practice, not because when I have just one slash left and face the boss, pushing the attack didn’t actually launch the attack.

But again, the experience is worth it all the same. I just have to put the Switch away from time to time, calm down a little, and then get at it again to not rage quit for the wrong reasons (as if there ever is a right one, haha :slight_smile: )

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Yeah, that also happened to me a few times when playing hyper light drifter, especially in the Eastern zone, as there are some areas with lots of enemies attacking you all at once. But I think the healing system has a little bit of a delay built in, so it takes a few milliseconds for your health bar to fill up after you pressed the button.
In general, I found the performance on switch to be pretty solid, but I also played about 90% of hyper light drifter in docked mode and handheld mode might be a bit more jittery.


Yeah, the delay on the healing is cool, I like that mechanism. But when it doesn’t launch at all - that, I don’t like :slight_smile:

I’m on the Lite, so no docking mode for me.

Again, I can take the difficulty spike, but since I know there’s more to come in this game - I’m on my third boss - I know I will keep facing this, sometimes dying because the controls simply didn’t respond at all. I’m on the samuraj now and my first fights with him, I was thinking, this guy’s going to be the easiest one so far (compared to the frog and the mage). No such thing. I have the tactics locked down. But the Drifter simply doesn’t always dash when supposed to or launch his healing pack when supposed to. It’s not a delay, it just doesn’t activate.

And it’s not the buttons :slight_smile: all this works fine when there’s a little less going on.

But it is what it is. I’ve had the samuraj down to a notch or two, so I can get there again.

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This review of Steam Deck and comparing it to his Switch reminds me of the early days of Android phones vs. the iPhone. But, he likes it enough to keep it around

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I didn’t know Fez was ported to Switch! Yeah, I see… I’m a year late, but this is one I was hoping to see ported.

I can’t get into Metroid. I’ve tried many times and just get bored with the gameplay. Before this, I finally finished Guacamelee and then replayed Ori and the Blind Forest.

I have the sequel to both of those but my Switch playing was interrupted by Forza Horizon 5 (Xbox). I’ll have to add a bit of Fez now. - I should I add I played Fez through once maybe 8 years ago??? Dope game.

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FEZ is tip top!


For me, the steamdeck is a way to bring pc games which I play alone in my homestudio in the living room with the family…Tons of game we gonna have fun with without waiting 3 years for a port ( special mention to monster hunter rise for taking the opposite path !! )… :slight_smile:

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I don’t think the Switch audience in general misses what’s going on, on the PC. Nintendo has its own approach on how to do things, and they’ll attract that kind of crowd.

Of course, many of us enjoy gaming on multiple platforms if time and money allow, but getting something from Nintendo seems to me, there’s usually more intent behind it. As in, “I really want to play Zelda” or “I really want Mario” or whatever, and everything else that’s also available, that’s also neat.

But if you want the sequel to Breath of the Wild, you’re just not gonna get any other console before the Switch. You might get more consoles as well, again if time and money allow, but you’re not going to get anything else than a Switch, if you’re into Nintendo’s first party offering.

I should add, I’m one in that crowd :slight_smile: I have only the Switch, it was a conscious choice, and no way am I getting anything else than a Switch, because I only have so much time and that time, I’m spending on Metroid and Zelda and when they’re not around, I’ll just take what I can get on the Switch while I’m waiting for the next Metroid or Zelda :slight_smile:


I’ve had a few gaming consoles as a kid, the last one of which was the original Xbox. Then I paused gaming for a few years and got back into gaming on pc, but mostly played some RPGs (elder scrolls, fallout, witcher games) in bursts with not playing anything for long periods in between.
The switch completely changed my gaming habits as it’s just so easy to pick it up for a few minutes (which can turn into hours) as it’s always on standby and so portable.
By now, the switches library is pretty incredible, imho. There’s a few pc games I’d like to see on the switch, but I’m not counting on them (metro exodus, cyberpunk 2077). Not enough to have me gasing for a steamdeck atm.

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