Bought a Nintendo Switch

I’ve been on a bit of a retro FPS bender recently (not because I’m hugely into retro games; more just because I think I’ve played the main non-retro ones already)

DUSK - which uses the Quake engine

and ION FURY which uses the Duke Nukem 3D engine (and I believe is made by the same people - a spiritual successor to Duke Nukem 3D)

Both are brilliant. The level design in both games is awesome. Super fun and hectic. And both have gyro aim which is a requirement for me.

Really cool to see what can be done in the current day with decades old engines


It took me a while to get into it but I just finished Rain World. It’s a masterpiece. It’s flawed, unfair, can be frustrating at times, and it’s definitely not for everyone, but it’s an absolute masterpiece.


Thanks for the suggestion - Will definitely try this one.

Excellent review there too :ok_hand:

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highly recommend the steamdeck, will most likely sell our switch.

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I’m into Dead Cells now, after a few false starts across a few months. I changed my perspective, approaching it like I approach exercise - I’ll just have a go today and see where it takes me, and enjoy the motion. That really worked. Now, I’m just picking it up, running through it and some days, it’s a breeze and I get really far, on others, I get smashed already at the second biome or so. And it’s all good fun :slight_smile: and to optimise yourself ever so slightly after each run is like improving your endurance when you’re exercising - you’re just slightly better each time you get back to it.

What makes this work for me is also the fact that the world keeps on giving, not so much in the shape of a story, like Hades, but rather just expanding on the world. Meeting new characters, finding new places, uncovering new clues. It’s not so much that I’m part of a plot that I’m constantly learning more about the place, as I run through it again. I’m wondering when that will end and when just the running is what’s left, and how I’ll respond to the game then. But until I’ve reached the end boss (I assume there is one), and see how the game handles the end game part of the loop, I don’t really care :slight_smile:


Surprised to see this here. I also got into this game after watching Matt’s recommendation video and it has become one of my favourite games, if not my #1 favourite game. That being said, if you play this as one of your first games you might not understand why it’s special. I’ve been into gaming for the better part of my life. At some point you start understanding how games are designed, what developers will tend to do, what they’ll tend to avoid. One experience like this I had was when I was playing Bloodborne a couple of years ago. There is a section of the game where you end up in a sort of pit where you can’t see the ground underneath you. Your natural instinct would usually tell you to tread carefully but at this point I knew how From Software does game design and I knew they wouldn’t just put completely invisible bottomless pits in their games so I just started walking normally and sure enough it was safe.
Once you start sensing this “invisible hand of game design” in every game, and your brain automatically tries to solve puzzles or encounters in a meta “how would they have designed this?” way, games can lose some of their magic. At worst it takes away from the immersion.

Rain World just throws all conventions out of the window and drops you into a world that truly feels like it was not just made for you. You simply feel like just another creature in a vast eco-system trying to survive. And the art is nothing short of breathtaking. Never had I felt this immersed in a 2D game before. Absolutely stunning.


I completely agree. I started my second playthrough just a few days after I first finished it. Rain world is really something special. But it’s an acquired taste. I do see how the difficulty and the less conventional design choices would throw some people off. But once it clicks, it clicks for good.

For a very good time i can vouch for these 4 games…
Get 4 Pro-Controllers, 3 friends and a lot of beer and enjoy:
Ultimate Chicken Horse
Human: Fall Flat (we were in tears - it’s so funny)
Heave Ho

If anyone here wants to trade Dead Cell experiences, like old martial artists swapping training techniques, I’m game. I want to learn :slight_smile:

Here’s my current run -
I use Custom Mode, but the only tweak I’ve done is to exclude gear I’d never use. Spartan sandals, shields and whatnot.

The setup I’m looking out for is Frantic Blade as a melee weapon and Ice Blast as a tactics weapon.

For skills, I go for Sinew Slicer and Fire Grenade.

I use the Aspect where damage from fire and oil increase by 100% and 200%.

For scrolls and mutations, I go for Tactics only.

And then I’ll let them have it.

A few tricks I use -
I enter new combat by making an entrance - ground dash or smashing the door - rolling in the fire grenade and deploying the slicer, exiting again to let them do their work, and then back in to slice with my Frantic Blade what remains.

If I run into Elite fighters, I clear out the area first and then attack them last. The bastards teleport, so I need the space to move around when they do.

I ice blast any enemy I run into and then slice them down when they’re frozen.

I tend to go for the Black Bridge, since I prefer the Concierge before Mama Tick. I’ve not yet found a good way to beat her and it comes down mostly to luck. Those frantic claw attacks from the ground, I just can’t seem to escape fast enough. I got the Concierge nailed, though.

I only go for Cursed Chests early on. I can go through Prisoner’s Quarters and whatever comes after with a good chance of not getting hit. After that, it’s just too risky. I also always go for the no damage-reward for first and second biome and usually pull it off.

I tend to not upgrade weapons until they’re at least class III, since I know whatever I start will, I’ll find a good replacement at some point before I really need to start tinker with the weapons. It’s just a waste of money before then.

I don’t reforge. I pick weapons based on my general playing style and their modifiers, while welcome, are a bonus, not essential.

With all this said, I’ve not yet completed a run. I’ve never made it past Forgotten Sepulcher. So I’m not even close to the final fight yet. What tends to kill me is when things go south really quick and gets out of hand. Like where do those come from? I was busy maiming these guys and now you show up and … oh, I’m dead. Again.

What’s your Dead Cell run like? :slight_smile:

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I like the Blood Sword or Dual Daggers for primary, blood throwing daggers for secondary, and then ice grenades and bear traps. I dabble in spears, but love my swords and knives. There are a few new swords since my older playthroughs though, that I just started using, and kind of like. I can’t remember what they are at the moment, as it’s been a couple of months since I got hooked again. :smiley:

I imagine I’m coming up for a renewal on my Cells benders though. :wink:

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Late answer, but someone need to mention Paradise Killer if we’re talking visual novel-ish games on Switch.
Super stylish occult murder mystery in a reeeally weird setting.
And the music by Epoch is my favourite video game soundtrack ever.

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I’ve put a probably-embarrassing number of hours into this game. I tend to dislike modern fire emblem, but this one is one of my favorite games I’ve ever played. It just works so well for me and I love the cast. What house did you pick?

Yeah, both of them are part of my custom mode :slight_smile: I love the vicious stab of the blood dagger and the whirlwind mayhem of the twin daggers.

Somehow, I seem to struggle to get past the final levels and hit the end boss. I think my game’s good, but I make one mistake and things go south in seconds and then I die.

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I’ve been playing since early access on the PC through all of the various changes. I kind of lost it for a bit, but the last version I played a couple of months back, I caught my stride again, and cleared it a few times.

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Anyone playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3?




Only took about 25 hours to really start feeling it (Reyne style lol)

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I’m still playing 1! Then I’ll get to 2, Torna, and 3


Is this how one should do it having never played any Xenoblade? Or can I just jump in to 3?

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Can we make a list of the best Indie Games/old Games for switch? I want to get it loaded😂 until now

Contra Collection
Final Fantasy 7
Portal 1 and 2
Megaman Legacy 1 and 2

Whats missing? :blush: