Bought a Nintendo Switch

I’m not sure if this one was mentioned here, but ANNO: Mutationem is a great game! My daughter and I have been playing it a ton.

It’s basically a classic style adventure game, but all the combat is side-scrolling, and feels as good as any recent action platformer or MetVan style game.

The adventuring component is like many classics, talk to everyone, explore, find items, upgrade, etc. They mixed the two styles of play very well.

It’s got an anime aesthetic, but even if that’s not your thing, it’s absolutely gorgeous, and Cyberpunk themed, so that aspect doesn’t play too much into things, except the occasional squeaky girl voice from an NPC, and the ability to buy gigantic swords if you want them. :smiley:

I’d highly recommend this.


I was similar, not quite as long, got a switch in 2020 and hadn’t had a console since the GameCube

I don’t think it’s going to take over your life!

I’ve only completed breath of the wild and Celeste, though have bought all the big ones and do intend to get to them!

What I have noticed is I now spend way more time checking online to see if there is any news on botw2!

And still not making music of course :joy:

Gadget for switch has some unique features : a timer in which you have to finish a beat, starting with a random instrument. And you can do this with four friends and four instruments simultaneously.


Wow! Thats neat! I wonder if that feature is a switch exclusive or if its across all platforms

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It’s switch exclusive. I have gadget on ios and on Mac too and those lack the coop gamification.
Here’s an example of split screen play, so each can have their own instrument, but you can also do it on a single screen and with Internet rando’s.

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I don’t know if anyone’s played it yet, but Haiku the Robot is ridiculously cool! The sound design is quite impressive, the atmosphere is amazing, and it just instantly pulls one in. I would say it’s similar to Hollow Knight in this way, but not nearly as difficult, and as different a setting as could be. But it has similar mechanics in a lot of ways. I wasn’t sure that I’d like the aesthetic right away, but it really couldn’t be cooler, and something about the character design really speaks to me.

I would highly recommend checking it out.


Nintendo Direct incoming

Silksong + BOTW2 release dates??


Metroid Prime or I sell this System :grin:


Loving Splatoon 3 so far. My first time playing an entry in the series and it’s a blast. So much so, that my daughter keeps bugging me to play so she can watch the online Turf Wars lol


+Plus WW/TP duo pack. Lets.$%^@#!@.Go.

I’ll be working :sob:


Just started playing Narita Boy yesterday (its on sale in the e-shop at the moment). Music, graphics and presentation are right up my alley. Gameplay is nothing special so far, but still enjoyable.


:joy::joy::joy: ok switch is going down. 40 min of crap…respekt.

Yeah 100% underwhelming Direct. Barely rescued by the BOTW2 news at the end there, although I momentarily forgot they were using the US date system and thought it was coming in December :upside_down_face:

Not even Botw2 News. They released the Subtitle and a release date mid next year.

Time to hack the switch?

I kinda liked it. Fire Emblem, Pikmin, Theatrhythm, Bayonetta gameplay trailer, Return to Dreamland remake, all cool games. I wish there was something about Metroid though.


I am happy. Plus Tunic.

Great title. They must be pretty confident showing so little.

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Also that Raincode game looks intriguing. Feels like Persona and Yo-Kai.

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I want Metroid Prime, Zelda WW and F-zero…to be Honest I think I can smell what is coming. Gamecube Subscribtion. But I don‘t like this everything subscribtion crap.

Half of the Big Switch Games are still from the Wii U und the Switch is out for 5 Years. Whats going on there?

I think it‘s time to hack the switch and just put a few Emulators on it. Willing to pay, but if companys just don‘t get it…


Agreed. There were certainly titles I would have liked to have see in the direct (Wind Waker, Metroid, etc), but it wasn’t totally disappointing. New fire emblem, Kirby remake, some goofy JRPGs, Pikmin, Bayonetta. Super hyped for all of those.

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I suppose I’m just into different stuff, but that felt like 90% JRPGs and Farm Sims. It’s almost like I’m not their target audience :crazy_face:

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