Bought a Nintendo Switch

You might like Death’s Door then too. It’s more similar to Tunic than HLD, but a cool game along these lines. Resolutiion is JUST like these as well.

Haiku the Robot is another amazing game that came out recently. It’s a Metroid/Hollow Knight alike, with AMAZING visuals and audio, but a lot more forgiving than Hollow Knight in the play department. I couldn’t put it down for 2-3 straight days and beat it. :smiley:

Side note: Shovel Knight Dig is tip top.


Picked up a Switch a month ago. Favorite game is Easy Come Easy Golf by Clap Hanz (company that made Hot Shots golf for PlayStation). Best $20 golf game ever!!

Also can’t go wrong with Mariokart 8 online racing fun stuff :+1:

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Excellent, thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m on the Siege Machine now in Tunic. That guy doesn’t hold back. Give a fox a break, I say :sweat_smile:

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Someone got Zelda Breath of the Wild for their birthday. :nerd_face:


Is it as “git gud” as a FromSoft game or is it more Hollow Knight? The description of it being FromSoft level difficulty is giving me pause…

@onthebandwagon I imagine the Switch runs based on the Nintendo account. Maybe setup an account beforehand and sign in when you check it out? I’ve never heard of a Switch being locked in any way…

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I happen to think that Hollow Knight is a lot more brutal than a FromSoftware game :slight_smile: so you’re asking the wrong person.

Having said that, Tunic’s been tough but fair up until this point. But the Siege Machine, I just can’t catch a break with that boss. I think I’ve figured out how to beat him. I’m just not good enough to get him down to zero. I make one mistake and he pulverises me. I mean, if I employ my current tactics and just don’t get hit more than once or twice, he’ll go down. But that’s so brutally tough, I wonder if I’m just doing something wrong here.

Thing is, Tunic more than any game I’ve played, doesn’t lend itself well to googling a tutorial or taking advice from a YouTube video on how to beat it. Part of the point of Tunic is that it’s abstract and you just need to figure shit out. If you skip that part, you skip part of the game’s appeal. So I’m reluctant to go searching for answers.


Agree! From Software games make me think I have a chance; Hollow Knight makes me wish I’d never been born. :laughing:


Another game recommendation from me is “Inside”. If you liked games like Another World in the 90s, and want something VERY atmospheric that doesn’t require you to learn too many buttons and key combinations, then Inside is a lovely experience.


Wow! Seriously?? Elden Ring bosses were exhausting and not fun after the 12,000th L.

But I sure don’t like to grind to level up, so maybe that has a lot to do with it…

Aside from the White Palace, I never considered HK to be unfair (though I never fought Radiance).

Man what a game. If Silksong weren’t coming soon (hopefully), I’d want to replay it.


Oh, for sure. It’s made worse by the fact that I wish I had the skills to pull through. But I don’t.

It’s not endurance or willpower. It’s just plain lack o’ talent from my end :slight_smile:

I find some comfort in that, actually.


The trick with From Software games is to get a bigger TV/Monitor

It stands to reason that if the damage with each time you hit a boss is 1 mm on a normal screen, that of you get a bigger screen- that damage is enhanced to >1cm


I’d rather not see my crap skills in 4k.


INSIDE is one of my favorite games ever. The puzzles, the atmosphere, the story telling, the dread…hands down one of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had. Just when you think you might understand what’s going on…something else happens and you’re sucked in even more. Can’t recommend this game enough.


I think the outer white palace was actually harder than the path of pain! :smiley: those raising/lowering spikes drove me crazy! Did manage the pain path three times over the last couple/few years (almost four, but had a spike glitch on the double boss where I couldn’t move on the fourth attempt) though, so the rest of the game doesn’t feel all that bad. It’s difficult, (I’d never tell anyone it was easy) but it’s fair IMO. It just takes some dedication, but always rewards for it. My daughter just 100%ed it a few months ago. That made me quite happy/proud. I don’t think some people really find a charm combo that suits there play style sometimes. I know that I didn’t personally like a lot of the combos that people recommended. Kind of had to find my own way on that. They really help when you do find the right set though.

Edit: I think Hollow Knight is single-handedly responsible for my re-improvement in this type of game after years of Quake and other shooters. Playing Hollow Knight so much got my timing back where it was probably in my teens! I’ve been plowing through R-Type Final 2, and every other metroid or castlevania, or mix, or adaption just seem easy now. :smiley: I played some tricky games before it. Dead Cells for one. However, I can feel the difference when playing these sorts of games now, from before I played HK the first time.

I started playing Moonscars though, and that one has such deep combat systems, that I haven’t gotten the hang of it yet.

Side Note: I’ve said it before, but if you like the idea of Hollow Knight, but don’t like the difficulty, Haiku the Robot is precisely your game. It’s a lot more forgiving, but still plays nice and tightly like HK.


I think combat was all right in Hollow Knight, as far as difficulty goes. It’s those damn platform-precise parts that just drove me nuts. Give me a good fight anyday and I’m prepared to take a few beatings before I strike back


I had put gaming aside for like 15 years or so, until I heard some buzz about an amazing new Zelda game and new hybrid system. I grabbed them and also picked up the Street Fighter 30 anniversary collection (because holy fuck, all the old SF games in one place?!) and I haven’t looked back since. The Switch singlehandedly got me back into gaming and now I have something like 120 games, plus whatever I’ve picked up on sale digitally. I expect that this is a pretty common story.

Playing Divinity Original Sin 2, BOTW and Skyrim on a handheld for a couple hundred hours each have been the best gaming experiences I’ve had since back when I was a kid and everything was brand new and exciting.

Since this is a music gear forum, I would be remiss if I didn’t also recommend Korg Gadget. Tons of fun and it even has a multiplayer mode so you can make music with your kiddos.


Anyone getting No Man’s Sky tommorrow? im seriously tempted it doesnt look so bad from the trailer and early reviews.

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Mine comes early next week. Looking forward to it.


Damn, Tunic is tough. Close to giving up on it actually. Fun and challenging has turned to frustration.

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It’s the backtracking that’s killing it for me. I don’t mind getting my hairy ass handed to me repeatedly. I just want this done Hyper Light Drifter style. Be brutal. But on point.