Bought a Nintendo Switch

You need to get on that! Less so the trial of the sword, which i tried and- as expected- wasn’t for me.

But outside of the obnoxious 1 hit challenge at the beginning of the other major DLC, its the perfect quest to add to BotW


A friend (:face_with_raised_eyebrow:) has run off with it for the best of a year. Need to hatch a plan to get it back ASAP. “Just one more shrine Kairos I swear”

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I sank way too much time in to the Tarey Town quest . Basically, dont bother, total waste of effort. Shit quest, no idea why its even in there.

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I think I’m going to go searching for an old Gameboy Advance SP at an independent video game store and just buy the original Advance Wars 1 and 2.

I don’t know why I didn’t think of this earlier. :nerd_face:


Got No Man’s Sky a few weeks ago and it’s so good! Beautiful game and there’s just so much to do… but not much you have to do. Very chill game.


That’s what I did! Although I went for a re-shelled GBA with a backlit screen instead of an SP.

Cool I still have an old Sony PSP and looking at the new switch as I’ll be traveling more for work next year.

I think the Tarrey Town quest opens up a special sales guy. I think he’s on the roof on the houses somewhere in the town. In the beginning he doesn’t have much - but I think that’s the deeper mechanics of Tarrey.

Ah ok. Either way. A lot of faff for not much reward. :wink:

I can’t remember exactly but I think the shop guy mechanics worked with really rare items you find. when they break you can buy them back from him. but you need to find them first.

I remember watching a video on breath of the wild (I think it was game makers toolkit on YouTube, great channel BTW) and the tarrey town quest was downsized a whole bunch during development. Apparently they originally had much bigger plans for it. I remember feeling a bit bummed out after finishing it as well.

Has anyone played this one already? Have been eyeing it for a while but it still wasn’t available for Switch last time I checked.

Ok, so i just received our Switch…
I’m gonna start playing on my own and hide it till Christmas for the kids. But which game should I start with?

Should I go full on and start with Zelda BOTW and possible be disappointed by every game coming after that.

Should I go mildly with the new Pokémon violet

Or should I start with monster hunter rise?

What do you recommend?


I’d recommend either Mario Odyssey if you’re looking for a game that immediately feels like a game.

BotW if you’re not feeling trigger happy and looking for a game that’s a soaker.

I haven’t played the others, so can’t say

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Shameful :wink:

Might as well get it over with and start with BotW then youll be ready for the sequel and wont have to suffer silently for 6 years like the rest of us.


Aah Good point.


Happy with mine so far. Bought Zelda BotW, Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart, and the new Pokémon Violet. , -)

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Botw = you wont put it down. You will likely change your mind about the switch being a shared console…

Cant comment on mario or pokemon as I have never played them, and probably never will. Just not my thing.

Cuphead is amazing. Get it. Easy to pick up for ten mins then turn it off.

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The dirtiest of poorly kept secrets is how great the Steam Deck is for emulation. Things like the WiiU version of BOTW and really any generation of console/handheld up to (and partially including) PS3 just run very well and look amazing on the SD and really rekindle the romance I’ve had with some of those systems. And then there’s the Steam library as icing on top.


And absolutely infuriating :sweat_smile:

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