Cable Management Ideas?

i carefully hang my cables off of a mic stand with the top slightly bent. it’s easy to see the connectors and take them off and on easily.


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…cableclusters…the dark side of all this…

learn how to roll them without any crangeling…there’s a simple technique of doing this…
cause once they’re all in clusters and knots, it’s devastating…

and dedicated velcro cable straps do wonders…
if u got mono jacks combined to stereo conections, make them one double cable by attaching some velcro straps permanently…also a good routine/habit to avoid the mess…


I coil mine and have a small ish tote that I keep very tidy. It’s been out of hand in the past, never again. I also try to include unique cables with gear sales to alleviate excess.

This is so true. Almost every piece of new gear requires something you don’t have.

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following :panda:
ps. yes in the bags are cables


…half of all the money i’ve ever spended on overall music production and performance gear was for cables and cases…

retailers make their truu margins not that much from selling guitars and synthesizers…
but from cables and strings and adapters…


I’ve used something like this for things I don’t need very often

One of these for short cables

I’ve seen a boot rack like this for longer runs (although I’ve not used one):


Stick-on organizers are your friend…


I’ve been meaning to get one of those for a while now, just never seen them in stock:

I made a peg board holder - and also started making my own cables so they look nice and I don’t mind having them out so much!


i adore the tiny plant in the jar. also looks very rustic, me likey.


Whatever you do, dont hang them on the wall above your gear. Unless you want busted screens and scratches.

I just keep em in cardboard boxes

They’re not :slight_smile: :face_with_monocle:

I could never master cable coiling. I sorted my cable tub of doom recently into separate snaplock sandwich bags. Seems to do the trick and easy enough to find what I need. Probably 300-400 bucks of unused cables sitting there, but it was all necessary at some point I’m sure


I really wanted to hang them up along a wall so I started looking for various solutions. Eventually came across Rubbermaid FastTrack. One 4 foot rail is $11, on US Amazon, and then you can buy whatever kind of hooks which easily latch to it. I bought a few of the Fasttrack Multi-Purpose hooks which are very long. The whole thing is very heavy-duty so you could hang a bunch of thick cables from it without any concern.


this looks like the solution. thank you, friend

Ok. I am now 2 toilet rolls in a small desk drawer into my new cable tidy life :rofl: :slightly_smiling_face:


I have those! My cables all knot together, surely i am missing something in how “normal” persons organize theirs…

Still looking for tips for a hundred or so trs, ts, USB, midi, 1/4”, 3.55mm cables. I have them organized into wall storage but keeping them apart without velcro and constant maintenance is a PITA.

I have a labelmaker as well, but they always seem to peel off my ac adapters- Any tips there?

hanging cables collect dust.
i use socks/underwear organizers for keeping them sorted.


I’ve been using something like these for years for data cabling labeling. Works very well on audio cables as well.

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