Can the Audio Tracks send sequence as MIDI?

Title says it all, but I’ve been searching and can’t seem to find the answer and can’t figure it out with the machine or manual. I want to record the sequences from the audio tracks as MIDI in order to multitrack the Digitakt- basically send back those sequences into the Digitakt so that it plays the patterns with the mutes and fills that I play on the fly

I know OB will solve multi tracking but I don’t just want to wait around for Overbridge I remember doing that with the Analog Keys and I now know that software development takes a long time and I want to make music now- I prefer they come out with a product that “just works” when they do so and I’ll find my own workaround for now.

Love the machine and it honestly sounds great coming out of it but I would like to be able to multitrack in this fashion.

No, the audio tracks don’t send midi out.

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I can’t test at the moment but you might be able to copy the sequence from the audio track, paste into a MIDI track, then record that into your DAW or wherever? I forget how to copy sequence but it should be in the manual. It might not work at all but worth a shot anyway.

Not possibe.

edit: I’m wrong, keep scrolling…


poop :frowning:

Both the Electribe 2 (and Electribe 2 sampler) can send and recieve midi note and CC data on all 16 channels, while still playing back their audio tracks.

~$400 usd new

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Sure is this possible, why not ?

copy the sequence to a Midi Track, i did this a few times


Actually it does work, I just tested it. I put some trigs on audio track 1 (kicks), go into step record mode, hit FUNC+COPY, it says “Copy Track”, switch over to track 9 (MIDI A), hit FUNC+PASTE, and the trigs appear.

I tested with a couple P-locks such as notes and trig length and those appear to carry over. Obviously audio-related parameters will be lost, but this should at least be a viable way to transfer the basic note sequence over to MIDI.


wow! that’s good News.

Damn THANK YOU! I feel kinda dumb for not trying that!

I’m trying to make an application that receives MIDI and draws graphics based on the message received. It works correctly when I press the buttons on the Digitakt and reacts to CC perfectly. However, one detail I’m missing is how to receive triggers coming from the sample tracks on the sequencer. Is this simply not possible/not implemented?

What I’m doing right now is copying the sequence I want to listen to from the sample track to a MIDI track. This of course is very limited, as I can’t do anything with chance-based trigs and it takes up MIDI channels I could be using to sequence other gear. If this is simply not a feature of the device, is there a better way to do this that what I’m doing?

I’m on the latest firmware (1.11), and running GNU/Linux on my computer (although this shouldn’t matter AFAIK).

IIRC you can assign the sample tracks to be send midi out. It’s in the settings menu somewhere.

It is not implemented.

It seems as though you want to have MIDI notes sent out that exactly coincide with sample triggers?

If so, you could connect DT’s MIDI Out to its MIDI In and use the MIDI tracks to trigger the samples (this is often referred to as “MIDI loopback”). You could use the MIDI Thru port to sent the duplicate data to your computer.


This is just not a very good idea, if you copy the data from a sample track into a MIDI track, capture it with your DAW, and then send it back to the DT, you will be missing all of the data from the sample track that is not used in the MIDI track. So if you have parameter locks etc, they will not be carried over.

I just test on mine. If you go to the digitakts midi menu you can assign the sample tracks to midi channels. Then just be sure to check the output settings. I was able to send note data from sample tracks so that the samples and midi notes were playing the same notes

Could you help me out please?
I try so hard to make my internal sequence on audio tracks spit out the same midi as in the sequence itself, but all I could achieve so far is so that when I press an audio channel it sends out a note data based on the channel I pressed.

The audio tracks do not send out midi during playback.

Is this not possible or just not implemented?
I saw in another thread somewhere that midi is just simply not complex enough to translate the stuff like retrigs, but I don’t really know.
As I am seeing the actual leds flash on the audio tracks while playing a sequence respond to even the retrigs I can’t help but think that trigger information may be possible to be somehow sent out of the machine.
It would help a lot of peoples work including mine, so that while jamming we wouldn’t need to focus on both visual elements and song structure and we could just jam while triggering visual effects.

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The internal sequencer does not run on midi it is elektrons proprietary system so all the flashing and what not doesn’t correlate to any midi information.

That being said I’m sure that it could be impliment like the other machines to send midi note data (not sure if they output audio when they are being used for midi though). But I would say it’s not likely because there already 8 midi tracks on the digitakt and if you want just the note data the workaround is copy an audio tracks notes and paste it to a midi track.

Yeah but retrigs will not translate to a midi track sadly.
Well thank you for the quick answer anyway.