
@LyingDalai your cat came in hour home yesterday. :content:


He’s everywhere!
Smartest cat on Earth, eating in every house at the same time!
Witches’ cat!


I like to get malenki a new catnip mouse every weekend so she can fizzy after a long week of work…


He IS a witches’ cat…
He was in our house taking a nap. AND HE TURNED HIMSELF ORANGE!

The ol’ Garfield nap


Always nice to have extra cables and cats in stock.


My last at was a rescue from a local shelter. She’d come from another town and was stressed with the other cats in the shelter so was kept on her own.

I had her for 10 years after that and I can safely say she was the most affectionate cat I’ve ever come across and we had a good few growing up. I’ve often wondered whether it was because she was a rescue cat? She was very happy once she’d settled in. Brilliant cat.

RIP Ali. Some old photos

I’ve never come across a cat like her. She’d sit on my shoulder like a pirates parrot!..While I hoovered! If I bent down long enough she’d jump on my back and sit between my shoulders… liked to lay on my chest with her nose touching mine but her fave spot was draped around my shoulders, head and front legs one side of my head and hind legs the other side! I could walk around the house doing all sorts of stuff with her in that spot, purring like crazy! :joy:


A new addition to my studio … this is Uma, very young and stray mum was struggling to care for her litter …



Puzzle time!


That looks like a fun puzzle! Do you have a link/know the name of it?

If you turned this thread into a book, THAT would be the cover.

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got a friend that saves cats & also foxes, coz richs buy their fur :((((((((((

@LyingDalai tell your cat we have already 3 cats! He seems really confident, it was the first time I saw him, I could approach easily to take pictures.

I took him outside, he didn’t react particularly. Apparently a cool cat.

Other cats coming in our place are usually very afraid, once one jumped up to the ceiling!


Today I met my neighbor, that explained me that my cat Kuro has a second life there, under the name “Poupouille”.

I would love to have a GPS on my cat, just to track his adventures…


There is a BBC report in an English village, from memory, on the territory,
the families visited and all the movements of all the cats,
including gps technology. I would try to find him on occasion. :cat2:

I think it’s this one but I can’t find the complete version:
“the secret life of cats”


This is Lucky. He’s nearly one. He’s technically a “rescue” cat but he’s not from a bad home, they just gave him up because they didn’t have outside space. We have a lovely big garden and it’s very green where we live so he can roam around.

Had cats all through my childhood then left home and didn’t have any for 20+ years. Just got this one at 41 after my wife fell in love with the neighbours cat. She’s never had a pet before and she can’t quite process the overwhelming feelings of love she’s having for the cat! He’s very affectionate and now he’s settled in he falls asleep on our laps, lays around being stroked for hours, comes running to see us when we come home etc.

He’s awesome!


Freddie :heart:


Brilliant educational docu. Watched it at the time. There was a follow up docu based on a suburban street and the cats that live there. Think it was in Bristol from memory.

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I have a similar thing going on here. There’s been a stray Tom living around here for at least 10 years. He’s mates with my cat; she runs to the door if he’s in the garden, they do the nose to nose thing they spend the day together. She lets him in the house and only bothers (she’ll whap him with a paw!) when he tries to eat from her bowl. I feed him when he’s around.

Thing is I got chatting to a couple of my neighbours and they used to feed him too. Not just that but where as he’s called Tommy by me my over the road neighbour calls him Socks on account of his white lower legs!

He’s looking pretty shabby these days sadly. I’ve tried to get him to stay indoors here but he’s not interested. Free spirit and all that. It’s unusual for a stray to live as long as him, he’s been in some real scrapes over the years, judging by the state he’s turned up some days.

Here he is enjoying a lazy Sunday


So, I found this little girl trying to cross a very busy street here in Houston last Thursday morning. I had to block two lanes of traffic with my truck, but was able to grab her. The vet said she’s 4-5 weeks old and healthy so far. Meet Isabelle…