Chase Bliss effects pedals

As has probably already been said, OG Mood owners might pick up a second OG mood instead in the firesale and end up with 2xOG>1NG


cute video. I thought was going to go all full human scale Wes Anderson for a second there.
definitely getting the bubblegum vibes from there new colour scheme.
never tried a mood but was always keen, stereo is a nice add.



Good thing Tom Majeski is so good at creating software emulations of audio artefacts :slight_smile: That is actually quite funny, Chase Bliss creating a software-based pedal that emulates the analog imperfections of an earlier, mostly digital Chase Bliss pedal.

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depends on your mood :wink:

I love my Mood pedal and recorded a lot of music that i really like with it. I wonder if i could achieve the same sound with the new version. I definitely would enjoy stereo and clock sync. But we don’t know how that works yet. If i could sync it up to other devices via midi i would seriously consider getting the new version.

Anyone ordered any Chase Bliss pedals to the UK before?

I’ve just ordered the Mood MKII, and paid $488.90 - which is £402, and that included 50% of the VAT upfront at $39.90 (£33).

I’m not up on import customs/duty/vat charges with all this Brexit crap of late. How much more will I have to fork out when it arrives? :slight_smile:

Soundgas in the UK have a “brand new, boxed, unused” Tonal Recall Blue Knob and Tonal Recall Red Knob if anyone’s interested.

Can someone that pre ordered from the US tell me if they charge you on pre order or when it ships?
I think Chase Bliss does it on pre order but can’t remember

They charged me on pre-order for my GL MkII if I remember right.

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Charged immediately upon ordering.

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They charged me straight away on pre-order

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Made a comment over on thegearpage about midi note mode and Joel said it’s probably the best thing they’ve ever done as a company. That’s a pretty bold claim from such an innovative company, really excited for this and all the other midi goodness.

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what would you all say is the best Mood mk2 hardware rival besides the mk1 version?

It’s weird… the color and design are really putting me off on the MKII

I say weird, because this stuff doesn’t usually bother me.

I think the look of the OG MOOD was perfect. I was actually sad trading it away and keeping the all-black one (but I love blackouts).

There’s just something about this one that I really don’t like. It’s not the color… but the design against that color I find irritating. That’s never been a reaction of mine.

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Yeah I must say I aint digging the purple - loved the look of the blackout edition

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chase bliss is really hit and miss when it comes to the aesthetics… great company who’ve taken too much of my money but they’re def not afraid to take ugly risk


That was one of things that popped in the video. That short clip when someone is playing the Mood with a keyboard, it really got my attention.

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