Chase Bliss effects pedals

Try this link:

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Solid decision. I‘ve considered buying one for that purpose, but worry about charging, latency, etc. I’ve got ten pedals and I use about half of them regularly. The other half could vanish and I’d never know it.

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I always get excited by Chase Bliss pedals but then always come to the conclusion that the octatrack can pretty cover all the fancy loopy/buffer playback stuff so I talk myself out of them.

Am I way off the mark? Is it worth going for the habit/mood/blooper when I already have an OT?


Yeah, that works! Thank you!

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Well, guess that’s me then. Bit confused about purchasing direct to the UK though: EU site forwards to the US one for me: surely you don’t have to order from the US instead of EU?

I don’t think the price on US store includes VAT though. If you take the $ price on US store + 20% VAT + 2% import duty it works out about the same as the price in the EU store.

So yeah, they are expensive, but I don’t think you are paying “extra VAT” because you are in the UK.

Looks like you have to. But the price works out about the same as the EU store.

Yeah seems that way. Wasn’t so much the possible price differences but the irrationality of getting it flown all the way from the US when Amsterdam is just… right over there. Purchased in any case: I made so much music with Mood, and after deciding to get rid of most pedals and outboard gear to double down on my modular, Mood was one of the only survivors.

I am lightly amused that a lot of the new features are ‘correcting’ ‘problems’ that for my money are exactly what makes the Mood so good: who doesn’t want that crunchy goodness at the low sample rates??? But having more options is very cool. Looking forward to seeing more about how MIDI clock works, because that doesn’t feel like it could possibly interact correctly with the whole clock rate aspects. Also hoping they incorporated the bit of feedback I gave to them about having a proper dry kill mode that doesn’t require the pedal volume to be maxed out :crossed_fingers:


Yeah, presumably in this case it has to do with administrative logistics not physical location logistics.

The manual is also up btw, and it’s a very exciting read Does feel like almost every tiny gripe I had with the original pedal (and they’re all tiny gripes, it’s the best pedal ever) has been addressed in some way.

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I’m actually hype as f@ck after that video!

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I previously downplayed my excitement over the stereo (I think this is partially due to spending years appreciating the mood for what it was without having stereo). The being said having the spread/stereo width option for the wet channel and specifically slip is very exciting. Slip rules.

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Haha dammit!

Would you mind elaborating a bit? I’m thinking the OT can record into a buffer, then LFo through the recording, pitch/reverse etc etc
Is it a workflow kind of thing?

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Ummmm, also is there a shipping date for the new one yet?

does that video actually sound good to you guys?


The hot dog sold me.



guess I’ll have another listen after lunch, I wasn’t overwhelmed